![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s21.postimg.org/3ls5u9so7/789full_port_of_shadows_poster.jpg) | @steemswede | [MOVIE REVIEW] Port of Shadows (1938) by Marcel Carné | 33.401 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/KZAcjOM.png) | @rubenalexander | Hacking Optical Illusions [Dancing Black Dots] | 33.129 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://ipfs.pics/ipfs/Qmc35FNMQpm4DhjMtcFPvVByybiBiXAdBHRbRbHkDww1wB) | @jsantana | Photo Shoot - Republic Square (Praça da República) | 32.568 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgsafe.org/85598738a7.png) | @puffin | Visit to the elephant orphanage in Pinnawala, Sri Lanka | 32.806 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://pp.vk.me/c626918/v626918873/2d052/YLEVmLTLcEQ.jpg) | @villainblack | Daily-Sketch: "Goodbay 44th president" | 32.099 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s20.postimg.org/7gww1d31p/barco_pirata_luces_led.jpg) | @gargon | El Curioso Caso de Blas De Lezo | 32.519 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/3ItgwOc.jpg) | @rebelmeow | Original Fiction: How Nicholas Failed to Live Happily Ever After, part one | 31.258 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BoDLIfcIcAATEFD.png) | @alechahn | Literally saving lifes with Crypto! | 31.723 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://eurobeast.dk/misc/Steemit/September/kiki_ikon_1.jpg) | @katharsisdrill | Kiki - the Krita mascot | 31.231 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://scontent-sin.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14494672_10209537662573203_7437028348399164587_n.jpg?oh=f7b10c9b74622b5e96dccd71d1d62fa2&oe=58823AA1) | @juvyjabian | Policies That Were Implemented in the Philippines Started During American Occupation | 30.264 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/tBNPNTw.jpg) | @moon32walker | The Best Point and Click Adventure Games | 30.948 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://ipfs.pics/ipfs/QmRwa9hWtp8swpF4fQ3VJEjZzkFt8ncc1QrHDMUeN59UNu) | @garethnelsonuk | On uploading minds and survival of personal identity | 30.562 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s18.postimg.org/5541v549l/walter.jpg) | @rigaronib | Daily Holi-Art #5 : Walter White | 30.324 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i0.wp.com/transhumanity.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/0b6ee40d5ad8c95796c4930674205dae.jpg?w=600) | @davidjkelley | Critical Nature of Emotions in Artificial General Intelligence | 29.816 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i68.tinypic.com/141tjm0.jpg) | @punjammies | An original greetings card and Poem for Mothers Day. | 29.552 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s25.postimg.org/l2g9osz0f/vampire_girl_1333631_960_720.jpg) | @lpfaust | Subcultures and Social Trends: Real Vampires – The Daywalkers and Undead Among Us | 29.406 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://scratchliving.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/foxdaughter.jpg) | @reddust | Farm Fox | 29.771 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i1.wp.com/alden-tan.com/wp-content/uploads/My-father.jpg?zoom=1.5&resize=432%2C325) | @aldentan | What it is like to lose a loved one you grew up with | 29.840 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s19.postimg.org/kwfeoilj7/hpv_1.jpg) | @mdcomes | Virus VPH: Relación SEXO - CÁNCER | 29.221 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i68.tinypic.com/294gf1v.jpg) | @wildmanhowling | THE HIGH WILD - part 6 minisode (original serial) | 29.565 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2016/03/31/21/07/bird-1296205_960_720.png) | @joshglen | SILENT ETERNITY (An Original Poem) | 29.016 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/WbsWimx.jpg) | @nadin3 | Accordion style potatoes!!! Картошка- гармошка!!! | 29.330 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/09/25/afisfireg478cf.jpg) | @nelu.ceban | PROJECT Weapons against fire ‐ fire resistant materials and fire retardant substances | 29.394 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1474825942.png) | @grisha-danunaher | I love my job. Я люблю свою работу | 29.582 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://ipfs.pics/ipfs/QmWKwf8df3GBDasTA56imnb2H1dmEDew9WsC51z9K1tskN) | @eveningstar92 | Billings Alternacirque at Uniquinox Elemental- Performance Photos | 29.434 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/Ny5HtNJ.jpg?1) | @woman-onthe-wing | Homemade Healthy Snacks Series - #3 Easy-Peasy Crunchy Chickpeas | 28.456 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgsafe.org/82c95c906d.jpg) | @themagus | Music Legends - Featured Artist Bob Dylan | 28.411 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://scontent.fmnl3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/14457372_1140518926018674_2810229290070123276_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoiYiJ9&_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeGogpzPMKoGHiApBaTD5L9xIIV62RJ-s7TKGdNJpMocaYyurRtqY78jSGKU95EVewtQqczJJsL2QjEioJBYa8rmq93BwKt6vNX3cbPpvqFTSEkJ3R1ADNyL14t44ZI2VWA&oh=88914fc0867115593e947c3f0b425c57&oe=58825E65) | @pakganern | D.I.Y RECYCLE PEN HOLDER USING EMPTY MAT PAPER ROLL AND OLD MAGAZINES | 28.685 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/09/26/FILE0537a6ecd.jpg) | @romanskv | the water is similar to steel or attack a twilight of darkness \\ 27 photos + bonus Gif \\ for SteemitPhotoChallenge #10 | 28.722 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://www.evalewarne.com/uploads/3/1/2/2/3122511/nimbus_orig.jpg?219) | @elewarne | New Painting | 28.053 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/09/15/GerberMultiTool40ef7.jpg) | @survivalist.com | Picking a Multi-tool for Prepping | 28.897 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s9.postimg.org/4iugr3ln3/M_jico.png) | @jgcastrillo19 | Distinta visión de la historia oficial | 28.466 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i079.radikal.ru/1609/b9/2c4f58d01c36.jpg) | @svetlanaart | My work!portraits in watercolor! every day I try to learn something new and become a better artist | 28.454 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/67xynmR.jpg) | @timbo | The Survivor: Episode 4 (Original Steemit Series) | 28.027 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s20.postimg.org/cptyfbpkt/vista_aerea.jpg) | @jlufer | Lugares de mi tierra el parque Mitre | 28.623 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://aubergedulis.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/p_20160924_111039.jpg) | @aubergedulis | Bread done two ways | 28.883 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/09/17/IMG_1969a2262.jpg) | @marinauzelac | PORTRAITS OF MUSICIANS | 28.572 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/09/25/first0d48d.jpg) | @richardjuckes | Non-violence - original poetry, old and new. | 28.247 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgsafe.org/5df6a6c38e.jpg) | @anritco | Tremeklock, Lagarto Salvaje - Trabajo Original - Arte Conceptual Original. | 28.543 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://theconsciousprocess.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/colors-of-silence.jpg) | @masonmiler | Silence - ( An original poem By @Masonmiler ) | 27.322 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://res.cloudinary.com/esteem/image/upload/v1474296748/image_vfu9xv.jpg) | @waldemar-kuhn | Welcome to Saint-Tropez | 27.544 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://financesmarter.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Jeep-Wrangler-03.jpg) | @smartercars | Reviewing the Jeep Wrangler ~ Smarter Car Reviews | 27.417 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://ipfs.pics/ipfs/QmcqEWv1o7AWsbW9Zuq3zESxnP5D2S6o1zXXqAWRabFNr3) | @scaredycatguide | Weekly Poetry Jam - SILENT INSTANCE (Original Poetry) | 27.006 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa41/beehelicopter/KokoPBdirector.png) | @therealpaul | Everything I know About Filmmaking I Learned From Jorge Luis Borges | 27.402 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i66.tinypic.com/4gj98k.jpg) | @lapilipinas | Elephant Origami | 27.661 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://savepic.ru/11552956.jpg) | @natalyaborqo | Why so harsh? | 26.343 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ej509rt4tex7xs/academia-1293362_1280.png?raw=1) | @lanimal | Perverse Incentives and Hyper-competition in Academia | 26.854 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.share.pho.to/5e544b71_o.jpeg) | @dmilash | MyCrazySandwich #13 (BITCOIN) | 26.689 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/924/K6Uso3.png) | @dresden | [SPANISH] "Si tuviera un millón de $$$ Dólares $$$" [Original Article by @felixxx] | 26.004 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i63.tinypic.com/2illsnp.jpg) | @tygergamer | My Thoughts on Psychonauts | 26.866 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgsafe.org/85ddb928ab.jpg) | @decimus | Transform Your Inner Critic Into a Motivational Machine | 26.587 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://thekingdomcorner.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/father-son-jump1.jpg) | @positivesteem | Lessons From My Autistic Son: The Gifts Of Caring, Acceptance, Appreciation and Love | 26.460 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/09/10/bishkek62539da50.jpg) | @boddhisattva | The blue pearl of Kyrgyzstan - Issyk-Kul lake. Part 3 / Голубая жемчужина Кыргызстана – Озеро Иссык-Куль. Часть 3 | 26.123 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s19.postimg.org/qjw82594z/20160926_083247.jpg) | @patelincho | When the sun is coming up - something from my heart ! | 25.125 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/09/25/mananitaBNf30aa.jpg) | @edrivegom | Small Flowers - Macro photography | 25.295 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgsafe.org/8b91d24d67.jpg) | @in2itiveart | the Parrot Painting... part 1 | 25.484 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/09/25/10143714.jpg) | @shieha | SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #2 - Minimalism - Floating 101 | 25.727 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/VJeWcxL.jpg) | @mikemacintire | La Ventana del Sur - My work - SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry | 25.137 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://beamingnotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/EA-blog-712x394-success.jpg) | @luisucv34 | The key to success: It is never to give up | 25.915 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/1111-640x480.jpg) | @idrinkcoffeeblk | A Decentralized World Has No Kings | 25.793 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s018.radikal.ru/i504/1609/3b/4b4d74b266ce.jpg) | @gidlark | Self-loading pistol "Baltiets" (Самозарядный пистолет “Балтиец”) | 25.926 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s19.postimg.org/npli5fe0j/horror_forrest_l_cover_4.jpg) | @naquoya | [ORIGINAL FICTION] Bad Trip part four: Enter the Mind Hack | 24.835 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://rawveganlivingblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/fresh_fruits_health.jpg) | @rawveganliving | STOP Doing What You've Always Been Doing & Try This! | 24.284 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgsafe.org/81ecbca04d.jpg) | @steemafon | My Creative. Roll "Smoked Philadelphia" | 24.570 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/IWYFsH3.gif) | @marialin | NON - VERBAL COMMUNICATION | 24.836 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.greb-elements.de/download/pics/water/wat6.jpg) | @steemokto | Photography - "water games" | 24.964 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s21.postimg.org/4tcsx92mv/image.png) | @patimaker | My original work - gloomy castle | 23.083 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://steemimg.com/images/2016/09/24/caravan-Brighton65ee6.jpg) | @franks | A Short Story: Caravan by Frank Sonderborg (Republic of B Chapter 2) | 23.521 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/TRWGASV.jpg) | @lgm-1 | Flatland Minimalism (photography composition rules + quick tips) - SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry | 23.198 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s6.postimg.org/p03np5nv5/done.jpg) | @poeticsnake | Time is ticking, Tik Tok... ( New drawing) | 23.701 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i.imgur.com/StEmVtF.jpg) | @rubellitefae | The Symbiosis Project | 22.593 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.kyusho.com/KHW-Lymph-1.png) | @kyusho | What is Lymph? | 22.832 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://img1.steemit.com/0x0/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/09/11/trickster0a290.png) | @radioactivities | The Trickster's Guide on to How to Stop Worrying, Part 2: 8 More Lessons on Mastering Tricksterity | 22.253 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/09/01/bluephoenixcoverbook1lowres-1-e14656399204642a6ec.jpg) | @tinalynge | Blue Phoenix - Chapter 19 | 22.481 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://i63.tinypic.com/33ekm6g.jpg) | @solarguy | One Left Handed, Eyes Closed Orgami Rock | 21.095 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s10.postimg.org/8klez04zd/image.jpg) | @verbal-d | Pearlescent Poems # 3: Black Brimstones | 21.574 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://s11.postimg.org/fjrfvy7z7/Q_in_fog_sitting_on_water.png) | @everlove | SteemitPhotochallenge No. 10....Entry #2 - MINIMALISM....Grace of the Divine | 21.763 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgsafe.org/80e8820bfd.jpg) | @titin | La duda metódica | 21.164 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://i.imgsafe.org/8332d1e275.jpg) | @jennane | List of My Favorite Youtubers | 21.329 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/http://www.indiewire.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/5-things-you-might-not-know-about-roman-polanski-chinatown.jpg) | @lukeofkondor | Ø15: How do you eat an apple? ... & Chinatown! | 21.868 SBD |
![](https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://img.youtube.com/vi/yla0a1SwPtU/0.jpg) | @steevc | #22Kill Charity pushup challenge, day 19 | 19.279 SBD |
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