The Community Curators are Back…

in curatorteamapplication •  2 years ago  (edited)

Those of you who have been on the platform for more than a year or so will remember when the Community Curators were first introduced.

Initially the @steemcurator04-08 accounts were given to different Community Curators each month to support creators in their particular areas of interest.

Then as the Country Representatives began to grow in number the curator accounts were handed over to them to help develop the presence of Steem in their countries and regions.

Now as most country communities have managed to build up their own curation accounts, we feel it is good time to go back to the original Community Curator model for the @steemcurator04-08 accounts.

This will widen the reach of the curation accounts and give more people the opportunity to get involved in larger scale curation.

The New Community Curator Teams

We are looking for the Curator Accounts to be managed by teams of up to 7 people.

Within each team we would like to see a diversity of nationality and language.

Ideally there will be a curation team for each of these main themes…

  • Arts - art, photography, music, poetry, creative writing...

  • Finance, Business & Crypto...

  • Lifestyle - health, fitness, sport, leisure, food, gardening, travel...

  • Science, Technology & Computing...

  • Life & Humanity - including the Diary Game, acts of kindness, charity...

Curation teams can be made of people that are already involved in running existing communities, as well as people who are not.

We do not want teams made up of people just from one community.

Every member of a Curation Team must be committed to at least #club5050, and ideally #club75 or #club100. Preference will be given to teams with most members doing #club75 or #club100.

How to Apply as a Curation Team

Prospective Curation Teams should appoint a Team Leader who should make a post including…

  • Which of the five themes above they would like to curate for.

  • Details of the team members (nationality, languages, time active on Steem, #club status).

  • Why they would make a good curation team.

  • Anything special about how they will do their curation to ensure the widest reach.

  • How they will ensure they will not vote for any posts with plagiarised content.

Keep posts brief and easy to follow. Include the tag #curatorteamapplication.

Applications can be made in any language.

Posts should be submitted by 11.59pm UTC, on Wednesday, January 26th, 2022.

How will Curation Teams be rewarded

Every day the teams will be allowed to allocate one full vote to a member’s post - ideally in rotation.

In total therefore no more than 10% of the account’s voting power should be used on team members each week.

Additionally each week one member should post a report for the team in the Steem POD community with a list of their top 7 posts, with a brief note of why each post was chosen.

These posts can either be done in rotation, week by week, or they can set beneficiaries to be shared with other members of the team.

The posts will be voted by @steemcurator01.

And finally…

While these are guidelines, rather than hard rules, we are hoping the Curation Teams will favor posts that are #steemexclusive and following at least #club5050.

Plagiarism of any kind will of course not be tolerated.

The plan is to rotate the Curation Teams every month. Although some teams who are performing particularly well may be invited to continue the following month.

To give more impact to the Community Curator program, the Steem Power on the @steemcurator accounts is being increased from 250,000 SP to 500,000 SP.

We hope many people will be interested in this new opportunity.

And we look forward to reading the applications.

The winning Curation Teams will be announced by the end of the month, with a view to starting at the beginning of February.

We would also like to thank all the Country Reps who have done so much work curating with the @steemcurator accounts over the past year or so. Country Reps are, of course, all welcome to apply as part of the new Community Curator teams.

The Steemit Team

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Remember to chose your team members wisely...

  • from different countries
  • speaking different languages
  • from different communities
  • having skills, experience or expertise in at least one of the topics in your chosen curation theme.

And ideally make sure as many as possible of your team members are doing #club75 or #club 100.

Another great initiative by steemit team. I'm also trying to make a good team. I'm making team for

Lifestyle - health, fitness, sport, leisure, food, gardening, travel...

If any one interested can text me on discord suboohi#9678

Hello. I wrote you a message. I hope you still have a place. I would like to be in this group especially since it is about food.

Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

I will love to join your team

Hi @suboohi. New to steemit
Was wondering if there is still a stop on ur team. I can add great value for travel

Hello friend, if you still have vacancy to join your team let me know, I sent you a friend request to the discord.

hello @suboohi. i would also be like to your work group

I sent you a friend request. I would be happy to be in your team. Hope there’s room for me 🤞

Hello sir @steemcurator01

Can we from the new community join this program?

We have just formed a new community on Steemit, the Steem-Environment Community the name is, a community that works to save the environment.

I admire this community because it has a background about caring for the environment. Steem Environment is more specific in giving a positive influence in building public awareness of the importance of preserving the environment for saving the earth. 100 subscribers and 32 active posters in 2 months is something amazing

Remember to chose your team members wisely…

You too !
Best regards Atego

Hearing about this new initiative I think this is great step by the team and I truly believe in it and I believe that many people coming together and forming a team can help all kind of people as I see there are so many people out there they need help they need guidance and then it support many people they came and just went back because they got no support and it's not anyone's fault because there was no one to guide them on how everything works out there are some really amazing writers out there and their still doing some great work but they go and not is because people don't look at their work and I believe by this strategy they will get some recognition I know so many people they need recognition and support on the platform

I would love to be a part of this new initiative anyone wants to be a part of my team please let me know you can discord me Aziz ul hassan#7833

iam from pakistan

I want to join your team, I'm from Indonesia. discord saifuddin#0359

i replied there

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Que buena propuesta, espero que con esta nueva organización de los equipos de curación por temas en específico, se logre apoyar a una gran cantidad de steemians.
Saludos. 🤗

How should a simple author act in accordance with the new rules in order to earn the attention of curators and moderators:

  • Should he be a member of any community?
  • whether he must be a member of clubs #club5050, #club75, #club100 ?
  • Should he add additional tags to his posts?

Preference will be given to those who are members of the 50/75/100 club. About the tags, I think, they will inform you additionally when the selection of groups takes place.

Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

good afternoon. Greetings, since I've been in the 5050 club, I've never had a visit from you @steemcurator01

Hello sir, my friends and I in Indonesia are waiting for the open Recruitment or Promoters Application to open. The term is like this, I suggest that Promoters in various countries do not escape the attention of the Steemit Team.

According to the fashion I'm currently in, I myself am more actively promoting in Indonesia. Especially in the province of Aceh, there are lots of active Steemit users who contribute to several Steem communities. So we will continue to invite youth and community leaders to join Steemit.

I really appreciate and appreciate what has been programmed by the Steemit Team, so I will continue to follow developments and join superior programs. As I have supported various communities and posted #steemexclusive content publications. I hope I can be more consistent and can make various programs that are useful for many people. My hope is that the Steemit Team also supports active users who voluntarily promote #Steem and #Steem so that the Steem ecosystem gets better.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Me parece una metodología bastante interesante, me gustaría formar parte de algún equipo, sobre todo en la parte de "Artes - arte, fotografía, música, poesía, escritura creativa".
Hablo español, soy de Venezuela, participo activamente en el #club5050. Mi reputación es de 70, soy Triple Delfín. Soy Fundador de la comunidad #scouts.
Estoy armando un equipo.


  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Armando el equipo para:

Artes - arte, fotografía, música, poesía, escritura creativa

Por el momento estamos:

01 @fjjrg (Venezuela)
02 @bellana (Argentina)
03 @frankingcol (Venezuela)
04 @kingporos (India)
05 @lopzdaniel (Venezuela)
06 @oneldoors (Argentina)

si alguien más se desea agregar. puede escribir por aquí.

Mi Telegram es @fjjrg

*Hola apreciado @fjjrg encantada de ver su postulación a contribuir con un buen equipo de curación, me gustaría apoyar en su gran visión en Artes - arte, fotografía, música, poesía, escritura creativa, agradezco su empatía y valoración por mi apoyo.


Gracias señor, estoy listo para unirme y nominarme en el equipo para el candidato a curador de aplicaciones.

Es divertido para mí, y también me gusta el tema "Artes: arte, fotografía, música, poesía, escritura creativa... ¡Estoy listo!

Mi discordia es bangmimi#5595


Terimakasih pak, Saya siap bergabung dan mencalonkan diri di tim untuk calon Kurator Aplication.

Bagi saya itu menyenangkan, dan saya juga suka tema "Arts - art, photography, music, poetry, creative writing... Saya siap!

Discord saya bangmimi#5595

Hola! Puedo ayudarte con tu equipo.

Buenas tardes, saludos, tienes telegram? el mío es

De qué país eres y qué idiomas hablas?

Gracias, pero ya lo tenemos. ¡Que tengas un buen día!

Amazing idea steemit team, thanks for all these opportunities.
I was part of those old days in which theses curators were doing their best, I am willing to be part of any team.
If anyone want my services at their team contact me on discord,
Country: Pakistan
Languages: Fluent in English, Urdu, and Pushto.
Club: Club75
Theme : Arts - art, photography, music, poetry, creative writing...
I am available as janemorane 🧚🏻♀#6505

Buenas tardes, tienes telegram?
El mío es @fjjrg

Hola yo Estoy disponible en Discord, puedes contactarme por allí. janemorane 🧚🏻♀#6505

Buenas tardes amiga @janemorane, El equipo está casi conformado, nos encantaría tenerla con nosotros, sim embargo no manejamos discord sino Telegram, el equipo ya tiene Telegram.


Si nos puede contactar a la brevedad posible le agradecemos.

Saludos amigo me gustaría formar parte de tu equipo, que debo hacer? Este es mi telegram @lopzdaniel

Buenas tardes amigo @lopzdaniel
Sí claro

Muchas gracias 🙏

Hi, am ready to work with you.
Nationality: Nigeria
Language: English
Interests: Fitness, health and wellness

Buenas, estamos buscando para artes, música y literatura.
Muchas gracias

Ok thanks

Genial idea amigo, seguro será un buen equipo, los apoyo=)

Me gustaria estar en vuestro equipo si aún hay vacante!!

Buenas amigo @frankingcol, claro que sí, si todavía está interesado


Sí desea hacer equipo para la parte de Artes - arte, fotografía, música, poesía, escritura creativa...

Si me gustaría amigo, cual es el proximo paso?... podemos ponernos en contacto directo?

Buenas tardes @frankingcol, saludos.
Mi telegram es @fjjrg
mi whatsapp +58424-6003069

Hola amigo y nosotros los nuevos podemos participar me encantaría formar parte de esta nueva iniciativa.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Excellent friend, I'm sure he would make a great team and work

Hi, this is exactly what Steemit needs, the curation accounts being used in a properly way… Congratulations Steemit team, and thanks for giving us more oportunities.

Count with my postulation I’ll collect a team,

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Your application is excellent, I would love to be part of your team, it is a great initiative for the creation of various contents. I would like to be part of the "arts" team. I have the best wishes and encouragement to grow and give my best and support this new initiative that would help the platform and all users to create new and quality content.


Me gustaría ser parte del equipo
discord boris5070

Hi, I would love to be part of your team if you’d have me.

Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

wow really it is great change , i 100% agree, so i will try my best to create my team, yeah welcome to my team, who is ready to join my team ,, i think it is great change, i would like to share my past experience as curator ans present also,, in many project, nice ,, boom boom steemit

I agree with you .

Lifestyle - health, fitness, sport, leisure, food, gardening, travel..

We will have 7 curators from seven countries working together in this category.

Inshah Allah dear

Hi Assalamualaikum @yousafharoonkhan, I have sent you a friend request


Yes sir @yousafharoonkhan i am here for your team.

Hi!!! How are You?? @albaandreina, @yancar and my person we want to make a team. What do You think??

Discord id

isgledys#4585 this is my Discord ID


Yes that is really great initiative and I am very positive to work together in the regards.

I will like to join your team
Am from Ghana
This is my discord ID


@yousafharoonkhan hello,I would love to join your team. I hope this message meets a slot still available for me. Hope to hear from you.

I am ready to be part of your team .

my discord #yousafharoonkhan#8913

Hello sir of you want I can join from India

My discord if You still looking isgledys#8545 wey are three feom Venezuela, one Nigeria and one indonesia

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Can't find you on discord mam can you text me I am monz#7477 on discord

Good to see your participation, I am sure you will execute this very well with your valuable experience. best of luck.

@yousafharoonkhan Assalamualaikum sir, If you need any member for your team please contact me. This is my discord Id seapearl#3916 thank you.

Hello friend, if you still have vacancy to join your team let me know, I sent you a friend request to the discord.

Hello @yousafharoonkhan, do you still have a space? I'm readily available and give a great support as a team member.
Nationality: Nigeria
Language: English
Interests: Fitness, health and wellness

Hello, this is a great initiative because I think that this will further diversify the scope of support from steemcurators.

I would like to be part of the Arts team, we will be looking for a good team to make our application.

Estoy seguro que conformaras un excelente equipo de trabajo.

Muchas gracias, eso espero 😊🌻

Suerte amiga


Hi!! Did you already set up your team?

Yea.. my discord inspiracion#0799

I would love to part of your team

oh thank you, we are fill

I love art, and I want to join with your team if you don't mind sista,...
Here my discord @liasteem#7660

Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

Seems like a very interesting initiative. Let's find some team members 😀

I am making a team for

Life & Humanity - including the Diary Game, acts of kindness, charity...

If you are interested you can hit me up at discord

huzaifa naveed#3023

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Dear @huzaifanaveed1, I'd like to join you, if you need it. Maybe You can make a good work team. Thanks You.

Yes sure. Please text me on discord

huzaifa naveed#3023

My Discord : tucsond#1590

I would like to be part of your team if there is any space available let me know I am from Venezuela

Hey thank you for showing your interest. I'm so sorry there are no vacancy left at the moment. I know you're a very competitive and talented person as I read your posts, you'll surely find a good team. 😀😀

@elianisa09 can you please text me on telegram @huzaifanaveed

Or discord

huzaifa naveed#3023

I'm ready to be part of your team mate

Please text me on discord

huzaifa naveed#3023


I have send you a Friend request on discord with my username chiabertrand#3709

I would love to be part of your team if you have any vacancy.

Please text me on discord

huzaifa naveed#3023

Sent you a request😁

Hi @huzaifanaveed1 i'd like to join you. If you want then I present.

Hello friend, if you still have vacancy to join your team let me know, I am Venezuelan.

On it, let's collect the team!

It seems that one user can be only in one team, so I already have all the people in my group.

Sorry, all users who texted me here and on discord are amazing and we could make 4-5 teams all together, but the rules are clear - one person, one team :) good luck to everyone! You all are the best ♥️

I think it's very good, if there is one blank can I join you @papi.mati

Add me in your team

Me too! In case count me in, maybe we can ask the others steem.skillshare admins from all over the world to create a very inclusive team, we can talk on discord if you wish

@papi.mati, @milakz, I also want to join a team.
If there's a vacants place..

@antorv - do you have discord? It would be great to work with you!

i'll try to install on my home laptop and will find you few hours later
can't install on my working PC(

@papi.mati, I am sorry, I will not apply, new circumstances 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sorry again to confuse you

Hello @papi.mati, I am the founder of #colombia-original and country representative for Colombia. If there is space I would like to join.

Lovely - please text me on discord:


Hello @papi.mati I'm from Indonesia. Can I be part of your team.

My discord amryksr#1098

I would like to support you.

Add me up Sir

Hi @papi.mati have you made your team

Waoo me too it's great @papi.mati

the team that you formed, is a very strong team @papi.mati thank you for everything I hope this change can run smoothly in 2022, success always for your tin sir

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Después de leer y releer puedo ver qué cómo siempre debemos adaptarnos a los cambios hasta dar con el que realmente funcione, y este cambio nos dará la oportunidad de ver nuestros post almenos con algún voto diferente a 0 en el caso de todos los post que terminan así, eso claramente está esperando que los que manejen las cuentas cada mes sean personas justas, y estoy segura que si forman equipos entre personas que no sean amigos se hará un buen trabajo ya que tendrán puntos de vista diferentes y te darán como objetivo apoyar los mejores contenidos de mayor calidad, algo que hace mucha falta ahora mismo en steemit, de esa manera nos animaremos a crear más y mejores contenidos con la esperanza de que serán valorados y steemit volverá a ser la gran plataforma de los mejores contenidos bien vistos.

Me alegra mucho que @steemcurator01 y @steemcurator02 seguirán apoyando el resto de los contenidos lo que sigue dando más oportunidad de apoyo para todos los usuarios.

Me encantaría apoyar a algún equipo pero por lo que entendí deben tener más de un año y apenas llevo 8meses, así que mientras tanto seguiré dedicada a crear contenidos variados y de calidad y así poder cumplir con mi primera meta de delfín, que sera pronto ya que voy por los 3mil en mi próximo encendido del primero de febrero y con este nuevo cambio estoy segura llegaré muy pronto y más porque estoy decidida a seguir en mi #club75 .

GRACIAS @steemitblog y @steemcurator01 y @steemcurator02 por siempre buscar mejorías en Pro del beneficio de la plataforma y de sus usuarios.

There is no time requirement for curators.

Ohh!!!! Que bueno entonces, gracias por esta respuesta y éxito en esta nueva dinámica del proyecto de curación.

Hi. Can I join the curator team?

Any participant can be a member of a team applying to become curators. But you must be a member of #club50/75/100, now I see that you are not in the club.

I tried many times to get support from steemcurators. But never got any support in this whole Steemit carrier😅 that's why I gave up being demoralized. I don't think I will ever get support from them.

What I get support here is only a dedicated person and I do Economics research work him, get paid by him, that's all.

My last 7 days' earnings were 8.292 SBD which is 106.675 Steem. But I have Powered Up 106 Steem just now.

So, am I eligible for the club? or still, disqualified?

Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

Hola amigo ! Ok lo contactaré por si aún no ha completado su equipo ! Muchas gracias por escribirme .

Hola amiga, ya tienes equipo?

Hola mi bella 😘 aún no !

This new modalities is very great for most Communities to grow. There would be more catchment of Communities and encouragement of many Steemians to support the club5050. If that happens, it would go a long way to support @steemcurator01 accounts of voting others posts with club5050 Initiative.

I also thank @steemitblog for increasing @steemcurator account from 250,000 to 500,000 Steem power. Thanks so much 😃

Would you like to join our team?

Yeah, it that lifestyle? We now have:

@oppongk do you have telegram? Let's team up.

Yes this is my telegram link: Oppong

Hi @anasuleidy still I haven't heard from you. It's left with 2days. Let meet @felicita11

This is also my Discord: oppongk#0087

Hi everybody! Music and creative writing are really my professional spheres, I would like to join the art team, if there's an opportunity. I am from Russia, fluent English

Coincido contigo en lo de escritura, estoy formando un equipo para artes.

That's very good. Do you have telegram?

Buenas noches, mi telegram es @fjjrg

Please find me in telegram. I am @telovshlyape

Me too. I am covering this topic. Do you have vacancy?

Написала в личку

Yo también soy músico y desde muy niña es una de las fuerzas más positivas que he tenido en mi vida, llegar a cada corazón con actividades relacionadas con la música, se estaría salvando muchas almas más aún en estos tiempos. La música no tiene fronteras y aquí en la plataforma hay mucho talento, me alegré cuando leí comenzando el post que estarán apoyando la música, oh Dios que alegría, gracias jejejejje.

Hi dear,,,

Music is my life, I like to read creative writing and art is my another passion. I'm really interested to join in Arts team if there is any opportunity. As I'm an Indian, I am fluent in Bengali , Hindi English and can set myself over any languages through translator's.

My discord id : isha.ish#1680

Hello friend, if you still have vacancy to join your team let me know, I am Venezuelan. my Telegram is @abiga554

Greetings, I think it is an excellent idea to diversify or update the healing system. I am glad that the Steemit team is concerned about supporting varied, original and good quality content.

I am at the order for any team that wants my service, as well as, to the Steemit team in what you need.

Good day everyone! I am gathering team. Write me!

Add me in your if you have vacancy

Hello! Which theme would you like to choose?

Life and humanity as well as crypto.

Please telegraph me: @greatketty

I have send you a message on telegram

@greatketty, ok, very nice!

Alright, Open to join if not complete yet.

Hello! Which theme would you like to choose?

Theme: Financial, Business, Crypto

What is your country? Please write me in telegramm: @greatketty.

Alright, you can checkout your telegram

Me gustaría ser parte del equipo
discord boris5070

Hello! Which theme would you like to choose?

Please write me in telegramm: @greatketty.

Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

I love changes @steemcurator01,

Back to the old method????.Lets see how it would be after the first one month.Truth is that lots of authors are getting discouraged due to lack of vote.I believe this method would be productive:it will favour all and not a few authors.Wish I would be in one of the teams.

Introduction of specific tags for each of the main themes would help the curators to locate authors post across the various countries so that the voting will go round to the teeming authors.

Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

I love this type of changes... So necessary, I would love to be part of a team of "Lifestyle", So I hope to become an active part of this new scheme.

@anasuleidy, we can create a new team Lifestyle together!

Great... my discord is anasuleidy#5497

@anasuleidy, can we communicate in telegram? my telegram, @felicita11

Mam our Telegram Group is.
I am moderator's in Steemit-Garden and our admin is @vipnata and her my telegram, @felicita11 by name.

@allahnawaz03, thank you very much for your help!

hi @hive-180821 i am here for our team.

Hi it great to see you in "lifestyle" I also love to be there so let's form team now:

I have :

@vipnata and we are chatting with @ngoenyi too.

@steemcurator01, please, did I understand correctly that there will be only 5 teams of 7 people? Does this mean that only 35 more people will receive support or will there be more teams? Will the curator supervise only his team? What kind of delegation will the curator receive?
I have a lot of curation experience and I could create such a team, but what will happen to thematic communities? Does the Steemit need them? Will communities be supported?

For this first month there will be 5 teams with up to 7 people in each - so a maximum of 35 curators.

Each team should nominate a Team Leader.

The Steem Power has also been doubled for all the accounts to 500K SP.

We will review after the first month to see if changes are needed.

Make a team or join a team !

Thematic communities will continue, and booming support for communities will continue.

We hope all communities will continue to build their own Steem Power to move towards self-reliance.

That's a great Initiative. Hope this new idea works successively. Let's find the team member🙂

thank you very much for your explanation. I could make a Lifestyle team!

May i join lifestyle team?

Todo cambio a merita una nueva adaptación, como cuando inicio el #club5050 #club75 y #club100, hubieron muchas quejas por falta de entendimiento y hasta miedo del proceso, pero fue una idea revolucionaria, que llevo a un crecimiento personal y a mayores delegaciones a las comunidades, esta nueva idea me parece buena y ordenada, solo basta crear los equipos y seguir creando contenido de calidad, felicidades y buen trabajo.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Greetings dear @steemitblog team. I am @zmoreno, moderator of Crypto.Kids, and part of the #club5050 since its inception. Since the creation of this club, I have used all the support from my posts to strengthen my account as a whole, making minimal withdrawals. I dedicate 100% of my effort to Steemit. I am Venezuelan, I know how to write very well in English and Spanish, the two languages I speak.

I love this new initiative to support the posts according to different topics, and I am excited to be part of some team, especially Life & Humanity - including the Diary Game, acts of kindness, charity, since it is my preference to read this kind of posts and help people who need it. I currently collaborate with the #worldsmileproject, program to address international emergencies, with 50% of my earned rewards.

I have experience managing the Crypto.Kids curator account and using Steem's tools to verify club compliance. I love to read and am confident of a better Steemit future at the hands of @steemitblog.

I am willing to be part of some team. You can write me on my telegram: @isaveronica y a mi discord: zmoreno#5410

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

I am the founder of Steemit Azerbaijan, I have been at Steemit since 2017. I am sure we can do good things, whoever believes in himself can be with me, we are strong together.
Arts - art, photography, music, poetry, creative writing ...
Finance, Business & Crypto
my discord revan746 # 3855
telegram :

We need two mmbers un our team dor sciense mi discord isgledys#8545

It's wonderful to see these changes are necessary for the whole community to move new energies and stay active, I will apply for the Art theme, thanks to @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 for the opportunities that are created.... Let's be safe and happy!

Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

urm I feel like a family reunion, this post brings together almost all old steemian since the split 😄 good to see you all 🤗

Nice to see you here

Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

Dear @Steemcurator01 and @Steemitblog,

At first glance the proposal is very interesting. I have always believed that there is a great potential in Steemit, one more oriented to the purpose of quality and contribution, be it in a recreational, educational, photographic, musical, literary etc. sense. This is a great opportunity for that talent, hidden in the shadows, to finally come to light. However, I do have a few concerns...

How to guarantee that these groups are not mistakenly centralized to the exclusion of good content? I am a witness that in many communities the potential of some users is ignored, appealing to incorrect concepts of interaction and originality.

If the same people from the past control these groups, how will there be a real change? The criteria of a curator should be oriented towards generating an integrating environment, where the contents are useful for both Steemit users and those who are outside this platform. Good posts are still being ignored... and the same people are thinking of nominating themselves again? Under this point, I think that ethics and results must be considered in order to contemplate a really profitable future for the rise of content on Steemit.

There are so many things to take into account to generate real support, that many times I am terrified that this will fall into the wrong hands. Although, I believe that this path is important to generate a real change.

Good content is being left behind... I hope that this initiative really works... for my part, I would love for Creative Writing to take on more force on Steemit. In any case, my humble perception is open to any group where this category is promoted.

Discord: soldieroffantasy#9743

Everyone is free to make a team or join a team...

Thank you for your response, sir. You have encouraged me to create a team, so I will take this opportunity to make a call to all those users who love the arts in general: literature, photography, music, etc. to forge a team dedicated to searching these talents in Steemit, with an inclusive vision that helps the talent that really contributes genuine and quality content to this ecosystem.

  • Arts - art, photography, music, poetry, creative writing...

I'm a moderator for the Writing & Reviews community, I hate plagiarism and consider it my archenemy, I'm part of club75 and on my way to club100. If you are interested in being part of a change, leave your discord, write me

Discord: soldieroffantasy#9743

Hello friend, if you still have vacancy to belong to your team let me know, I am Venezuelan my discord abiga554#4404 I love photography and art.

Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

Okay. I will be happy to contact 👍

Thanks ♥️

Hello friend, if you still have vacancy to join your team let me know, I am Venezuelan.

  • Nationality : Pakistani
  • Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
  • Club status : Club75
  • Discord : event-horizon#5635
  • Interests : life and humanity, creative writing.

Contact me to discuss a team (:

Hi. I'm interested in lifestyle and humanities and I'm looking for a team to join. My Discord: zmoreno#5410

Hi! I tried to write you via discord - message wasn't possible (may be because no common server...)


Hello, I am looking for a team to be part of this Steemit Blog initiative.


Language: Spanish/English

Club: #Club75

Interests: Photography, Life and humanity.

If someone wants to contact me, they can do it through my Discord rafaelcmontero#6630 or Telegram rafaelcmontero

nothing has changed Club50/75/100👎👎👎 are not community conducive to hinder them and make the work difficult


  ·  2 years ago (edited)

@steemcurator01 I am at complete disposal to be part of the team of curators, cryptography, art, diary games, and social aid or any other topic I am from Venezuela I speak Spanish and Portuguese fluently. and I understand English. my native language is Spanish I am at your disposal for here I have the time required and I also investigate if they plagiarized or not the content and I always look for original creations of high value.

This represents an incredible initiative. Which will return the joyful spirit of interaction and content creation between authors.

I think this initiative is great.

I would love to be part of a team to support you In the field of photography, including in Lifestyle and life & humanity. I am a user who adapts to me, I have time and a great desire to do things well.


The diary game includes all topics, how to choose posts? In my opinion, the coverage of participants will be even less than with the previous scheme of work.

The groups should be multilingual.

So that the diary games will only be for the category "life and humanity". Or at least talk about a specific topic, like for example "a day of doing sports" XD It's confusing.

I think it is much better that the steemcurator accounts are used this way than the way the representatives were using it.

If you need someone in your group to cover the spanish language you can count on me. xD

but we had a right to use steemcurator accounts for the purpose of growing our community curation accounts. now it'll be impossible. and community curation accounts are still small and not powerful(
whatever, if that is decided already...

Members of Steem BRU are welcome to become part of any of the five new curation teams.

Oh yeah? we used to use it in a different way. XD It's decided anyway.

We had a completelly different approach in 05 for latin american users. We'd visit authors, not communities. That way, you avoid concentration over just a few communities (which has been happening with that last Communities of the Month program, I believe it was a drawback that wasn't even considered at first...) and you can still support all authors that perform a good job.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Our goal was to grow community curation account🤷🏼‍♀️ And rewarding authors who delegate a lot to community curaration account. Well, I don't know, I don't like this changes

I understand, but community accounts should be made large with delegations from community users. Well Steem BRU is an example of that.

They can apply the % beneficiary thing that many communities apply it in order to grow. And I guess the booming support will continue for the communities.

Yes, booming support will be continuing.

Hope for the best, anyway...

Will you apply, @fendit? Now I start to think I should join a team myself. As a Steem-BRU Rep, and Russian/Ukrainian native speaker

Hello @antorv, the accounts of the @booming support program will continue to support the communities, with that they will still be able to continue choosing publications from the main account to increase the voting power as they are doing now, so don't worry because you will be able to continue with the selection, they also have the support of @steemcurator01 that has helped them increase their Voting Power.

Why you writing this? We set it up already.

Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

I don't think that would work, too. Only national curators can fully understand the content of authors from their country

Members of Steem BRU are welcome to become part of any of the five new curation teams.

can each curator focus on the posts of the authors of their country?

I think curators should be multilingual so they can focus on their language, not their country. A language can cover several countries.

Anybody who is interested in the Science, Technology, Computing, Finance, Business, and Crypto niches can contact me on my discord.

Discord: ravigohel#3308

Country: India
Languages: English, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati

Club Status: #club100

Area of Interest:
1. Science, Technology & Computing
2. Business, Finance & Crypto

Joined Steemit on 09/2017

1. 5 Years of teaching experience (Science, Mathematics)
2. Studied Programming & Data Science.
3. Have created several websites for clients (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap)

I also want to join your team. I have sent you a friend request on Discord. My Discord ID is: steemdoctor1#7159

Yes @cryptogecko i am here for join this team

Hello @cryptogecko, seems like we share the same interest in science and technology. I studied mechanical engineering. I'm currently undergoing training in Artificial intelligence using python programming. Kindly check your discord for team up.

Do you have a team? I need one person on the topic "Finance, Business, Crypto". Message me if anyone is ready!Do you have a team? I need one person on the topic "Finance, Business, Crypto". Message me!

Las medidas y decisiones siempre deben estar orientas al crecimiento de todos, pienso que esta es muy buena porque los votos se masificaran, llegaran a más usuarios y permitirá un mejor crecimiento, esto siempre y cuando los 5 equipos que serán escogidos sean diversos, sean usuarios nuevos y viejos, usuarios con alto y bajo SP, usuarios de diferentes nacionalidades, si se da que los equipos están conformados por los mismos que ya han manejado estas cuentas curadoras será mas de lo mismo.

Pienso que cada club es importante, me encantaría poder pertenecer al club75 o al club100 pero mi situación económica no me lo permite, eso no quiere decir que no estoy comprometido con el crecimiento de mi cuenta y del ecosistema.

Aplaudo a @steemitblog @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02 mi sincero reconocimiento por su gran trabajo, pero espero su apoyo sea también masificado a todos, es necesario para seguir creciendo juntos.

Verán mi nombre en la postulación de un grupo.

Saludos y bendiciones desde Coro- Falcón, Venezuela.

Receive cordial greetings friends from Venezuela.

Teamwork is always the best, so I completely agree with this initiative. Since I started in April 2021 I have been active every day, I have established friendships with wonderful people, I have developed myself in various areas, I am a person who likes challenges and learns from everything.
I love originality and creating useful content for everyone.

Perhaps many people criticize the Clubs but just like this was something that was raised for the benefit of all and well unfortunately it did not go well for all as we thought, I hope that with this it will and I have faith that everything will be for the better.

So you can count on me.


An initiative that shows a lot of dynamics and the opportunity to work as a team with the aim of strengthening users.

As a Venezuelan, I believe in opportunities, in resilience and strengthening the platform with more satisfied users is key.

I am a lover of creative writing and literature. I work in the area of communication, science and lifestyle, I know I can make a difference by valuing great articles.

It would be an honor to be able to show my performance, hand in hand with my team.


Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

Hello, nice to meet you. I like your interests and abilities. I would love to learn more about gardening. a team would be nice.

I didn't speak English fluently but with the help of the translator I got by quite well. My mother language is Spanish.

Nice. It would be a good idea to vist older accounts from time to time too @steemitblog.
For example @ace108 , @germansailor, @armentor deserve much more attention.
It would be sad to see that @world-travel-pro and more accounts will go to Hive and leave the Steem Blockchain.

Both @world-travel-pro and @ace108 are powering down, so would not be eligible for votes from @steemcurator accounts.

Hello, Steemit Azerbaijan is the best growing community of recent months, why isn't support from SC1?

Anyway, it would it be wise to hold longterm beliver Steemians ;-)
@ace108 is over 5 years on the chain and does just a little power down.
Check his rewards and you know why.

awesome news for steemit community. hopefully, this little tweak in the game can help spread the curation love even better. all the best steemian!

Amazing idea steemit team, thanks for all these opportunities.
I was part of those old days in which theses curators were doing their best, I am willing to be part of any team.
If anyone want my services at their team contact me on discord,
Country: Pakistan
Languages: Fluent in English, Urdu, and Pushto.
Club: Club75
Theme : Arts - art, photography, music, poetry, creative writing...
I am available as janemorane 🧚🏻♀#6505

Everything has a good reason, and this is part of it. The applied strategies have all been favorable and this one, without a doubt, is. Contact friend.

Done friend!

We are forming a team for art in general, music and photography, where quality and originality are taken into account. If you are interested, write to my discord

Hello there!
Actually I am interested to be a part of your team, I couldn’t found you on discord please contact me on discord :
janemorane 🧚🏻♀#6505

Perfect 😁. I will contact you immediately! 🌟

¡Saludos!. Sabemos que los votos no estan garantizados pero hay muchas personas desanimadas y abandonando steemit porque sus publicaciones sobre un tema en especifico quedan en 0 en comparación con otras publicaciones donde la gente solo coloca 5 fotos de lo que hizo en el día (no tengo nada en contra del The diary game, es solo un ejemplo). Crear equipos de curación por tema es una muy buena idea, seguramente más usuarios se animaran a seguir creando contenido de calidad , ojala que los equipos de curación sean justos y no solo voten las publicaciones de sus amigos :)

Hello i am starrchris, i have been active for almost a year. I am the admin of a growing community, steempromoafrica.

I am #Club75
I am starrchris#6310 on Discord.
I'm from Nigeria
I speak and write English
I am available for anyone who needs me in their team

We are forming a team for art in general, music and photography, where quality and originality are taken into account. If you are interested, write to my discord

Ok i have

Very nice move with 2022, I love this, it will help quality content creators to grow their steempower too

I believe this new idea is a good way of promoting good quality content once again. I'm only afraid that people might use this approach on just trying to benefit their own communities rather than the whole Steemit platform itself. Will there be any check on this?

Loved the idea of multicultural teams, that will definitely provide a more organic and integral output on the work that's being done, as we will be able to cover a lot of users from all countries and languages.

Hi @fendit
I agree with you friend @fendit, that is what #steemit needs most to reactivate the publications with original and quality content .

Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

In which category could the women's stuff "make-up and more" be included?

Could one person be part of or apply from several teams?

I think a person who has found a team in a certain niche should stick to that particular niche and curate posts in that niche only. Handling more than one niche would be cumbersome.

I agree with you. and I think that we should use the proposed five topics, corresponding to the number of curatorial accounts.


People can only be in one chosen Curation Team. They could apply in more than one team - but only one of their teams would be chosen.

Wouldn't it be difficult to disqualify a team just because one of the member is part of another selected team?

That will be up to the teams to make that strategic choice of members.

Hopefully people will chose to join a team applying in a curation theme they have most knowledge of.

Yes, people will most likely join the teams with themes they have knowledge about. Otherwise, it would be difficult and unjust to curate something they don't know about.

Already trying to build a team. (:

Hello sir, may I ask a question?

is according to the translation, that everyone may join several teams to nominate themselves. But he will be selected for 1 team formation only, even though he won in 2 team formations.

If that's true, now I have been invited by friends in several countries and invited me to join. In this case I was confused to decide and had to communicate again with the prospective team leaders.

This question I ask for guidance and direction from the Steemit team, I don't want to disappoint many people who have put their trust in me. Thank you, we are waiting for your answer sir.

yes, this is very interesting) should I stick to only the indicated topics, or can I find 7 plant lovers and curate posts about plants? :)))

I look forward to seeing how it develops. And let's see what they say about some of the gaps.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

@knopka145 По растениям есть специальное сообщество, лучше всего посты писать там, получить делегацию от team Steemit и курировать в сообществе авторов.

Да, это я уже поняла:)
Спасибо, Наташа😊

@saracampero, we could make one LifeStyle team. Let's think, please.

I would love to. You can write to me privately.

Thanks for your reply. Please, my telegram: @felicita11

@vipnata want us to form a team of Community Curator for : Lifestyle: food, gardening....etc.
we have #oppongk Ghana, #elianisa09 (food community Venezuela), #toufiq777 Bangladesh, #allahnawaz03 Pakistan, #vipnata Italia,
Please contact us.
I want to contact you.
Please join us.

why don't you just delegate those 250k to best communities? I mean. their community curation accounts.

if our aim is in growing strong communities, not individual authors, then it'll be way better imho...

The aim is to support as wide a range of Steemians as possible not concentrate support in a few communities...

I don't believe i'll be more effective because #betterlife program failed... and we were doing so great with the community curaration account growing...

Thanks for the answer, anyways

I didn't think betterlife got failed

I've written few posts those times, none of them was supported. Same with posts of my community members

But lot of people got benefit from that.

Saludos! En esto estoy de acuerdo, hay muchos usuarios dando lo mejor cada dia y sus publicaciones no son alcanzadas por las cuentas de curacion, asi como hay otros que se retiraron desmotivados, estoy de acuerdo con estos anuncios, y espero que sepan elegir un buen equipo que piensen en el usuario como el que mantiene en movimiento la plataforma Steemit. Bencidiciones amigo @steemcurator01. 🌹

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

This happens to be another great initiative from @steemitblog. It does not come with wide Curation coverage to Steemians but as well ensures a process which removes rewarding the same set of people in a given community.

This may not go well with a good number of persons but it's good we try out this and know how it goes.

My thoughts

This can be done but let us see what this results in after a month and then pivot according to the results.

we have been playing in the 50/75/100 club for several months now. do you see any positive results?

We will see definitive results in the next few months, that is what I believe but we should make use of the opportunities provided to us and maybe we will come out of these conditions shining together.

it's hard to evaluate the final result without seeing intermediate ones :) I see a constant drop in the exchange rate, I see how a huge amount of steem is brought to the exchange, and we are trying to invest the last penny. There is a huge chance of losing everything we have, but I still believe in Steemit. If they gave me at least one small opportunity that our business would go uphill, I would work with great pleasure. 😅 It annoys me that there is no connection with the team, no one to ask questions.

This is what true decentralization is. We cannot expect a single person or group to work towards the betterment of the blockchain but we should work together to make it better step by step. I have a few projects in mind but a few intermediary processes needs to be completed in order to start those projects. I promise that your belief in steemit is not going to waste and soon Steem's worth will be more.

The whole market is down and once the market follows the uptrend the price of steem will also follow.

True decentralization also is communicating and coming to consensus before decision making is finalized and not learning about changes only when you read the change announcement post. Don’t you think?

Así será mejor, funciónara perfectamente y no permitirá abuso de las cuentas curadoras. 👍 Genial.

This is a great opportunity for many, for those of us who want to continue growing in this platform, for my part I do not have much time, a little more than 4 months, but I feel that I have learned a lot, I have met wonderful people, and I like to learn every day, share my designs, my ideas, my creations, my goals, I think these areas are perfect for me, and I would like to focus on them, and improve them.

As I said I like to learn, and help anyone who needs it, it is true that with this club was a sudden change for many, but everything is to find a way to continue growing along with the platform, let's hope so, and that all these changes will be beneficial for everyone.!!


  ·  2 years ago (edited)

My apologies. We were unable to reach an understanding. The team is removed, as several users leave the composition. 7 people are not recruited.

Отличная тема


I believe that this is a very good idea to reach more topics and users, but I really think it's going to be difficult to cover all the languages and regions :(

I really hope Latin American users get the votes that they deserve to keep them engaged with Steemit.

Are you planning to be part of a team?

We have been talking with @benton3, perhaps you can join!

It is ok, he can join provided he is in one of the clubs.

Of course, I would like to become part of one of the teams) though the topics of finance and science would be difficult for me. I follow the club 50/50)

When we get to the bridge, we will cross it. Join us with this telegram invite group.


I would like to join if there is any vacancy

Thanks for indicating interest. We are filled up already.

Hopefully people from South America will join all five teams.

I would like to be part of a team; especially when it comes to literature.

The Steempower is being double to 500K SP and the five teams could have up to 35 members between them.

So the accounts will have more resources than currently.

Ohh!! Perfect then!! Thanks for the answer!!

I agree with you @belenguerra, that is one of the main reasons why many users have left #steemit

I appreciate this step of steemitblog team. I'm not a CR so I think I'm not eligible to apply but I had a dream to work as curator someday in steemit.

Country Reps and non Country Reps are welcome to apply.

Thank you so much for your kind reply and clarification. Its such a great pleasure to hear from you and I'm glad that you always helped when I need. Stay blessed 💗💖💕❤️@steemcurator01

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

I will be very happy if you invite me as part of if you build a team.. you can contact me at discord aafadjar#2561
Best Regard
From Indonesia

Thanks @aafadjar for your interest even I'm also looking for a team.

Please invite me if you have a team..

Me parece bien esta nueva propuesta, enfocada más en cada usuario, creo que de esta misma forma las comunidades se irán fortaleciendo de igual forma con las delegaciones que día a día se hacen en diversas comunidades, yo espero crecer un poco más para aportar mis delegaciones, pero antemanos los felicito, por pensar en todo lo que sea de beneficio para la familia steemit.

Thank you very much sir for insuring us on this matter. Since we are not a country representatives we have a chance to apply. I will definitely try to apply with my group. I think change is needed more. Change really means that something is working right and well. I am 100% appreciative of this initiative.

I understand that anyone can become a member of one of the teams) the main thing is to find a team)


If you have a team and need to add new team member, include my name if possible. Thank you so much for your kind reply!

Thank you, we're thinking how to act, what to do. When we have a decision, we're keeping you in mind

For this work, I think the old users must be preferred. Because they've been working on Steemit since the beginning, they know how to influence users .

Thank you so much @steem-bru for your kind words ❤️

Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Discord : allahnawaz03#7360
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening

Contact me to discuss a team (:

Hello, I am available to join a team. I am from Venezuela, Spanish language and I have more than a year in Steemit. I am club5050. I have experience in curating. I master the topics:

  • Finance, Business and Crypto...

  • Lifestyle - health, fitness, sport, leisure, food, gardening, travel...

  • Science, Technology and Computing...

  • Life and Humanity - including the Journal Game, acts of kindness, charity...

Hi daytona475, I am making a team for

  1. Finance, Business & Crypto theme, and
  2. Science, Technology & Computing theme

If you would like to join us you can ping me on discord.

Here is my discord: ravigohel#3308

Hello @cryptogecko seems fine to me. I already write you in discord.

I just signed up and this post was at the top of the page and this is my first comment.
Good start for me ...

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

this is a good idea so that steemit is growing, and the writers will be more passionate.


I mean the author, this is an error during translation

and the penis will be more enthusiastic.

What!?? Penis will be enthusiastic???!! What!??

I mean the author, this is an error during translation

Please brother, check twice before you post anything.

I liked that mistake though 🤣

ah, that comment made my day) thanks! 😂😂

Enthusiastic penis is still better than depressed ;) everyone can make the mistake :)

Of course humans are not free from mistakes, and everyone has made mistakes,😀😀😀

Nice move for the growth of the community I believe with this , steemian will no longer complained of no vote from their post

Do you think there is any way to support ALL posts? But what if the author's post does not correspond to any of the stated topics? :)

I think if the post is informative and good then it should be curated

It is not that easy but if the person is having good content and passing Information for the betterment of humanity while not currate it

Ratings can be very subjective

Ok I affirm your words ohhh

Wow...this is a great idea from the @steemitblog. This will widely support the good content creators. We keep winning

Hi @steemitblog this is great opportunity for all of us @steemcurator01 and good job
you make a very nice work.

Está iniciativa es genial, realmente hacía falta una estrategia que busque beneficiar a la mayor cantidad de usuarios posible, actualmente conseguir un voto de la cuenta de steemcurador01 es difícil, y las cuentas en auge no se dan abasto.

He Visto muchos usuarios desanimados y sin duda está estrategia puede hacer felices a muchos.

Actualmente estoy dentro del Club5050 pero estoy haciendo un esfuerzo por entrar en el club75. Asi que si algún grupo requiere de un miembro venezolano, pueden contactarme de inmediato.

Realmente quisiera ser parte de esta iniciativa, saludos 🤗

Can anyone please elaborate about Top 7 posts? They will be made on daily basis and the links of all will be included in a weekly report. Is that so?

I understand that this is a way to support the curation team. that is, once a week they will offer TOP-7 of 7 posts, one from each curator and steemcurator01 will support these posts.

@steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 will still be curating all types of posts.

This particular statement got my day because I was almost thinking if I have offended God or the Steemitblog because I have write, post and nothing to show for but since this update is on ground, more posts to be made.

We do not want teams made up of people just from one community.

Please elaborate this one too.

What if people from one community are of completely different nationalities? For instance, in subject communities mods and admins are usually from different countries. So if they make up a team, would it stand a chance?
(They will ofcourse comply by all the rules and guidelines and follow the tag/subject for curation.)

Yes if they are from different nations and know different languages.

Should I focus on authors from my own country or should I not pay attention to citizenship?😏

Focus on authors from different countries.

If you need member i am ready

পুরানো পদ্ধতিতে ফিরে আসি????.আসুন দেখে নেওয়া যাক প্রথম এক মাস পরে এটি কেমন হবে৷ সত্য হল যে ভোটের অভাবে অনেক লেখক নিরুৎসাহিত হচ্ছেন৷ আমি বিশ্বাস করি এই পদ্ধতিটি ফলপ্রসূ হবে: এটি সকলের পক্ষে হবে এবং কয়েকজন লেখক নয়। ইচ্ছা করছি আমি দলগুলোর একটিতে থাকব।

প্রতিটি মূল থিমের জন্য নির্দিষ্ট ট্যাগের প্রবর্তন কিউরেটরদের বিভিন্ন দেশে লেখকদের পোস্ট সনাক্ত করতে সাহায্য করবে যাতে ভোটিং লেখকদের কাছে যেতে পারে।

@steemcurator01, отличная инициатива!
Надеюсь, соберётся отличная команда кураторов!

Thanks for the guidelines...

Great initiative. I hope it will help authors, authors like me who almost got discouraged because of rarely seeing a vote from the curator even when I'm very active. Sometimes I'll wonder if my effort is not good enough, well I know it might not be good enough but while we're trying to get on our two feet of activeness, we need things to encourage us. I'm just hoping for the best both for me and for other Steemians especially the newbies and those who are solely depending on Steemit for survival.

This is a nice development.

This is a very Good Program for creating "The Community Curators" Team. So that progress and fair distribution of curation can be made because the curation team formed is joined by various countries, communities, languages ​​and characters, as well as the selection of fields (main themes) chosen in conducting curation. Hopefully the community curation program will be successful and run perfectly to achieve the progress of our beloved Steemit Platform. Thanks You to the Steemit Team and @steemcurator01 for making this program. We love Steemit.

Really nice idea
Weldonom your unrelenting effort to make steemit grow

@steemitblog sir what about booming support.

That will continue.

Hello @steemcurator01 sir why bestofindia community not receiving any upvote from booming account. As we indian are posting in it

Changes always bring resistance but it really seems excellent to me as long as it is so that this platform maintains its boom since the idea is that we continue adding users and not that due to poor distribution of votes many good users with quality publications desert the platform. Many users post clinging to the fact that at some point SC01 or SC02 will see their posts... Blessings and welcome to the good.

Another great initiative by steemit team. I'm also trying to make a good team. I'm making team for

Lifestyle - health, fitness, sport, leisure, food, gardening, travel...

If any one interested can text me on discord suboohi#9678

Hola, te envié la solicitud para ver si quieres formar parte de nuestro equipo.

I honestly don’t know how this will turn out. Whatever happens, let’s hope the changes bring the best results.

Regarding updates concerning the steemit crypto academy , we students are eagerly waiting to at least see a proposal of what the next season will look like. We hope the steemit team has nice improvements in store for us.

What if someone chooses another topic for his writing and this topic is not included into the list of themes? What if he writes well in his own very narrow sphere? That means he will stay without the support of the curator

@steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 will still be curating all types of posts.

@steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 will still be curating all types of posts.

I'm waiting since last 6 months and this reply simply made my day and I'm again really very hopeful from steemit team and will try my best to be a good author and curator. Take love and huge blessings 💗💖💕❤️

Try varying the type of content you post.

Hi @steemcurator01

I am posting different contents in different communities but from few weeks I didn't get support from you especially on the weekly reports. I wanted to become a dolphin and this can be achieved only ny your support. Please support like you support others. Thank you so much.

Okay I will, thank you so much once again! 💗

In my opinion it would be better if each community chose one of their competent users who can represent each team and then it would be able to combine those people from different communities into teams. Thus we would have real experts in each team. But not as it is now: those who have more connections and more power will be chosen

Those who put together the best and most varied teams will be chosen - particularly those with most members doing #club75 or #club100.

Wow this is very interesting... In as much as I'm a newbie to steemit, I'm really tempted to join the Lifestyle - health, fitness, sport, leisure, food, gardening, travel team because I'm actually a health attendant and also love cooking(being a judge for dishes). I can atively play a role in this aspect..

How to proceed further? teams will be nominated again? is it possible to change their composition?

Teams must remain the same for at least one month.

yes, it's obvious :)

This is wonderful!
Many thanks to @steemitblog for this great idea.

It's an excellent modification, in my opinion. These new methods of curation will be incredibly beneficial to the majority of communities. More communities would be reached, and many content creator would be encouraged to join steemit. I am interested in sports, science, technology, and computing.
But what will happen to the booming support program? Will it continue?

I too have an interest in the Science, Technology & Computing theme. If you want to make a team for this niche I am up for it. I know Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, English & some Odiya too.

Here is my discord tarpan#2384

If you have a team and need one more person, I would appreciate if you add me.

I will like to be in the team of Life & Humanity - including the Diary Game, acts of kindness, charity. and soon I will join club75 and eventually join club100 in as days goes by

My discord is chiabertrand#3709

My telegram is chiabertrand

My WhatsApp is +237679721826

My country is Cameroon

I speak good English and French and I can also use the Translator app very well

Greetings to the entire steemit team, wow a 2022 that begins full of changes and focused on the growth of the platform, could appreciate changes of great importance that seek to expand the scope of the curator accounts towards more steemians, this is to celebrate and I want as always to be available to any team where my dedication can be useful.


Que grandiosa idea para que las recompensas puedan llegar a más publicaciones en nuestra plataforma, yo opino que trendia buenas consecuencias para el ecosistema.

Saludos Cordiales.

Soy @jesusbar23 Kid Administrador De La Comunidad y miembro del CLUB5050... Hagamos fuerte a Steemit.


This is really a great opportunity for growth. Thank you for your always great opportunity

Greetings is very interesting this proposal of @steemitblog , always looking for strategies to grow this platform can reach the point of balance with the formation of multidisciplinary teams in this way we will have a sense of belonging, I would like to participate in a team so the responsibility does not fall on @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02 and all have the same opportunities

I am interested

Changes are welcome as long as it is to improve and to support exclusive and quality content. I have seen and have been able to experience that many users who participate in the 50, 75 and 100 clubs are made invisible by SC01. I am concerned that the people who manage these accounts benefit certain users. For greater, my user a few days after turning one year old and turning on more than 90% of my rewards since the beginning of the clubs and I have not been seen, nor have they accepted me in the clubs. I say this for the vast majority of users who make excellent content every day and get lost. You have to do a good job and not monopolize the curation, as they make many users disappointed and leave steemit. Let's hope for changes that are equitable.


Greetings friends, I would like to apply as a curator, I am currently a moderator at #steemit-ironchef. so if any team needs me I will be willing to join their team!!

@elianisa09, i invite in our team LifeStyle! We can work together. My telegram: @felicita11

@vipnata want us to form a team of Community Curator for : Lifestyle: food, gardening....etc.
we have #oppongk Ghana, #elianisa09 (food community Venezuela), #toufiq777 Bangladesh, #allahnawaz03 Pakistan, #vipnata Italia,
Please contact us.
I want to contact you.
Join us.

Greetings friends and contacts! @alanawas03

I would like to be a member of a team to curate art and poetry. I'm to order.

need more information :) how to be communities? does it make sense to make a selection of the best posts or Top-5? they are not supported for the second week.

It is really fantastic, thanks to this new way of working it will be possible to support quality publications that sometimes go unseen, especially in the fields of sports, science and art; I wish every success to the groups that are selected.

Hello, what a good initiative, this will allow support to reach more people who do great work on different topics, I would like to be part of a team, although I have only been on the platform for a little over a year, my commitment is well defined in my growth personal and that of my community, I work as a moderator in the scouts community, my reputation is 70 and this week I will be reaching my first 7000 sp of my own, if someone wants to have me in their team I will leave my discord here: karianaporras # 0527 greetings.

hola buenas noches... saludos a todos ... quisiera formar parte del equipo pero aún me falta para llegar al año, estoy siendo parte del #club5050 y enciendo el primero de el mes... comenzare a encender el 75% para usar la etiqueta del #club75 y así aumentar mi sp... me encantaría como artista que soy, formar parte de los curadores de arte 😃 gracias a los curadores por hacer excelentemente su trabajo con todos nosostros y a @steemitblog por toda esta información y está iniciativas q contribuyen al crecimiento personal y al fortalecimiento de las comunidades y del Steem.

Muy buena idea estaré preparando mi participación.

It's wonderful to see these changes are necessary for the whole community to move new energies and stay active, I will apply for the Art theme, thanks to @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 for the opportunities that are created.... Let's be safe and happy!

This method is a better way to distribute the upvotes. Plus it is compose of different groups of curators to curate various niches. I hope, there will we be a curator from Philippines.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Steemit team has dropped another interesting activity in the steemit community with the feeling of a new year still fresh in my mind.

This is great, one thing I know for sure it that, both old and new members are coming back to the platform in a hurry. Nice move😊

Very good opportunity, I really hope to be included in one of the curation teams

We have a solid team and are passionate about the topics that have been proposed. So, our team mastered the topic. moreover they are great people with a career track in the platform.

Awesome development @steemitblog and @steemcurator01! Curating in this way will help reach more users in divers fields. And with the increase in the steempower, more publications will be supported each day. I must commend you for your efforts in always thinking of way forward.

Please, I will like to know, which of the themes cover promotional activities? I believe this is also important to us.

I just hope and believe that the teams that will be chosen will do a great 👍👍👍 job to cover their areas.

My own interest is in

Lifestyle - health, fitness, sport, leisure, food, gardening, travel...

Life & Humanity - including the Diary Game, acts of kindness, charity...

I will be looking forward to joining my dream team.

Thank you once more for this thoughtful update.

I am @ngoenyi


Admin of Steemkids community and mod in steemfoods, steemwomens club, promo-steem, steemalive and greeter in newcomers community.

I am available for discussion on this.

respected it is my discord yousafharoonkhan#8913 plz contact to me m @ngoenyi

@ngoenyi, i want to invite you to our team LifeStyle

If you need a member I am available
Discord--- mlf33#3964

Hi contact me discord oppongk#0087

Though am not yet in club75 or club100 but I will be interested in joining the curation team

  ·  2 years ago (edited)


Halo para pemimpin komunitas dan Promoter Around the world? Sudahkan anda siap untuk menjadi "The Community Curators"???

Salam dari saya seroang pengguna aktif di Indonesia, saya juga punya aktivitas mempromosikan #Steem dan #Steemit di Indonesia. Melalui balasan ini saya ingin menyampaikan bahwasanya saya siap untuk mendukung dan bergabung dengan siapapun yang membutuhkan anggotanya.

Oleh sebab itu saya siap, menerima tawaran dan bekerjasama. Salam dari saya @bangmimi dari Indonesia. Saya adalah salah satu Indonesian Promoters aktif di Indonesia. Steem On! Discord saya bangmimi #5595


Hello community leaders and Promoters Around the world? Are you ready to become "The Community Curators"???

Greetings from me, an active user in Indonesia, I also have activities to promote #Steem and #Steemit in Indonesia. Through this reply I want to convey that I am ready to support and join anyone who needs members.

Therefore I am ready, accept the offer and cooperate. Greetings from me @bangmimi from Indonesia. I am one of the active Indonesian Promoters in Indonesia. Steem On! My discord #5595


Hello friend, we are forming a team, can you contact me by discord?
Yancar #3447

I remember you from the scout and sport community.

OK, thanks for the invite.

I will contact Mr. @yancar, nice to meet you. Steem On!

If there is van Andy I am also ready to join

I've been on this platform for a long time. I'm a mod in the Turkish community. I am also the founder of Steemit hobbyy community.

I have enabled many users to join this platform. I helped them with the platform.
I'm here too, and I'm ready to be a member of a group.

Hello! I'm looking for a team to join. You can write me on Discord: zmoreno#5410

This is a great project, to continue to support the good work being done in the community, thanks for moving towards progress @steemitblog.

I will be very happy to be in a team with some of these topics.

Lifestyle, Art, Life & Humanity - including the Journal Game, acts of kindness, charity...

Greetings and blessings.

Que gran propuesta, es un proyecto muy bonito ya que podemos apoyar a muchísima más gente y que los usuarios puedan seguir creciendo.

He notado que el contenido deportivo es bastante pobre en esta plataforma o no se le da el interés que merece ya que la actividad física es vida y es importante.

Espero poder unirme a esta gran iniciativa

Hello steemians.

I'm looking to complete my team if anyone interested in

Life & Humanity - including the Diary Game, acts of kindness, charity

You can DM me in discord. My Username is vvarishayy#3781.
The CR Pakistan.

may i join the team you have formed

my discord djadawadjadi#9860

I am ready to join you I will contact you on discord.

Feliz día, mi nombre es Ann Marie Wiswell, soy De Venezuela, el idioma que manejo es español, sin embargo entiendo bastante inglés y portugués. Tengo mas de un año en la plataforma, miembro del #club5050. Soy médico, Me gustaría formar parte de un equipo para las siguientes categorías:
Estilo de vida - salud, fitness, deporte, ocio, alimentación, jardinería, viajes...
Life & Humanity - incluyendo el Juego del Diario, actos de bondad, caridad...
MI discord annwiswell#6468

Hola Ann gusto en saludarte. También estoy en la busqueda de equipo. Estamos a la orden jeje

People looking for equipment

Please write:

  • Contact details (telegram, discord, etc).
  • Country
  • Language
  • Categories (art, science, etc)

I'm doing this in order to bring together people who don't know each other yet and can form a team, please support by sharing this with others.

I will like to join the team of Life & Humanity - including the Diary Game, acts of kindness, charity.

My discord is chiabertrand#3709

My telegram is chiabertrand

My WhatsApp is +237679721826

My country is Cameroon

I speak good English and French and I can also use the Translator app very well

may i join the team you have formed

Hola somos un equipo conformandose, necesitamos dos más. Interesados escribir al telegram.
@yancar (yancar#3447) Venezuela
@isglegysduarte (isgledys#4585) Venezuela
@albaandreina Venezuela
@ubongudofot Nigeria
@bangmimi (bangmimi#5595) Indonesia

Gracias 😁 por organizar la información amigo @yancar queremos formar el equipo, pueden contactarnos y conversar con nosotros al respecto y aclarar cualquier duda.

Excelente iniciativa amigo @yancar, mi discord (albaandreina#5471)
Aqui estamos para servirles y ayudar a crecer nuestra plataforma.....
Trabajando en equipo haremos grandes cosas.

Gracias @yancar por publicar esto, por favor, amigos, queremos formar el equipo, pueden contactarnos en caso de que tengan alguna pregunta, no duden en comunicarse conmigo en los canales a continuación:

Discord :


Telegram: @ubongudofot

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Come join us, let's work together and do our best. keep consistency and Steem On! My discord bangmimi #5595


Ayo bergabung bersama kami, ayo bekerjasama dan melakukan yang terbaik. menjaga konsistensi dan Steem On!

@oppongk (oppongk#0087) Ghana

Hi. I would be very happy to join a group. I would love the topic Life & Humanity - including the Diary Game, acts of kindness, charity, but I am open to any options. Here are my details:

Discord: zmoreno#5410
Telegram: @isaveronica

Country: Venezuela
Language: Spanish, English
Category: Life and Humanity. Arts. Science.

Thank you!

I will like to join the team of 1. Finance, business, crypto,

  1. Lifestyle - health, fitness, sport, leisure, food, gardening, travel... And 3. Science, technology and computing.

My discord: abu78#3264
My Telegram : @Abusadickm78
Country : Ghana
Language: English

Thank you all.

Hi everyone,,
I think this is really a great announcement by the @steemitblog. As I started my journey in steemit platform with the community called @musicforsteem,, so it would be a great opportunity for me If I get a chance to be a part of Arts team. Moreover I've also a soft corner in art, creative writing and photography as well.

I'm an Indian . I know Bengali, Hindi, English and can set myself over any languages through translator's.

My discord id : isha.ish#1680

Hi. Are you still looking for a team? I think we would do a good job together. This is my discord: zmoreno#5410


We are forming a team for art in general, music and photography, where quality and originality are taken into account. If you are interested, write to my discord soldieroffantasy#9743

Hi dear, I would like to join your team. My discord is steemdoctor1#7159.

Amiga @isha.ish.

Nos faltan dos en el equipo para artes, música, literatura.
Si estás interesada mi telegram es @fjjrg

If any team wants my service I would love to join and provide my service I am a member of #club75 and I would like to thank @steemitblog for giving us this opportunity . Specially if @klen.civil sir I would love to join your team .

Message me, telegram link is in bio