What To Put On Your CV If You Have No Work Experience

in cv •  8 years ago 

Finding your first job may be difficult, especially if you have no prior experience in the world of work. Here I'm going to teach you the basics to writing a CV (Curriculum Vitae) to get you started in the world of work.

Firstly, you should write a short introductory statement about yourself, who you are and what type of person you are so that the potential employer can know who you are. Depending on the job you're applying for, you may want to research their company and include some skills or talents that may be helpful in that line of work. h

Now, we've established you have no work experience. But what do you have? That's the best place to start. Start with your most recent qualifications and then in descending chronological order list your prior qualifications.

Now, the next part is typically where you would put your work experience. Considering you don't have any, you may think this part is unnecessary, but that's far from the truth. You may not have direct work experience but there are many skills that the working environment requires, that you've likely gained from other experiences. It's key to group these skills under headings and explain how they can help you with your job. You have likely gained skills in communicating, team work, time management etc, so you will need to talk about these transferable skills.

After you've listed any skills you've gathered from your general life, it's time to talk about your hobbies. You need to talk about what interests you and bring out the positives in your interests. For example, if you're into drawing, you can talk about the fact that you are a creative person, etc.

Make sure your CV is professional and reflects who you are in a respectable, and employable manner.

Good Luck!

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