Damn it feels good to be a gangsta 😜
(Fun fact: This photo is not Photoshopped)
I was a Featured Author in today's Curie Author Showcase for my How to Survive a Homemade Submarine series! It's a real honor to be recognized by the @curie community!
Thanks to my fellow Steemians who nominated my post and upvoted it way up high... it's great to be part of Steem!
Also: mad credit to Lia Barrett for many of the photos in the articles. She's the genius behind the amazing close-ups in my submarine posts, as well as the surreal BUT VERY REAL photo featured above of two dudes chilling with coffee next to a school of sharks.
Check out How to Survive a Homemade Submarine Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4, as well as the follow up photo gallery with more mind-blowing images.