Cyber Stalking - Information for Victims ! Protect yourself !

in cyberstalking •  7 years ago  (edited)

 My life become real strange last some months. So I feel I need to post this article for people who safer from Cyber Stalking !

 As i am reading this i try to protect myself from Cyber Stalking and make you all clear there is punishment in this matter regulated from the law.

Don't think you can harash people online and there is nothing to do against ! 

How you become a victum of siber stalker:

 Cyber stalkers meet their victims in a variety of ways. Frequently, the cyber stalker and the victim have had a prior relationship (either online or in real life) and the cyber stalking begins after the relationship has ended. In some cases, however, cyber stalking is committed by strangers who have obtained a victim's personal information on the Internet. Unwitting victims may post a treasure-trove of personal identifying data on social networking sites including their age, phone numbers, personal interests, and photographs. Cyber stalkers can use Internet search engines to find out additional information they can use to harass their victims. 

Information for Victims

If you are a victim of cyber stalking, it is important that you know the steps available to promote your safety, document the harassment, and initiate an end to the abuse. Victims who are teens or children should immediately tell their parents or another adult they trust about any harassment or threats. Adult victims should send a clear, written warning to the harasser to stop the contact or harassing behavior. It is important however to avoid getting into a "back-and-forth" exchange with the harasser. If at any time you feel your physical safety is in jeopardy you should contact your local police department for assistance. 

 After some months of unsuccessful try to cut the threats I decide to check my rights and what I can do against ! If you safer from something similar feel free to check this articles :

Bulgarian law is very clear about and this , and can bring over 6 years of Prison :

 Най-тежките форми на кибертормоз могат да бъдат повод за наказателно дело – при известни обстоятелства паралелно на гражданските средства за защита. Те включват, например, случаите, в които жертвите са застрашени сериозно от физическо насилие. Обект на наказателното право са заплахата, принудата и изнудването.Преди всичко могат да бъдат извършени следните престъпления:
  • § 201a от Наказателния закон „Нарушаване на правото на личен живот чрез заснето изображение “
  • § 185 от Наказателния закон „Обида“
  • § 186 от Наказателния закон „Злословие“
  • §187 от Наказателния закон „Клевета“
  • § 238 от Наказателния закон „Преследване“
  • § 131 от Наказателния закон „Насилие“
  • § 22 от Закона за авторското право „Право върху собствена снимка“
  • § 223 от Наказателния закон "Тежка телесна повреда"
  • § 240 от Наказателния закон "Принуда"
  • § 253 от Наказателния закон "Изнудване"

My advice is :

Stop spend your time and your life with me ! I am not a victim and i will search my rights !


Dont forget to join us in Discord Whaleshares !



                Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


Feel free to comment , criticize, follow or unfollow me !

Note: I will from now on use #mrwang tag insted of life . See you @mrwang !

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Wow looks like you are really being harassed! I'm sorry for your troubles but it's good that you're doing something about it and warning others!

Yes and sadly not from only one place ...........! It went so far that there are treats for my life and involve other people in this crap. Usual this come from close people and I was not going to take any action until affected only me. But these days I see if you do nothing this won't stop . I try months to ignore the funny words games , the hidden treats, and the obvious once but not anymore !

Thanks for the lesson good luck resteemed and upvoted

Thank you very much :)

I want to like you your post is so amazing it is interesting that I can succeed in steemit. My post no one visit please help thanks

Hello @patelincho

One thing I know about people like that is that they are sick inside and they will always want to get to you. The only thing is report to the Authorities and if they person cannot be caught totally ignore his/her messages.

Replying will only make them happy, use the golden rule and they will probably leave you alone.



So far i did this and didnt help ..... I try ignore this people , i make sure there is as less ways to contakt me direct but is not helping . When this people cannot treat you direct they start contact every person to whom you ever say hello online . They ask side people to get side and they harsah your autoritet with posting lies online . This is something i cannot ignore any longer ....

stalkers are being scary if they tend to get youre informations.

Stalkers are realy people with mental issues .....

I have upvote you, and I will keep track of you for long. Upvote me, i will upvote you
Please help each other!
thank you

Sry is not how it works , i will vote you only if i like what you post ...............

Wow! I like it

Thank you .

Thanks for Share. upvotes & like your post!

Thank you !

I'm so sorry to read this @patelincho! It's a good thing to take action against these bullshitters!
I hope all get back to normal soon for you!

If they stop i will stop to :)

haiii @patelincho post you interesting, you are creative in choosing the object you will post in steemisemoga with this post you get an interesting achievement, see my post there has been no development until now ...

Thank you for visit my blog :)



A no should mean no, people don't understand that....

Sadly ............

It's a shame people can't realize when it's over and have to do all these crazy obsessive things... good thing there are things we can do about it. Obicham te kralice moja!

Obicham te surce moe , and yes its time to speak up !

I love you so much!

Well, cyber stalking has really become a serious concern over the years. Once I also get affected by it. It's very frustrating situation. There are rules to diminsh this but not a single person follows them. I respect you, if you ever need anything I'll be glad to help. @patelincho

I just want all this to stop , it das not afect only me any longer . Good i can just follow the law :)

Nice information and thank you for sharing :)

Thank you for visit ! Hope my post help other people to :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the information my friend @patelincho !
You share the genuine thing which is helpful to all of us .
Thank you so much for your effort.

Sorry for your bad experince !
Forget it and keep moving !

Upvoted !

Forget das not work when this people mes in your life every day ....

Cyber stalking is a horrible thing and I'm sorry to hear you've had problems with it :-( I hope you can get it all stopped and put it behind you.

I have sent you a private message on Steemit Chat if you could respond as soon as you can I'd be really grateful :-) Thanks @patelincho

Yea hard times :) I am in steem chat .

Sounds like something bad is happening. Hope everything turn out OK for you.

Sadly life isnt always plesnt , just last months get wors ..........i want the people to know there is a punishment for it !

Be strong.

I think i am :)

Those people need only two things from us - our attentions and our energy. If you would stop to give them both, they will disappear in a short time

Is not the case .... when they cannot atack you direct they use the people close to you for it !

they could ignore them too

All they really need just our responces

.......... yea