The correct use of contraceptives

in cury •  7 years ago  (edited)

If being a father is not on your priority list at the moment, things like I forgot to take the pill! or I did not use a condom! After a sexual encounter, they can be a cause of great disturbance. Apparently, the emergency pill or the next or "or the next day" can return calm, of course, but your intake can not be routine.

To avoid frights and annoying surprises, keep in mind that the hormonal methods and the condom or its combination are preferably the most reliable as preventive pregnancies, but only if they are used correctly. The emergency pill, as its name implies, is only for those situations in which prevention was impossible. At no time should be understood as a substitute for family planning methods.

In Venezuela, the morning after pill has more demand than birth control pills. In addition, it is the South American country with the highest incidence of early pregnancy. "On the other hand, the percentage of abortions is very high. What does that say? That adolescents are not taking care of themselves, says the specialist, when referring to the reason why today the emergency pill is more sold than contraceptives.

To prevent a pregnancy not settled there are several methods with proven effectiveness. The most reliable is the condom or condom, which is also the only one that can protect both men and women from sexually transmitted infections (HIV and others); and hormonal methods, as we mentioned at the beginning, the ideal is the combination of both, which promises: zero pregnancy and zero disease.
An unbreakable barrier
As the name implies, the barrier methods form a kind of wall, which prevents the sperm from making contact with the ovum. The male latex condom is the most commonly used. It is a sheath that covers the erect penis during intercourse to retain the ejaculated semen. Failures are usually due to poor positioning or removal, although there is also the possibility that it breaks, it is recommended that "it should be placed with the penis erect before penetration, pressing the tip of the condom or develop it along the penis to its base . It is necessary to leave a space without air at the end to retain the semen without causing the condom to break. " In addition, emphasis is placed on removing the condom at the right time: before losing the erection

On the other hand doctors warn about the importance of some aspects that could avoid taking risks:
-revise the expiration date, because a condom can be broken.
-have to place (emptying the tip of the condom).
-use it only once, well, even if it is washed, it is no longer reliable.

  • use polyurethane condoms in case of latex allergy.
    There is also the female condom, a sleeve with two rings on the ends that fits the walls of the vagina. But, this guy has not been very commercialized, because it is not very comfortable at the time of sexual intercourse.
    The diaphragm is another barrier method that may have had reference. It was very used by the women of a time, but at the moment it is not common; It covers the cervix and prevents the passage of sperm. It can be combined with some spermicides, which are substances that reduce sperm to fertilize, but are not recommended because they can be irritating and ineffective.
    In short, the male condom is the king of barrier contraceptives.
    The pill
    You could say that hormonal methods are the most effective contraceptives and among them the contraceptive pill, a combination of hormones that inhibits ovulation, and when not ovulating the woman has no way of getting pregnant. The pill is very effective if it is taken correctly: one daily. To do it, keep the following in mind:
    -If you take it and then vomit, this amounts to not having taken it.
    If you have diarrhea, the body will not effectively adsorb it.
    -If you take it intermittently, every other day, it just will not work.
    There are many beliefs about the pills: fattening produces varicose veins, nausea.
    If you are an obese smoker, over 35 years of age and hypertensive should not use hormonal methods, because this could result in long-term heart problems.

Some myths
-We have to take vacations of the contraceptive pill: this was before due to the high concentration of estrogen that our grandmother used. Nowadays it has been proven that its prolonged use can protect against ovarian cancer.
-t is going to make sterile: some women think that the pills will make sterile, that when the suspension is not going to be able to have children, this is completely false. None of the hormonal methods can make a woman sterile.
-lividness decrease: this could happen to many women, if you notice that your livid is gone consult the doctor.
-the fashion pill is appropriate: not necessarily the one that has more promotion is the best, "there are patients who have higher estrogen receptors, and others of androgens then there is a pill for each one.
The next day
-It should be taken in the first 72 hours after intercourse, without protection. After that time it will not produce the desired effect.

  • Taking it indiscriminately alters the menstrual cycle and produces various disorders in the body.
    -It can be used comfortably, maximum 2 times a year, because a condom was broken or a situation presented itself in which it became difficult to use an effective contraceptive method.
    Finally, it is not enough to reiterate that the pills or emergency pills are indicated only for cases of "emergencies". Contraceptive methods exist and are effective if you know how to use them. @madelenfh


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