RE: Bitquence Owners Will Get Rewarded In Bitquence Platform - MAY BE BETTER THAN MASTERNODES

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Bitquence Owners Will Get Rewarded In Bitquence Platform - MAY BE BETTER THAN MASTERNODES

in cyrptocurrency •  8 years ago 

What interests me more than the wallet that Bitquence will create is the baskets of assets they will create which people can invest in. However, how are they different from Iconomi's DAA ones:

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Just looked into it a little, my first impression on it is: they don't have a simple vocabulary. Too much jargon. I don't know why tech founders don't create their landing pages for even a 5 year old to understand everything clearly. I guess ICONOMI will be more single user portfolio oriented, and Bitquence more community consensus portfolio oriented. Since Bitquence gets the community consensus from a bunch of people who do great assessments, I'd put my money into Bitquence, if I'd allocate my portfolio.

Probably only trading experts might pass the idea to allocate their funds this way. They will definitely help the rest of the people who want to earn massive profit, without any expertise.

I haven't looked into Iconomi that much tho, so my comments wouldn't be on point. I'll research into Iconomi's DAA tho. Thanks for mentioning it.