![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/14700810_1309434125754568_4247994612805264968_o.jpg) | @uwe69 | How to easily carve a beautiful pumpkin / Wie kann man sehr leicht einen schönen Kürbis schnitzen | 93.908 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://img.youtube.com/vi/P6ZiJnuC7TM/0.jpg) | @lloyddavis | Open Mic Night Week 2 : Blockchain Blues! | 70.425 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://pp.vk.me/c636226/v636226195/36898/w9yPL75hGX4.jpg) | @witchcraftblog | My trip to Italy. Venice #2. | 60.264 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/10/11/Brain-Updated-Task-Switching-Kills-productivity14d08f.gif) | @qagiri | Interruptions are the real productivity killer | 53.924 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/7/94/393/94393687_91bbacacc47b.jpg) | @asdes | Energy of Tree to help us! | 52.251 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/10/11/nomans0edde.md.jpg) | @mikkolyytinen | No man's land, what is this shit? mixed media 2010 | 50.957 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/10/11/Untitleddrawing32572e.png) | @saramiller | How to Yoga - Wide Angle Standing Forward Fold | 41.406 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/E9vEBcR.jpg) | @samstonehill | Is your sleep pattern permitting you to get the most out of life? Learn to Steemit more here! | 39.555 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://www.madeineighty.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/steemit253.jpg) | @kommienezuspadt | New character design for my crpyto-comic! | 37.559 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://www.solidbackgrounds.com/images/1920x1080/1920x1080-black-solid-color-background.jpg) | @infinitor | The Failure of Existence - A poem by @infinitor | 37.164 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/10/11/light-sunset-water-boat071bd.jpg) | @leahlindeman | Redeemed From the Ashes—Chapter 5—Still Hurting Souls | 37.619 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/10/10/IMG_6251a14d4.jpg) | @marinauzelac | / film set photography / | 36.878 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/NjpwiFem.jpg) | @autonomygarden | The Good The Bad and The Ugly of Aquaponics | 36.356 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/10/11/IMG_76704d4ef.jpg) | @leno4ek | Poos in boots (my cat wearing handmade Steemit hat and Steemit tie) | 34.246 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://www.wandavirgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/steemit-sunscape-howto-recipe-eggplant-10-wanda-virgo.jpg) | @sunscape | Sunscape's How To Preserve Eggplant for Eggplant Parmesian while they are cheap and plentiful for those busy work nights.. | 34.329 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/IyK79X5.jpg) | @jessamynorchard | OpenMic Night Week 2 - "Billie Jean" (COVER) @jessamynorchard | 33.014 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://ipfs.pics/ipfs/QmRKhP7gJiX7Tw1c6fMouP7b2yXCkxBQrX2Y68U8bTEf1k) | @marina007 | Drawings by the Pencils 2 (my own work) / Мои рисунки карандашами 2 | 33.054 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://d2mxuefqeaa7sj.cloudfront.net/s_B7278B624DFF4AA0C292C5986069E5836EA4FD8EE6239C5C736041145FB6F5A2_1476206210052_IMG_1764.JPG) | @decimus | Become A Better Game Master and Storyteller #1 | 32.135 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://scontent.fjkt1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/14658265_1225078697550235_342071100_n.jpg?oh=6d16106edc62219fde30d21414f003df&oe=57FF2A66) | @anasz | craft cup of bamboo | 32.125 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgsafe.org/d672cc04ca.jpg) | @jmt | A Sunset to Remember [photography and a few thoughts] | 32.892 SBD |
| @sharker | Industrial sunset | 31.358 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://pre13.deviantart.net/8ef3/th/pre/i/2016/123/c/2/hair_clip_by_robotlizzzrd-da15u46.jpg) | @robotlizzzrd | Green ghostfly | 31.017 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://eurobeast.dk/misc/Steemit/scarlet_rain/Ciara01600.jpg) | @scarlet-rain | Ciara drawings | 31.656 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://img1.steemit.com/0x0/http://orig12.deviantart.net/f432/f/2016/282/5/7/1_by_vapetoday-dakdsyp.gif) | @orcish | Best of @orcish | 30.057 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://ipfs.pics/ipfs/QmexF9vNJHy8ufS757TmGn9ZwonLMNkbngv6Ngx6hdyUdX) | @snooway | Anecdotes of early childhood (with original photo) | 30.472 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgsafe.org/cd7127401a.jpg) | @ben-errington | My Scientology Movie (A Movie Review - SPOILER FREE) | 30.527 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s20.postimg.org/hgb5mmpql/typhoon_1650677_1280.jpg) | @bmwrider | Here I Am Rock You Like a Hurricane! You NEED to Prepare For Natural Disasters | 29.794 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s10.postimg.org/57chpd38p/tut4.png) | @razaak | C++ Tutorial 4: Functions, Labels, For & Pointers! | 29.651 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/BnOBpQJ.jpg) | @moon32walker | Moba Games | 28.757 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s8.hostingkartinok.com/uploads/images/2016/10/f8ed3f32d40e4883bcd66d2a114d5909.jpg) | @katerina | Black and white gel pen (original art) | 28.650 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://pp.vk.me/c604328/v604328889/2e967/eTeThbPMq2Q.jpg) | @levinskaya | (Step by step) ART - Cindy Kimberly and Gemma Ward. Printsessy of model business. | 28.125 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://scontent-amt2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14563587_1210497902349555_5131580785304737541_n.jpg?oh=a5de981b951c0b186cc2c070af268c5d&oe=586CF0BD) | @boosje123 | Being visually impaired: Follow-up 1: Answering your questions - What would you ask a visually impaired person? | 28.789 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s25.postimg.org/ypbo89xn3/image.jpg) | @alex2016 | How to make a women bag of genuine leather. Step-by-step tutorial. Part 1. Как сделать женскую сумку из натуральной кожи. Пошаговый туториал. Часть 1 | 27.667 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://imgur.com/bIVRFzV.jpg) | @rubellitefae | Lord, Baron, Daimyo? What Title Would You Choose? | 27.928 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s15.postimg.org/xymhwonx7/IMG_3169.jpg) | @wulfmeister | Mitch Learns to Run, #PoptartPentathlon Part 1: Getting Started | 27.182 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s19.postimg.org/z6yfoneg3/20161007_DSC06105_n.jpg) | @okkiedot | Blast furnaces and tons of steel - Landschaftspark Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany | 26.101 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://img.youtube.com/vi/ci2x-4a5dDg/0.jpg) | @paulhallman | Open Mic Night Week 2 entry - Paul Hallman - Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes | 26.976 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s32.postimg.org/4gglrom05/IMG_6206.jpg) | @jdoleiv | My Bodacious Pizza Odyssey | 26.827 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s15.postimg.org/xet0h9c2j/1003353_579330005458681_1944220488_n.jpg) | @yoganarchista | 3 drawings I made: presents for my 3 helping angels | 26.249 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s16-us2.ixquick.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http:%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F-HhqNKdK5s1s%2FTrJWFXutF7I%2FAAAAAAAAB2s%2Fci6HviL2aOg%2Fs1600%2FGaia.jpg&sp=75fd714e6de8f682f4e7b4c4e39eade2) | @ballinconscious | The earth still grows (An Original Poem) | 26.025 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://www.sbs.com.au/movies/sites/sbs.com.au.film/files/the_cove_704_0.jpg) | @lonilush | Movie Recommendation - The Cove (Documentary on Dolphin Slaughter) | 26.210 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/10399554_1225891614787_313514_n.jpg?oh=6476c0fc2485ff14d8dd43729e43788e&oe=58A6F33D) | @everlove | 19 Things On a Leaf Covered With Sauce!!! Tuning into layers of food alchemy. | 26.896 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t35.0-12/14632480_1238507266208344_1513298319_o.jpg?oh=5872d7017303d4ff8eaa618b8723fb4f&oe=57FDEDD3) | @victoriart | My Trip to an Abandoned Village (Built in 1880) | 26.541 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s16-us2.ixquick.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=https:%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F564x%2F5a%2F49%2F26%2F5a4926b6c1bb7b4b571a9904e3977e9d.jpg&sp=b8ef8b771e19a4bf099cf2fb3c16aa56) | @dylansaccoccio | Creatures of Creation (The Third Chapter; Part II) | 26.483 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w67/dburklen/steem%20pics/1009161710a.jpg) | @dburklen | My first food blog: The bearded dad home cook chronicles episode #1 Spicy Portabella and Kielbasa with rice | 25.408 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://upliftconnect.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/letting-go_bird.jpg) | @positivesteem | Letting Go : An Original Poem | 25.957 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://sites.google.com/site/artbymichaelstobierski/_/rsrc/1476243783921/autumnlake3/autumnlake3.jpg?height=251&width=320) | @michaelstobiersk | An Original Painting by Michael Stobierski | 25.980 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgsafe.org/a92224b51f.jpg) | @beginningtoend | Poetry, Art and My First Ever Video / PERSISTENCE OF VISION | 25.256 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://howeprincipal.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/rubric.jpg) | @cjclaro | EDUCATION SERIES #1: Importance of RUBRICS in Assessing Student Output and Performance (Real-Life Application Inside) | 25.862 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t35.0-12/14677937_1239408256118245_957601384_o.jpg?oh=f1673da9077a7e0ea203f1337b9a784d&oe=57FEFF62) | @victoriart | Wonderful World of Mushrooms (My Original Photos)/ Чудесный мир грибов (мои фото) | 25.940 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://pp.vk.me/c606720/v606720243/41e3/RkxWCCp-PAI.jpg) | @alisawonderland | Afterparty of Rally Dakar ( Rest in Valparaiso ) | 25.018 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://images.ansharphoto.com/2015/042-Aerial-View-of-Omis-and-Cetina-River-at-Dramatic-Sunset-Dalmatia-Croatia.jpg) | @ansharphoto | Spectacular Sunset in Omis, Croatia | 25.670 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.giphy.com/Lw2iUFGcmLSw0.gif) | @allgoodthings | Mellow Mystic~Shiny Dots~ Original Music Video, Steemit Exclusive release off the upcoming album "Dancing in Dreams" | 24.664 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://pp.vk.me/c604828/v604828556/de89/5N2aWIlX4TI.jpg) | @yanarnst | Steemit Food Part #21 "Coconut pancakes with peanut butter and blueberry sauce" | 24.276 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s18.postimg.org/caeuo7b3t/78Versailles053Bernadotte.jpg) | @herverisson | Generals of Napoleon (6) - BERNADOTTE - "The king of the turncoats" | 24.163 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s22.postimg.org/ji7epmyv5/Me_2.jpg) | @seansclevername | What The Hell Am I Doing? | 24.785 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i64.tinypic.com/2iaar1g.jpg) | @timbot606 | The next evolution in US military vehicles | 24.940 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s14.postimg.org/5wyzzxuv5/Без_имени_1.jpg) | @blinova | Thai New Year - Songkran | 24.354 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a4/Ada_Lovelace_portrait.jpg) | @steevc | Celebrate women in tech, a day late for Ada Lovelace day | 24.038 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/09/25/snail-1564410_960_720fc350.png) | @everittdmickey | TEOTWAWKI (An Original Novel - Chapter 35 ) | 24.200 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s14.postimg.org/8ahazdypd/HENRY.jpg) | @kachinhenry | THE RIGHTFUL OWNER ( Part-2 ) Original story by Henry Aung | 24.489 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://geke.us/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Cover.001.jpeg) | @geke | GRENDEL'S AUNT (an original poem) - Part 13 | 24.880 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgsafe.org/d536ee64bc.jpg) | @alexandra-renee | Poetry Slam Challenge 6: Please (Free Verse) | 24.240 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://scontent-mrs1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/14525215_10207102354703877_8162055885010075717_o.jpg) | @galamirissa | MY INTERVIEW IN THE GALLERY OF REFINED ART | 23.290 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/Knights_hospitaller.JPG) | @stevescoins | The King and The Hangman (part 1) | 23.413 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgsafe.org/dddf943335.jpg) | @mamel | The girl and the dog ... | 23.311 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/40/9a/69/409a69fb8fd02cb84d57f51f439edf4f.jpg) | @steemwriter | ORIGINAL POEM: Sharp Melodies (Scary/Halloween Poem) | 23.285 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://pp.vk.me/c637522/v637522816/13928/y0E6UiDd6Ys.jpg) | @yanik1991 | Constellation Wolf | 23.913 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemimg.com/images/2016/09/23/K34444009d0.jpg) | @jeff-kubitz | Song of Angels - Chapter 16 | 23.228 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://pp.vk.me/c618126/v618126544/1b91c/ALdccEU0BnE.jpg) | @bugavi | Farm my grandfather ( ферма мого дідуся ) | 23.810 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://img.youtube.com/vi/oHaiFSWckrE/0.jpg) | @cryptofarmer | Take a walk with me in my food garden | 23.448 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://img.youtube.com/vi/6dgx_ko4nvc/0.jpg) | @exitmass | Everybody should push their Creative Limits | 23.536 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://exerstend.com/wp-content/uploads/want-to-live-forever.jpg) | @redq | [Life Extension] A True Advance In Anti-Aging? | 23.187 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgsafe.org/d374b8efa5.jpg) | @hanamana | Reflection of My Life in Love with Art and as an Art Consultant for 10 Years in Hawaii. | 23.536 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/XzHEKGx.jpg) | @movievertigo | Desert of Skulls (Original fractal image) | 23.651 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s5.postimg.org/imubvc7iv/image.gif) | @konti | How To Create A Beautiful Illustration | 23.607 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s9.postimg.org/knu6tnlcv/11209426_10205367347000605_2461199660485293695_n.jpg) | @tommycordero | Why the experience of being trans has kept me from identifying as a Feminist | 23.627 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgsafe.org/d3e6e4bcb3.jpg) | @themagus | Music Legends - Featured Artist - Led Zeppelin | 22.452 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i1208.photobucket.com/albums/cc372/lokeshb10/IMG_6021_zpsylyrkqak.jpg) | @unrealisback | Answer to the biggest question of life is quite simple and I found it in a Buddhist Temple! | 22.987 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c5/Stingray_Harris_handle_side.jpg) | @contentking | Device Lets LOCAL Law Enforcement Tap Your Mobile Phone With NO Warrant! | 22.215 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/responsive/cover/main/desktop/2016/10/11/636118022378854637-631291882_wheelchair.jpg) | @ashlyns | Proud, But Not Proud [My original life] | 22.802 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q729/Michelle_Gent/wild-157677_640_zpsdm60sluf.png) | @michelle.gent | This Bitch Bites Too! - Excerpt from my novel Deadlier Than The Male - Original content exclusive to Steemit | 22.118 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgsafe.org/d9bd528db8.jpg) | @gavicrane | Time lapse video of Drawing cloth/folds with pen | 22.003 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/10/11/IMG_05193de49.jpg) | @theyam | Portal - photo manipulation | 22.886 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://blog.tivvit.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/CTH-mandela-ghandi.jpg) | @patjewell | The once infamously cruel prison site - Constitution Hill | 22.314 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://storage.googleapis.com/esteem/1476258340742image.jpg) | @orenshani7 | Understanding the Middle East part 13 - down the rabbit hole, part 2 | 21.758 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://www.crowdfunder.website/linux/pics/sketch/elephant-1/elephant-1.png) | @vegascomic | Majestic Elephants From India - More Wildlife Sketch Renders | 21.898 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgflip.com/1c59s6.jpg) | @whiskylover | [Whisky Guide For Novices] - What is Whisky? A little introduction | 21.572 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgsafe.org/ba67fc7719.jpg) | @jay4u | Home sweet home | 21.383 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://httpsimage.com/img/IMG_20161011_111706b.jpg) | @food-creator | Pomegranate smoothie- For reducing inflammatory activity | 21.814 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/j2uvH5y.jpg) | @eliseuy | PhotoWalk Of The Day: Heaven or Hell? | 21.403 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s22.postimg.org/k1a2hlln5/prewed.jpg) | @gie | Pre Wedding Photography | 21.878 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.sli.mg/aqsNPm.jpg) | @always1success | My first flight on hang-glider | 20.661 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://www.magic4walls.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/man-opening-dust-of-old-book-in-dark-694x417.jpg) | @harand | The book you keep within | 20.347 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://www.torqeyeanalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Retail-Banner-1024x615.png) | @mrlogic | Saving the economy by decreasing marketing margins | 19.816 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/10/11/IMG_0239b5d92.jpg) | @gridcoinman | Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado at 11,000-12,000 ft (3-4 km) in October | 19.487 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgsafe.org/7a25352e1b.jpg) | @nathwright876 | Naruto Character Drawing 2: 3rd Tsuchikage | 19.131 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://s10.postimg.org/e44htukex/axe_tree.jpg) | @stillsafe | 2 Lumberjacks Deep in the Woods Chopping Trees - (Motivational Story) - [A Must Read] | 19.038 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://red0dust.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/dscn1579.jpg) | @reddust | Teapot Detail -- Kitchen Art | 19.550 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1476117245.jpg) | @prosto-veter | Oktoberfest // Октоберфест | 19.200 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i68.tinypic.com/mvkcgh.jpg) | @lapilipinas | Pebble Art - Lady and the Balloon | 18.662 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemimg.com/images/2016/10/11/178868.jpg) | @steemvest17 | Plasticine Art - THE WINNERS | 17.319 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/10/11/angel-749625_1280055af.md.jpg) | @lunnettik | Deceit of Angels and Roses(Original Poetry) | 16.197 SBD |
Again a great job, size wise and quality wise. Thank you and namaste :)
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Another fabulous list of posts. Thanks for your efforts to support these authors
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thank you@curie :-)
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Congratulations to the nominees of the day
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Best steemit search for good posts :)
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Thanks for another good list!
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Thanks. Just another thing to motivated me to stay with this site!
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Thanks for the support. It's much appreciated
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I feel very luck to have been featured here twice in less than a month. Thank you!
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Upvoted. Thanks. How you pick the aurhors on this list ?
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Thank you. I'm excited to continue curating content
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Thank you for supporting my post! Much appreciated
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This post has been linked to from another place on Steem.
Advanced Steem Metrics Report for 12th October 2016 by @ontofractal
Steemit Club 500 - 11 October 2016 by @topten
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Built by @ontofractal
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I still thank your publication
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wow.. nice post..
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Not yet figured out how to publish your article. Can someone explain in a simple?
Ещё не разобралась как опубликовать свою статью. Может кто по простому объяснит?
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thank you very much!
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