FIRST POST! Day Zero of 100 Days to Cybersecurity Literacy

in cybersecurity •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello all,

I am happy as a clam to have now made my FIRST POST!!! Introduction coming soon… I was too vain today to make a photo of myself!

This is Day Zero of “100 Days to Cybersecurity Literacy.”

An Invitation

I am inviting you to follow me on a journey to go from zero knowledge of cybersecurity to being able to talk about it over coffee and even “work” on it, in the technical sense, during your own time.

“After that incisive commentary, I just need to talk about anime a little, AND SHE WILL BE MINE.”

This invitation is mainly for beginners like me, but if I find an audience, I would like some seasoned practitioners having a pedagogical bent to give some helpful hints. For example, what if we want to answer this question, “If I have 20 minutes a day to stay up-to-date in cybersecurity news, what are the best sites?” A veteran’s observations would be most helpful. Well… Frankly, helpful for most any question...

What are the prerequisites?

I think the following qualities would be helpful partially because they are my own, and this is, after all, a series from my own point of view:

  • A computer with at least 2 gigs of RAM and a couple hundred free gigs of memory as I suspect we will be using the Linux operating system in the near future in parallel with our usual Windows system;
  • A willingness to delve into both the political/economic/compliance issues of cybersecurity and develop some technical skills;
  • For the technical side, understanding of basic programming structures like loops and conditional expressions, so we can try to code when we need; and
  • Also for the technical side, tolerance for frustration.

Tolerance for frustration is important for all studies of technical subjects, sciences, and mathematics. No matter how smart you are, sooner or later, you will run into a problem you can’t solve quickly. If you are stuck for too long, it is okay to look for help. After all, you are not required to reproduce every intellectual advance made by the human race. If that were the case, science would be going a heck of alot more slowly.

BUT… Sometimes you need to get stuck for a time, get really frustrated, and then finally think of the answer while you are walking the dog or something. If you don’t have a tolerance for frustration, you could pull your hair out. You will still get the answer while walking the dog, but then you are walking the dog with weirdly distributed, bald patches on your head, which is sort of embarrassing.

Even if you don’t pull your hair out, you might look like this.

What will be our guideposts?

God knows! Day 1 will be about solidifying our direction. I have some ideas already.

Hope to see you at Day 001!!!

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Glade you joined.

Very nice and good post. Best of luck to you and your learning adventure.

Thank you!

I don't follow many people, but this is very interesting to me and I'll give you a follow just because I use Manjaro, would like to pick up some coding ability, and I like to write about tech. You may have some trouble with others that aren't familiar with Linux it can get tricky. When are you going to begin?

Thanks for the reply and the follow! I am a couple of days into the 100 days already, so Day 1 will be tomorrow.

Installing Linux in a Virtual Machine was remarkably easy. I am going to try to knock get bogged down in describing intricate details. The blog will be points of interest such as important notions, how I found information to solve a problem, and whatever else could seem like a guidepost for another learner.

Tomorrow, I am going to try to explore a little what cyber warfare means in our current geopolitical climate.