Do you already know exactly what colour and variety your cyclamen is? But above all, do you know all the secrets to treat it and keep it beautiful and healthy?
Here you will find out what tricks and tricks you need to follow literally to care, nourish and keep your cyclamen healthy, depending on the color and type!
Colors and varieties
In Italy, there are three varieties of cyclamen that grow easily when planted from a bulb in pot or simply with seeds in garden soil.
There is also a fourth variety, foreign, which can be easily cultivated in our country and is the white cyclamen Creticum. Of Greek origin, it comes from the island of Crete and is, among all species, the rarest in absolute.
Care and secrets
Cyclamen is an autunnal-winter flower that resists very well to the harsh temperatures of the cold season.
But how to treat cyclamen so that it can be kept beautiful and healthy?
First of all, there is a distinction to be made between potted cyclamens and cyclamens planted in the garden. Cyclamens in pots should preferably be placed in the light, but should not be directed and should not overheat the environment. Cyclamens in the garden, on the other hand, must be planted in the shade of other plants and must not be exposed to the wind.
The cyclamen does not need much water, so do not exaggerate when watering it. A secret: always touch the mould of the cyclamen before proceeding with the water and, if it is wet, do not wet it. Another method is to pour the water into the potting plant rather than directly on the ground.
With the arrival of summer, the cyclamen will slowly lose all its beautiful flowers, but don't be afraid: keep it away from direct sunlight, remove dry leaves and remnants of flowers and, in September, pour it away from the direct sunlight! In this way it will flourish and be more beautiful than before.
The cyclamen, like many other flowers, has a particular meaning: it seems to be a good luck holder and an amulet to drive out bad events. So, if you want to give a flower to those who feel a little unlucky or simply want to donate a beautiful flower, choose a cyclamen and you will certainly make a beautiful figure!