Why Custom Promotional Items will boost your business

in custom •  7 years ago 

Custom Promotional Products

Every entrepreneur in the world has been there. You’re a new start up company and you have no idea how to promote/ market your idea to your audience to start bringing in some revenue so in this post I will discuss three simple options to not only get your company being talked about but also getting potential clients thinking about the business too. So here goes… Before we start don’t get me wrong there are numerous ways you can advertise, promote and market yourself but here are a few ways in which you could do it for pennies on the dollar and still leave an impact.

Custom Promotional Products

Now, this is a pretty broad category so let me sub head this section with a few scenarios and printed business item ideas.

1. Mugs

how many of you wake up in the early A.M ready to face what the working day brings only to realize that you’ve missed your morning dose of caffeine? It happens to the best of us dear reader but doesn’t the day instantly get worse when you don’t have that subtle pick me up to kick start your day?… Exactly so you know one of the first things people are going to do in the morning is reached for that coffee mug. BAM! Instant reminder of your business right on the most precious piece of crockery a kitchen can contain.

2. Clothing

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy just a few cheaply printed t-shirts with a relevant company design on just be sure to make it catchy and appealing to as large of a demographic as you can. From the elderly to the teeny boppers.

3. Office and Desk Supplies

From stationery to staplers and everything in between. You’d be surprised how mundane office work is so a funky piece of stationery can not only make the grind more bearable but also plant the seed of “Hey lookie here".

promotional products

Custom Promotional Items

I know… I know you’re saying to yourself you’ve already covered
printed business items aren’t branded business items the same thing? To which I say no… No, it’s not. The reason being a printed item can contain a slogan or some sort of slogan where as a branded item would lean more towards the company logo. A picture paints a thousand words as the old saying goes so plaster as many items as you can with your business logo. Start small with a mix of the items above and gradually grow the investment. You’ll be on the side of skyscrapers and billboards in no time.

branded promotional items

So you’ve printed some shirts and branded an assortment of other
promotional items but I believe one item in particular needs a little more elaboration. When I think of marketing materials I think of none other than the humble pen. Picture the scenario you’re just about to close your first deal and your client has forgotten his pen so naturally you offer up yours. The difference being your pen is branded so once the dotted line is signed politely insist they keep the writing instrument because every time he now has to scribble on a piece of paper your brand is going to be staring him straight in the face and that young reader is the most powerful marketing technique of them all.

promotional gifts

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