Digital sculpture "Return from summer"

in curie •  6 years ago 

Return from summer 2016 with more consciouness decorosa other side 50X36 no alpha.jpg

Another digital sculpture of mine..It is related to the project for "populate"the little and famous town of Alberobello
with my sculpture.I hope that in the future they will be real and not only virtual.

This artwork was created with 3D Coat and Zbrush for the modeling.For rendering I used Redshift render inside Cinema 4d.

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It looks very interesting. You said this piece is virtual, but I feel this is a way of art or a statement. So many things only seen as in imageries that who knows they really exist? Looking forward to your future creations.

Good morning @naomipangolin and thank for your comment.
You are right..It is a sort of new art... :)
Stay tuned...and have a nice day.

Such a cool shape ! And I love the texture and coloration <3 Beautiful !

Good morning dear @veryspider and thank you as usual for your comment!

oh wow, You created it on Z-Brush and then 3D printed?

Hello @jameshsmitharts and thank you.
For now I create only i Zbrush but in the near future I hope to 3d print my digital sculptures!