Central banking is an abomination unto God

in currency •  7 years ago 


(Proverbs 11:1)

The Bible warns us repeatedly against unjust weights and measures. It calls them an abomination. In the ancient world there were thieves who would tip the scales of a transaction with weights that were not what they claimed or measures that would not balance. This is exactly what central banks do today with money and credit creation. By devaluation they claim they can get an advantage over other nations or even create a healthy economy with a certain level of inflation. In reality they only enslave the citizens who are forced to use the currency and offend God with their dishonesty.

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Our currency system creates winners and losers in the system.

Plus the system of political plunder and rampant cronyism.

It is. And they don't want people knowing how it's done, so most people don't. Even most college graduates. How can a system be just if it's based on deception? It can't be.

John 3:20 For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.

Amen! That's exactly what's happening.

I talk about this on my blogs. They are the reason for every war. I just did a blog on what every assassinated president has in common. Check it out, it goes hand in hand with what your talking about

Short but sweet. I agree completely. Not many people have stopped to consider what God teaches us about what He considers to be real money and what ethics should guide our use of that real money. When I first woke up to how our whole economic system is an abomination in God's eyes it really gave me greater insight to what the Mark might be and who the whore that rides the beast might be. Followed and upvoted. Looking forward to hearing more if your thoughts in this topic.

Specifically what we can do about it in real practical ways. How do we set ourselves free? Is becoming Amish without being Amish the only way?

Thank you and I will write more on this topic.

Upvoted and following! God bless you brother!

Followed back God bless you as well!


Absolutely agree. And fiat currency is almost by definition an unjust weight and measure because it is guaranteed to be subject to "quantitative easing" as the deceivers call it. In short, central banking, legal tender laws, fractional reserve banking, and fiat currency are all part of the evil system of unjust weights and measures. Together, these rob the working poor and hurt them above all others.