Mardigu WP: Cyronium Built by Advice from Customers

in cyronium •  5 years ago 

For businesses, the name of the platform is important. Foundation. Or this is how to make it simple to understand the platform. This platform business brings me to the experience of visiting the google office. And this is part of what I have written. Retreat to a few years ago.
In 2012, I visited the headquarters of Google South East Asia in Singapore. I got the explanation from the Googlers (the name for the Google crew). His enlightenment was about Google's business model and corporate culture, which I had only read from books about Google.
Very exciting. Because, Google's business model and corporate culture are very unique and breakthrough. It is totally different from conventional companies that we have known in management textbooks.
There are some "lessons-learned" I get from Google.

  1. Google has always built a platform not just a "product"
    Google is not just a product; but "platform". Like Facebook, eBay, or Foursquare. Google offers a platform that allows consumers to build products, businesses, communities and networks. If you offer a platform, then you don't do business alone. You are sustained by your customers through mutually reinforcing win-win business relationships. The more the consumer develops his business, the more developed the business owner of the platform.
    Google has many platforms. Blogger for publishing content. Google Docs for office collaboration. YouTube for video sharing. Picasa for photo sharing. Google Group for communities. Or Google AdSense to do business via online ads.
    Take the example of Blogger that Google obtained through acquisition. Blogger is a platform because it provides a "forum" for bloggers to produce and publish the content they have. From blogs that are built on, bloggers create value through interesting content that they publish. From that blog, come the masses of readers and advertisers. Interestingly, when the bloggers create value, they will automatically add value to the platform.
    So, the greater the value created by the consumer, the greater the value that the consumer adds to the platform.
    This is the great platform, you will work together with the consumer to grow the platform.

  2. Google never controls resource resources, it must be opened and distributed
    Previous business theory said: "Control limited and crucial resources (in the fields of production, distribution, marketing, patents, etc.), so you will reap premium benefits in accordance with the law of supply & demand.
    Google actually thinks otherwise. Instead of mastering and controlling production, distribution, marketing, or patents, Google is as far as possible to submit to other parties to be invited to collaborate. Generally companies use the logic of "scarcity economy". Google uses the logic of "abundance economy".
    Take the example of Google AdSense. AdSense is a platform for "distributing" Google advertising business to blog or website owners anywhere on the internet. So Google does not greedily consume its own advertising business, but invites its "distributors" namely blog owners and websites to collaborate to create and build businesses together. No wonder the owner of the blog and website later became a fanatical evangelist for Google.

  3. Google always improves and engages customers
    Almost all products made by Google slide with the label "Beta". Beta version means the product is still in the process of testing and experimentation. Still in the process of repair. Or still in the process of refinement. This method is contrary to the prevailing conventional wisdom. That the product must be perfect once it glides on the market.
    This is how Google says to its customers, "We are indeed far from perfect. Let us perfect it together. "
    That's how Google involves consumers perfecting products. It must be remembered, consumers who know best what their needs are. Therefore, consumers are the most feasible to perfect the products they need.

Finally, the platform that we are launching is an asset crypto named CYRONIUM. This product has a lot to improve. This product is built by customer suggestions such as the Google platform. Cyronium buyers, cyronium competitors, are all looking for cyronium weaknesses. And with all that, cyronium is perfect.
Friends, keep giving criticism suggestions to cyronium. Because, that way we can become a strong platform. We invite anyone to join.
Little things bring perfection, but really perfection is not a small thing.

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