it's okay to run a few seconds behind schedule, statist

in cycling โ€ขย  6 years agoย  (edited)


It's bicycling season again and I took my baby out to the grocery store today.

There's something to be said for walking to the store too. During the winter and the colder parts of spring, that's what I do. You can zone out and listen to music and have a trippy time with yourself.

Biking is more like going to war. Horns are honking, filthy exhaust is blowing in your face, and tons upon tons of steel are sliding by you on the regular.

It's great in its own right, but it's more like war. (Because of the cars and the way they make the roads, not because of anything inherent to biking.)

A pet peeve of mine is when you're on a steep downhill and you're cruising. And the road is narrow without much of any shoulder -- so even tho there's no shoulder, it doesn't matter too much, because you're going fast, and these roads tend to quickly wind into a wider, better road. So even as a cyclist you aren't much of a hindrance, because you don't actually need to be passed. And still the dumbdumb feels the need to pass you at any brief opportunity.

Ya, I'm sure you're looking, I'm sure you think you're 100% to do it successfully, and I'm sure up until this point it's worked out like that. But it's not 100%.

There's no reason to try to pass them just for the sake of shaving like 15 seconds off of your commute.

Basically, not all situations of being behind a bike are created equal. If there's little or no shoulder and they're going very fast and you're about to cross into a main road anyways, it may not make much sense to pass the bike. If there's plenty of space, probably a perfect time to pass. And all the shades of grey in between.

You almost always will decide you should pass, yes. Cars usually pass bikes. But you should start with the question of whether it actually makes sense to, and go from there. Rather than vice versa where you assume you're just supposed to, as quickly as you can get it over with.

It's better to wait until you can do it as safely as possible, rather than have the goal of your commute time being as short as possible.

Not all motorists are bad and I appreciate the ones who genuinely look out. So that's why I call these people statists and not motorists ๐Ÿ˜›

If we really need to have cars, I'd love it if a part of getting your car license was that you had to prove competency as a cyclist and testify to having spent at least 6 months commuting that way.


They probably don't even have anywhere to be, they just feel vaguely rushed and hurried at all that they do.

They have to hurry home to their television set to eat pot roast (a perfect encore to buzzing around in their SUV spraying shit into the air and risking my life and limb).

And then they learn about climate change and how the only possible solution could be overarching treaties and a few people collecting money every time we use something. (The problem couldn't possibly be their car and their pot roast.) That's what they had to rush home for.

picture of plants to end it calmly

Unwittingly, I got back just before a flurry of heavy rain and lightning. I pulled the plants in as I noticed them toppling over and blowing around.

I have mixed feelings tho, I feel like they kind of wanted to be out there.

I mean I guess ideally they want to be in the ground. And if they're gonna be in the little pot then maybe it's a human judgment call. Maybe they don't wanna blow around in the pot, I dunno.

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ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Pretty baby right there. ;D

I am definitely more into walking, well, actually I am in love with riding (oh my beautiful Shadowfax); however bikes are great too.
Distance surely is a relevant point there.

Biking is more like going to war. Horns are honking, filthy exhaust is blowing in your face, and tons upon tons of steel are sliding by you on the regular.

Hahaha, you are killing me, again. "Like war" :D
That is right; at least in urban areas haha.

There's no reason to try to pass them just for the sake of shaving like 15 seconds off of your commute.
... It's better to wait until you can do it as safely as possible, rather than have the goal of your commute time being as short as possible.

True again haha - always this competition.

As a driver you kind of hate cyclists and as a cyclist you hate cars - mostly.

picture of plants to end it calmly

Hahaha, definitely worked for me lol.

Maybe you should ask the plants what they actually want? I mean... you could try. Although you might not do it outside - the neighbors might be looking weird at you. :D

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

ty ty, baby appreciates the compliment.

ya distance definitely matters.

As a driver you kind of hate cyclists and as a cyclist you hate cars - mostly.

Ya, I hate the car system, but not the individual cars unless they give me a reason to. (I get that driving is the most practical thing for a lot of people given how it's setup right now.) Plenty of individual drivers give reason tho, lul.

I think you're right that this is how it goes, but then, imo it's kind of silly of the drivers. We don't want to be hurt by them. For them it's like "oh no, I need to pay attention and slide over a little".

Drivers tend to see cyclists as a burden, when really we're legally and legitimately using the road as much as they are. Literally allowed to bicycle on the roads. So they're actually the burden, we're the ones riding the thing that's small and nimble and won't hurt anyone. They're riding the thing that's a burden. It's just that they think of it as "roads are for cars", so they don't look at it on even footing or care about the burden they are on cyclists.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

for them it's like "oh no, i need to pay attention and slide over a little".

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

lol, a bot that spams gifs?

I'm intrigued why upper case letters are changed to lowercase in the quote.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

LOL, no...not a bot. If you check, it's posted through steemit and not an app. I do use a bot for curation though. I just copy paste. Always worried that if I used a bot, it would post

by mistake on a blog with photos of little kids playing. That would be a PR nightmare. Not going to chance it. LOL

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

loll. sick explanation, I like it.

gandalf, your comment trees always create interesting things!!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Hahaha, definitely worked for me lol.

Maybe you should ask the plants what they actually want? I mean... you could try. Although you might not do it outside - the neighbors might be looking weird at you. :D

Lol, I'm glad the plants worked. Plants are magical.

I do talk to them a little sometimes lol, I feel like they know I'm looking out and doing my best even if I make a mistake here and there ๐Ÿคช

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย (edited)

First comment:

Haha, she is very welcome.

I agree with you on the following paragraphs. And yes, you definitely do not want to be hurt by them. They usually do not want to hurt you either, anyways.

Absolutely right. I could not agree more with you right there. Drivers are the bad ones (polluting etc.) :P


Plants are magical.

True, calm (mostly) green wizards. :D

They hear everything! Just look at the ents.

Btw. why do you sometimes write two separate comments? I mean, editing is not forbidden.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

ya they're such wizards!! we think of ourselves as running the planet but I think it's actually the plants, they're just way more long-term. like if you ever see vines growing around a chain link fence or something like that, to me it comes across as like the plants are correcting it and taking down the fence, just in really slow motion from our frame of reference.

They usually do not want to hurt you either, anyways.

And ya, they don't! I appreciate them. They're still more of a burden lol, just because of the relative size and danger of their vehicle. But I appreciate it when they drive with care (which is most people).

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Lmao, that thought actually is genius hahaha. Especially the part with the fence and the "slow motion".

Nothing to not agree about.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย (edited)

hahah ๐Ÿ˜Ž ya

we can mess with plants in a micro way (one at a time, like one of us is dominant to one plant), but they don't mind that, the macro picture is the plants are king.

there's no un-rooting them, like even if it were technically possible to kill all the plants it would just shoot ourselves in the foot. and long-term is they take everything back lol.

so it seems like the plants' world, we just make brief little superficial changes and then have to babysit it or they take it back.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

HHaha, so goddemn true. Without plants we are nothing - fortunately; because I love plants (at least non poisonous).

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

yaaaa, I wonder why the poisonous ones became like that ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜ก.. maybe too many people were messing with them and ripping them up for no reason and they gave us a little warning

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

In my town, the bicycle ride disappeared because of high crime because I would like to go back to that time when riding a bicycle was a pleasant and happy luxury.
Occasionally I go out on my bike but very carefully.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

seems spammmmmmy..

comments should be sincere engagement with the post, not a random loosely related statement that you hope might get an upvote

fair warninggggg

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

The bike has great benefits for the human body is one of the most important sports
Very great article really well published

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

thanks for stopping by @roselover, I had a look at your posting history, it's all so distinctive and lovely.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Bicycle when used for leisure or for sports is a nice way to Move around your neighbourhood and surrounding as a personal form of transport and also to keep you in shape health wise . I love bike because I do used it sometime when I feel like feeling the freshness of the environment as a move around and also as a tool for excising my body to maintain a good andhealthy body @full-measure

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

spamming isn't appreciated

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

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