Cyber-bullying in Mindanao State University @ Naawan

in cyber-bullying •  7 years ago 

This is our research study regarding the issue of Cyber-bullying in the University in my school days.

In this new generation, teens and young adults use technology more than ever before. Most of them use internet access to send instant messages to their family or friends, send videos online, keep personal profiles on social networking websites, share photos, and more. Many teens also have cell phones and other devices in which they mostly spend hour’s text-messaging friends. Technology allows all of us to communicate and has a great benefit for our daily life. However, it has also provided some people with the means to exploit the innocent, commit crimes, and inflict injury on others. This technology has allowed some teens to take the bullying online and that’s what we call it “Cyber Bullying” rather than the traditional bullying. Suddenly, Cyber bullying is using the Internet, cell phones, and video game systems, or other technology to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person ( Cyber bullying has become an international phenomenon and families and schools are searching for different ways to stop this phenomenon. This international phenomenon is affecting people from any age or walk of life, including children, teens and adults who all feel very distressed and alone when being bullied online ( It can make you feel totally overwhelmed which can result in many feelings embarrassed that they are going through such a devastating time, and not knowing what support is available to them and it can make person to feel unable to confide to someone because they feel ashamed and wonder whether they will be judged or ignore. Through the use of different technology like mobile phones, computers and other gadgets in which it is freely available and is the ongoing issue or the bullying online will still spread day by day. The Cyber bullying is not only does it go on after school has finished, but it then carries through into the next day and the cycle continues. Many cases reported that cyber bullying has resulted in tragic events including depression, anxiety, anger, suicide, hatred, violence, harassment, fear, mental illness and self-harm (Makeba Williams, 2013). It cans also causes in academic failures and increase in criminal activities for children and young people. Listed below are some signs to look out for the victims of a Cyber bullying:
• Low self-esteem
• Withdrawal from family and spending a lot of time alone
• Reluctance to let parents or other family members anywhere nears their mobiles, laptops etc.
• Finding excuses to stay away from school or work
• Friends disappearing or being excluded from social events
• Losing weight or changing appearance
• Fresh marks on the skin that could indicate self-harm
• A change in personality (
Cyber bullying may threaten the safety and learning of students while at school, and consequently lead to school administrators issuing disciplinary action against perpetrators (Feinberg &Robey, 2008). Part of the problem of Cyber bullying is that it largely exists outside the school system. It means that a student is not really to be in a school to be bullied online. Through evolving of technology, teens and young adults are increasingly discovering that they are facing a much more difficult social landscape these days and it easy for them to participate in Cyber bulling by different ways through this new technology and this is the reason why cyber bullying in the Philippines has become so prevalent recently (
This study intended to bring more clarity to cyber bullying and its effects in student, university and in the community. Another purpose of this case study is to identify if the students of Mindanao State University at Naawan are considered to be a cyberbully or not. As far as the students of the university are concern, it is important to identify if they participate in this phenomenon so that they might be aware, avoid and stop of what they do and even for the university will be able to find ways addressing the Cyber Bullying by implementing cyber bullying education and awareness programs, and applying disciplinary action not only for the students benefits while studying but even when the time comes they graduated, they’ve become a good person in the family and even in the society. The result of this study will serve as a guide or reference for us and even for other research to find answers or solution to the said phenomenon that we experience nowadays. In conclusion, the main purpose of this study is to understand better how cyber bullying affects the students and school system and might hopefully assist the school officials to effectively address this said phenomenon.

Results in the survey:

For boys, 5 out of 10 respondents is a cyber-risky followed by 4 out of 10 respondents is a cyber-saint and 1 out of 10 respondents is a cyberbully.

For girls, 4 out of 10 respondents is a cyber-risky followed by 3 out of 10 respondents is a cyber-saint, 2 out of 10 respondents is a cyber-sinner and 1 out of 10 respondents is a cyberbully.


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Nice man👍

As a parent its a big worry, my little girl who is 10 years old loves to watch You Tube video's on Mine Craft and Horses, she wants to create her own You Tube Channel too but I tried to explain that there's some nasty people out there who just love to give negative comments and put people down even when people are just help and sharing their lives with other. The internet can be a very bad place for children, as well as an amazing source of knowledge and learning too. Upvoted thank you.

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finish upvoting.. visit my work too if you like. Thank you!

Interesting data, thanks!