Everything You Need To Know About Shibainu

in cutest •  4 years ago 

Most individuals confuse the ShibaInu with a fox. So, if you have ever at one point seen someone walk with a dog that looked like a fox, the high chances are that it was a ShibaInu puppy.

So what is a ShibaInu? ShibaInu dogs are Japanese breeds having features that resemble those of foxes. This breed was initially found in Japan, where it was bred as a hunting dog – both small and large game. They could flush wild boars and small birds very confidently.

ShibaInu Personality and Behavior Traits

If you are considering purchasing a ShibaInu puppy, you should note that these dogs have some distinct behavior and traits. Check out some of the top traits.


ShibaInu dogs are known to be very independent and might not be the best off lead. Even when taught to recall, a ShibaInu tends to love to goalone. Try to keep your dog in a fenced-in area or on a leash; otherwise, it might disappear. Give it the independence it needs, but ensure safety.


To add to their independence, SibaInu dogs are also pretty stubborn. Ensure that you train your dog early and be consistent about it. Above all, keep in mind that this breed also needs companionship. They might be stubborn, but they also need to be around you and enjoy your affection.


As highlighted earlier, this type of breed was kept as hunting dogs…they really like to be active. However, they know when enough is enough. They are not like other herding dogs such as the Australian Shepherd; they won’t work continuously.

A great training session or a long walk can be enough for a ShibaInu puppy every other day. They also love solving problems – you can throw in an advanced toy puzzle to enrich their activity.


If ShibaInu dogs could be allowed to just say a word, it would probably be ‘mine’. According to this breed, they don’t share – that what others do. Some of these dogs might take this trait way too far and show some aggressive and resource guarding behaviors. Such behaviors might include growling or barking when one tries to take away their toys, treats, or food.

At times (extreme), the dog might even bite if someone tries to take something that belongs to them. If you have some other dogs or kids, try to keep some of their favorite bones or toys to avoid fights and issues. Feed them in different rooms to avoid growling and barking.

Naturally Clean

Some people refer to this breed as being catlike since it takes some time for personal grooming. Since they are tidy naturally, you can house train them quickly. They are not the kind of a pet that will soil the area that they sleep or eat. Just show it where it should conduct its business, and it will adapt very quickly.

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