Are we experiencing a Digital Pearl Harbor? Why 2020 is NOT a done deal! Includes an archive of what FB tried to do when attempting to share TrumpRallyAL rumble link. Why is this censored, but not this evidenced racist comment from a Biden supporter?

in cyberwarfare •  3 years ago  (edited)

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A Digital Pearl Harbor?

Is this what we are witnessing?

Is there a group that has done the bidding of foreign masters?

Are the only ones who protected us the non compromised in the military?

Did congress in a literal sense certify a vote that they knew or should have known was corrupted?

Did congress certify a vote even though they had evidence the states who came forth and said there were problems with the vote?

Did the courts know or should have known that the states had a valid complaint Texas and others. . .them being disenfranchised by a criminal vote?

Is this a transnational vote theft organization running rampant?

Does this then meet the criteria of the Executive Order from Sept. 12, 2018 on Foreign Interference?

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Does this mean we have two presidents?

Remember the time in history where this occurred before?

A president that congress certified for the Corporation of the United States


A president that was voted by the people?

But through this criminal activity [A criminal conspiracy to take control from the American people]
A digital Pearl Harbor
A digital 9/11
that was changed to benefit a criminal organization through another party or group helping them do so?

As this party or group that was willing to do the bidding of these foreign masters was put into power?

As the military is the only one protecting us. .. how will they be put into power to regain control as they are Sworn to protect the interests of the military people?

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Did President Trump put in place for all of our military coming back home from around the world?

Wasn't it President Trump who put in play already to bring our troops back home from Afghanistan?

So our troops are here close to home.
Deployed 5 carriers one off the east coast
3 off the west coast
then China Sea and Indian Sea for all around protection.

Carrier Task Forces in place so enemies know that just because Biden appears to be at the helm. . .and he Is the recognized Executive for the Corporation called the United States of America. . .doesn't mean we are left defenseless.

Our Commander and Chief recognized by the military CC Trump would Never leave us defenseless.

This enables us to sort out the internal crises from those who conspired with foreign interference which is WHY that Executive Order from Sept. 12, 2018 was so key. When we were put into a state of emergency. . .this gives the true leadership at the helm the authority to take care of that emergency know matter what the corporations and corporate owned mockingbird media try to tell the people.

The Plan is still in effect and We WILL Prevail!

The Insurrection Act wasn't signed on December 18, because the true enemies of the people of the United States would like nothing better than to have people dissolve into civil war. remember the old adage "divide and conquer?"

Commander and Chief Trump along with the Upper Strata of the Military Intelligence know what has been proven throughout time. . .if the criminal element in this case globalists/cabal/illuminati whatever you want to call them gets We the People fighting Against each other. . .there is No Energy left, No resources, No fortitude to fight off our True Enemy.

It would have been a civil war if he had signed that on January 6. Our Commander and Chief Knew we just needed the time to sift through and give a chance for people to wake up Without bloodshed and violence.

This is why they Cyber Symposium was held.
With enough stability, enough communication to continue trying to wake the others that this has been a war by other means. . .Not Nuclear, but rather digital and at an information war level.

This is why General Flynn and others have spoken out about this being irregular warfare!

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General Michael Flynn and 3-Star General Thomas McInerney interviewed by WVW-TV......

So the White House can have the appearance of being in Biden's control. . .but underground, underneath someone else can be in control of the most important decisions involving the Protection of our country.

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What is Giant Voice. Tweeted prior to PreZ Trump's Suspension. Military Mass Comm System? Here is the evidence. History, Power and Reach of FEMA.

What is being covered up and Why? Will there ever be a day of reckoning? How long must we wait?

Special Ops historically set up by President Kennedy in the event of an Emergency for We the People?

There is a third quarter report due out October 15, 2021 where those who would like to engage in Real numbers and putting on their thinking caps while measuring what they're seeing and experiencing against actual numbers.

Then ask themselves. . .

  • Is the economy better off under Biden or our Commander and Chief Trump?
  • Are you and your family better off, freer with more money to pour into your family under our Commander and Chief Trump or the executive of the corporation the United States?

One of the cards we are told the Cabal can play is engineering a global collapse of the economy as they did in 2008.

Clearly this is Not the last card they can play.

Could they not try a False Flag challenge?

What about what they did during JFK's time?
Bay of Pigs?

Do evil doers and satan's ilk not try to Pile it on in order to attempt to get God's Children to crumble?

Are we in a War between Good and Evil?

Then will not evil doers do All they Can to WIN?

Who is More Powerful even when all appears on the Surface to be lost?

WHO is known to save the day at the 11th hour?

  • Battle of Jericho
  • Esther moment
  • Handwriting on the Wall
  • Children of Israel escaping and parting of the Red Sea ONLY for God's Children

Does the Cabal need every distraction possible?
Do they need to Pull out All the Stops to keep all they can distracted?

How about people placed in power like

  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Jeff Bezos
  • Jack Dorsey
  • many talking heads in the Mockingbird Media

Does this help the Gatekeepers and Corporation Overlords keep Truth at bay?
You decide!

Will the cabal try to force the hand of MI to hand over control?

Will it work?

All people who handle Nuclear weapon transport and arsenal. ..the security designation is a Q clearance.
The only way keys of Cheyenne Mountain for control are handed over is through the upper echelon of Military Intelligence.

During this Irregular Warfare {Verified by Gen. Flynn and McInerney We Are AT WAR. All of us!

Has Cheyenne Mountain been switched over to Space Command Control?

The equation in Juan O Savin's book Kid by the Side of the Road

Election 2020 will Equal MAGA to the 3rd Power over Corn!

Looking out towards 2022 Juan states that, "The angst among those dispossessed of power, will likely cause them to lash out violently. . .the strength of the MAGA must continuously mature and increase!"

"Therefore, for that time, the equation must also change to
Election equals MAGA to the 4th power over corn (it's worth noting that the Bible's number of foundation is 4)."

Now Corn are the people from these 3 letter agencies that are furthered!

The election was literally commandeered by China.

Melania was the Flagstaff for America. ..

Tiffany blue dress. ..all about Reversing the Curse and coupe that happened upon America.

Last Dress covered in cubes goes from Dark to LIGHT.

2020 is NOT over! We've Got This.

Intervening period is Needed for More to wake up and to gather the DATA so evidence is Not based on emotion, but rather Evidence. ..Hard Data.

Not to take to the corrupted courts, but rather Military Tribunal.

In a state of a National Emergency which our Commander and Chief had called And in Foreign Interference. . .the Military STANDS in the gap for the citizens of our Republic!

Now we Stand at a precipice. ..a showdown.

Military is biding it's time.
It will not be without a Fight from the cabal. . .think scamdemic, lockdowns, attempted forced jabs.

Are you ready for the 11th hour?

Can you believe we are living in this period on the Time Construct?

#IrregularWarfare, #InformationWar, #PsychologicalWar. #PsyOP

Hear Juan O Savin right here on Rumble,

Juan O' Savin: White Hat Command Structure

This being is being placed as it occurred on the same day I was working on this article and was blown away, though used to the self appointed overlords/gatekeepers pulling tactics like this.

Their bias knows no bounds!

To see a video rundown where I archived all that transpired on the night of the #TrumpRallyAL when trying to update a YT livestream link for the Rumble one in order to compare the views with Rumble in the lead. ..go here,


In the background you can hear the rally from Right Side Broadcasting playing on Rumble
Check out the difference in numbers.


Way to go Rumble and Right Side Broadcasting!

So this afternoon I shared the YT link on Facebook.

When I realized they had a live feed from rumble this evening I went into to change the post.

this is what happened when I tried to explain to followers and put the rumble link in showing the numbers in real time just as I did for you.

It would Not let me Save the edited post to rumble link.

This is the message I got from YT and what happened when I tried to move the rumble link into comments.

Red box means they would not let me post.

Was it This that upset them or the rumble link OR the fact that our Commander and Chief Trump is having a rally with Far Higher numbers than Joe can ever get?

WOW, let’s take a look shall we, then I’ll show what Facebook tolerates from their other users!

First this. .. then with no rhyme nor reason This, which is how they operate as there are No Rules for them, only for Truth Warriors.

First told this. ..then later on 24 hours for no apparent reason, but evil Doesn't need a reason now does it?

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Then looked closer and it appears to be THIS of all things and After they allowed a leftist [who likely reported me because one of his keeper hates white people Especially if they are conservative and Trump Supporters]

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Do you suppose they reported me?
Interesting as they allow them to shoot off their mouths constantly with Zero repercussions.
These hostile liberals, who support the globalist agenda Know it also and feel they can wield their evil with complete backup from their DARPA overlords.

Clearly they can. . .For Now!

Note the small icon which looks to be that meme which I deducted because I had posted it in comments of a post after the hostile liberals spiteful comments. ..then it was missing.

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Archiving a history of their suspensions on Truth.

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In the meantime. ..this is Sure to give a laugh!


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