Cybersecurity Insights Video: Deficient Forethought for Digital Technology Risks with Alexander Stein

in cybersecurity •  3 years ago 

Technology can be mesmerizing. We are all lured by the seemingly endlessly tantalizing stream of emerging technologies that promise to connect and enrich our lives. But there is a potential dark side. For every great innovative benefit, there are accompanying risks.

Technology risks are often ignored, to the detriment of users. Even with massive hacks and breaches, the general public has not learned to be more careful and proactive.

It is time to explore the risks we ignore in the technology we desire!

In today’s Cybersecurity Insights podcast, I am talking with Dr. Alexander Stein, an expert in human decision-making and behaviors involving cybersecurity vulnerabilities and the unintended consequences of technologies.

Dr. Stein highlights the systemic problem of trust in technology and breaks down many of the root behavioral challenges. He also provides some recommendations we all can apply to shift the technology and human interaction ecosystem, in a way that better manages technology risks.

Special thanks to this week’s guest, Dr Alexander Stein, whom you can follow on LinkedIn: and his website:

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It is in our nature to be attracted to shiny things!

La tecnologia en la medida que analizan los beneficios y la invacion de los mismos asi como el daño moral o material en contra de los intereses de los usuarios.debido a los riesgos tecnológicos que a menudo se ignoran, incluso con ataques e infracciones masivas, al público en general, ya los idoneos en la materia tendran que ir haciendo los ajustes para contrarrestar los referidos males. Mientras se ha de ser más cuidadoso.

Agreed, we must all be more careful and act with forethought!