list of account on "ignore list" 2/2

in curation •  6 years ago  (edited)

Sorry for the mentions,

If your name was there it's most likely because you're selling your vote through Smartmarket or Minnowbooster.
EDIT: The source of error was found, Many people using Steemauto voting trails were mistaken as having sold their vote via Minnowbooser.

This is something that was added to today's last update to the list and did not affect previous results from

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stupid Wale ;-)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

While I understand that errors do occur, if one is to engage in something as serious as issuing a blacklist, there should be checks in place to avoid false accusations. Many of the mentions on the list are people who always write quality posts and have NEVER sold a single vote. They did not deserve to be accused of having done so.

You're right, blacklist was a bad choice of words, it's just a list, the scope is limited to being ignored by calculation.


Black listed by who?
steem organic is BS

You're selling via Smartmarket

If you think SM is doing anything unethical or "criminal" then why don't you go after Smartmarket instead?

Because he can't afford to, so he targets accounts that have less value than his own.

I'm selling my vote? Then someone owes me money.

There's a shitload of legit curators and authors on this list. Muting steem organic since it's useless apparently

These posts look like spam to be honest

Yeah, lots of people I know - including myself!

Without voting - the only thing that creates rshares - Steem would be in even more serious trouble.

The "social blockchain" legend passed a long time ago - give it up - the social fabric is being built now, on top of the Steem financial blockchain.

(sorry @alexvanaken, that wasn't aimed at you, is probably the preamble to a post.)

Either there's a lot of mistakes or there's a lot of people you didn't know were selling their votes.

How is that a crime? Think before you post. All these people are managing their accounts the best they can.

Please tell me why we should count paid vote in ?

please tell me who the hell should care about and why someone who delegates 250k SP to a bidbot thinks he has the right to pass judgement?

and yes, as I stated on another post, I do allow smartmarket to use my VP when it moves above 85%. That means I'm temporarily inactive. Otherwise I'm actually reading and upvoting content which keeps it below 85%

How much actual curating... you know finding real content and reading it do you do while you sit on your ivory throne?

When the list is done right it provides good results. even if currently it can include the manual vote of people who only sometime sell their vote.
Blacklist was a bad choice of words, it's just a list, the scope is limited to being ignored by calculation


It’s just another lame attempt at creating more inflation on stuff nobody reads.

need an APPLAUSE token here!

It almost looks like an attempt to ruin good posters reputations...

It looks like a lot of mistakes!

Yes there was


and yet no real apology,
"You were most likely selling your vote"
Another mistake on your behalf!

If people, "we didn't know" were selling their votes.. why target us?

A great addition to the blockchain 👍

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Todays update to the list mistakenly added some people using voting trail such as Steemauto as selling their vote. It'll be fixed. Sorry for the mention

Maybe we've been hacked 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Just like @null.promoted.

I’d be curious if this persuades anyone to stop vote selling. Personally I prefer manual curation but if you’re on vacation or busy with work it can be hard to keep voting so I can see the benefits. I’m guessing getting on a blacklist like this won’t outweigh the benefits of vote selling but maybe I’m wrong.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Considering the dude that is so butthurt is actually buying votes, how does this even make sense?

Buying and selling votes and on the list. Not butthurt though.


If you put yourself on the list that’s fair enough.

Who is buying votes?

Posted using Partiko iOS

@transisto... The OP

20190809 2.png

20190809 3.png

Buying votes, and receiving daily payouts from

"accounts that let you purchase votes"

I’m guessing he’d argue the account he’s buying votes for is different than the ones he’s blacklisting. I’d be interested to hear the argument tbh.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The promobot account is on the list, it only affect the listing calculation for


We will know we have won the bidbot war when nobody chooses to use them,...
Smartmarket was/is a way to obscure vote selling because that is good for steem. o.0
I will be as happy to see the last of them as I was to see utopian go.

Yes, smartmarket could be more transparent, there is a ton of processing required to detect who actually voted and apparently we still can't figure it out for minnowbooster. (hence the mistakes)

Thank you for tagging me and making me aware of your shit project!

Love watching people throw stones behind their faulty bots!

People like you are contributing to the decline of steem.
Congratulations, you just earnt my first ever downvote!

You should check out his other project, @null.promoted. It gets better.

You know that you can reverse promobots votes for 10% of the cost?

Memo: reverse url
You'll be refunded the difference

Is it only 10% now? Definitely better than the old 50%.

But seriously though.

With 10% it's less than the curation lost from the reversal so I think it's far to charge at least that.

Seriously what?



Every time I check this post it changes. You dig yourself into a deep hole and now you change your words to make it all better. I have come to the conclusion that some people cannot write quality posts, they just happen to get in early so they are whales. They do not have anything better to do than to harass people. There were many names on your list(s) with high reputation scores, which they did not get by accident.

Doesn't anyone know how to test things out before they launch it and cause this kind of issue.

Steemauto votes were mistaken for minnowbooster votes.
Go make a tool that reverse engineer the post signer and you'll find out it's near impossible due to technical reasons.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

downvoted for getting me all excited, but then not :(



I do not sell my votes!!! I manually vote on everything!!

We will know we have won the bidbot war when nobody chooses to use them,...
Smartmarket was/is a way to obscure vote selling because that is good for steem. o.0
I will be as happy to see the last of them as I was to see utopian go.

What list and what is this?

Posted using Partiko Android

I see you have stated the cause of the error but I would like to state for the record. I do not sell my votes

Why is @stef1 on this blacklist ?

what is this about?

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Exactly what I do

Upvoted so others see your comment aswell !

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Self-Voted for visibility.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  6 years ago (edited)

edit: my apologies, @transisto claims he's going after smartmarket users. Like that's a crime. No better things to do.

I can tell you exactly why - he's going after anybody who uses an autovoter.

Now, Steem has some very serious problems, and excessive upvoting is not one of them. Imagine the inflation rate if all the automata stopped... dead...right now.

Lots of decent steemians on this black(head)list.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

What problem does autovoting present? The authors I autovote consistently produce quality content. I can't be online all the time, so autovoting makes sure I continue to support them. I don't know what smartmarket is.

Autovoting isn't a problem for calculation

You delegate to services that sell their votes and you also buy upvotes.
You fucken hypocrite!
20190809 2.png

I thought Smartmarket was dead.....