10 Wild 10-Years Predictions

in curecancer •  6 years ago 
  1. 1st Female President of the USA
  2. Economy crash
  3. World War III
  4. AI/robots to replace CEO, doctors, lawyers, butlers, etc
  5. Digital currency
  6. Microchip on humans
  7. Gene edit
  8. Human clone
  9. Cure for cancer
  10. Cure for aging

Connect with Emylee Thai:
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/emyleethai/
Personal: www.emyleethai.com
Company: www.orionmodern.com

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There are many cures for cancer, natural anti aging food & herbs, digital currency and clones already. Be interesting to hear more about 1, 2 & 3! If your company is interested in funding a farm growing organic natural medicinal plants lets talk.