When we talk about the overall impact of the cyber attacks on the Global market, which stress on the fact that a cyber attack can compromise data and other assets of a particular organisation up to an extent to wear it is difficult for every employee within that company to keep their services safe. With that being said, we can obviously say that it is because of the digitalization of all the organisations, that such vulnerability is prevalent in today's market scenario.
To understand why exactly the cyber attacks are becoming strong with each attempt, you need to analyse the reasons why there are still one of the biggest threats in the world. We would agree that cybercrime has become a major problem for all the uses, including the work from home employees, governments, and organisations across the world. This exponential rate can also be identified as the result of negligence on the part of all the organisations in the Global market. And when we say that all the organisations are equally responsible for this rise of cybercrime, we are stressing on the fact that every industry in the corporate world, is equally at fault when it comes to negligence and overconfidence they have on the network infrastructure with which they have come up with. That's why; all the cyber criminals are able to infiltrate the network infrastructure of their desired companies. Therefore, to understand all these reasons, we have to take a look at the premise of this particular discussion. On that not, below are some of the points that reflect the mistakes made by most of the influential players across all the industries in the world.
Can we talk about the list of all the mistakes done by the companies that led them two becoming one of the most primary suspects of the cyber attackers, one of the most prominent ones, is the optimism bias stirred up between all the companies in a particular industry or in the corporate world as a whole. This can also be viewed as one of the most important reasons why general data protection regulation services in the UK have been the most demanding services.
When we say that all the companies and professionals are optimistically biased regarding these cyber attacks, there are many reasons for them to think like that.
And, out of all these reasons, one of the most common is the fact that every company irrespective of their scale, is thinking that our business is too small to witness such an enormous attack.
What these companies don't understand is that there is something valuable in all the organisations out there, even if they think that they don't have anything to lure cyber attackers.
And once these optimistic thoughts take the better of these companies, they look up to the cyber security consultancy services around the world in order to protect them from the attacks which they were sure they won't witness.
It is because of this optimistic nature around the corporate world, that these cyber criminals have become so well equipped while executing the attacks, that way goes untraced for quite a long time.
According to a report published by CBS News, all the security experts around the world share a common opinion, which states that a good hacker can break two-thirds of all the existing parts words in today's scenario, and that too within a few minutes.
Passwords such as "123456", "qwerty", and "password", are perpetually used by most of the individuals around the world, even after the fact that everybody knows how easy it is for anyone to guess them. Another mistake committed by these individuals and organisations, is the practice of using one particular password across all their accounts. Such practices not only make the overall situation a vulnerable approach but also make all the players look like fools.
On a concluding note, if any organisation is thinking that they won't be attacked by any cybercriminals in the near future, it's not only a mistake on their part, it becomes one of the main reasons for their downfall in the global market as well. And, according to a rational perspective common of the organisations are actually ready to risk their existence in the corporate world. That's why; it is important to keep a check on all the loose ends in a particular organisation and analyse all the mistakes that they can overlook in the future. This analysis will help them in building resilient cyber security managed services. And eventually will make the organisation strong to mitigate all the cyber attacks that might befall upon them full stop with that being said, along with keeping a check at the mistakes, it's also important to identify all the trending cyber attack patterns so that they can be prepared for any unforeseen risk.