Acupressure is a medicinal technique that belongs to one of the branches of traditional Chinese medicine, where acupuncture and acupressure are also found
Stress that is not diagnosed early can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. The focus on these pressure points is often referred to as acupressure, a healing art used in oriental medicine.
These are the 8 pressure points that will reduce stress in seconds, press gently for 20 seconds.
Ear. This point is the best point to relieve stress in the body, according to some experts. Massage to this place with a cotton swab or even a feather, and breathe slowly and deeply during the massage.
The chest. Center of the chest tip is very effective in providing relief from anxiety and emotional fog-rolling. Use three fingers to massage this point. This will help calm the nervous system.
Stomach. Many reflexologists prefer to use this point because it helps to create movement that releases the thorax and diaphragm, which improves the breathing process.
Patients with this treatment instinctively take deep breaths and almost always have a feeling or relief.
Forearm. Inside elbow point is very effective in relieving anxiety, anguish in the chest. Apply pressure on the elbow points inside, both in one arms to one to get relief from anxiety.
The Palm. This point is located in one of the most important meridians (an energy channel), which affects the heart, liver and pancreas. The moment you press on this place, you will feel the evaporation stress.
The calves. The application of pressure to the point increases this and regulates the flow of energy, relieves fatigue and helps increase concentration. Apply pressure for 1 minute and move to the next point.
The foot. : This point is on the side of the inside of the foot. The application of pressure at this point helps the integral nutrition and balanced circulation of energy throughout the body and mind, helps relieve the mind of worries and anxiety.
Finally, it also helps relieve ankle pain.
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Exelente post la acupuntura cada vez ha ido tomando más importancia esperemos que en un futuro todo el mundo sepa algo de acupuntura para así poder curarse uno mismo varias enfermedades
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