in daa •  5 years ago  (edited)



Although Gaming is meant for fun, recreation and entertainment, players can still make a fortune out of it with games such as DABANKING FOMAOJACKPOT.

What am I trying to say here? My readers might ask, now this is it, this article is about an innovative Gaming project which is designed to redefined the gaming industries globally as well as add value to the lives of participants. Don’t we have several online gaming platforms already? Why is the writer sounding as if DABANKING is different? I can read the minds of my readers and these are the questions running in their minds right now.
Trust me; I will definitely answer your questions as you read down this short review article. Considering the first question:


The answer is YES, there are a thousand and one traditional gaming platforms, but these platforms do not give fulfillment to participants. participants are not usually satisfied with their services as a result of factors including lack of prompt payment of rewards, transparent operations of the gaming platforms , participants finding it difficult to trust the owners/ operators of these platforms and other inconveniencing factors .

The existing traditional gaming system is centralized, monitored and operated by a central body. Due to the centralized nature of these platforms, users find it difficult rely on them. But to let you know how important Gaming is, the market capitalization of the gaming industries have been increasing over the past years, despite these several challenges encountered by players. Yet there have not been efforts to handle these challenges until now. But DABANKING is unique with a complete Decentralized gaming platform designed to give a brand new face to the gaming industries.
The next question was:



With all pleasure I will love to let you know that DABANKING is not just different but it is INNOVATIVE and OUTSTANDING. The fact that DABANKING is created as a complete DECENTRALIZED platform is one important feature that the traditional gaming platforms lack. In this era of blockchain technology it is archaic to operate a gaming platform outside the Blockchian Technology, DABANKING is aware of this fact and the great value the blockchain technology is adding to projects globally and has decided to leverage on the outstanding characteristics of the blockchain technology to create an innovative gaming platform which will erase all the worries of the Traditional online Gaming platforms using Ethereum blockchain and smart contract. This will attract many game lovers to participate in FOMOJACKPOT and other great Games on DABANKING platform. Hope you are now beginning to see why DABANKING cannot be compared in any way to the existing traditional Gaming Platforms.


Also, another outstanding feature of DABANKING is the way and manner games are played on the platform, take for instance, the FOMOJACKPOT which is the first Games introduced on the platform, players only need a little amount of Eth to participate in the Game. With 0.002Eth, a user is allowed to play the FOMOJACKPOT and win severally. You won’t believe that on DABANKING FOMOJACKPOT a player can win as much as thousands of Eth using 0.002 as a stating amount. Moreover, for those who may play and not win at that instant, DABANKING has made provision for them to still get some rewards for their participation. You can also win some DAA token as a user of DABANKING platform. Payment of reward is instant remembered. This may sound very strange to believe but I am inviting you to participate and see it for yourself, as they say, “seeing believing”


This is why I keep saying that DABANKING platform is an outstanding platform, not only for Game lovers but for every crypto enthusiast. By staking some DAA token there is an opportunity of earning a good sum of Eth every two weeks. These earnings depends on how much DAA token you are staking in your Metamask wallet using the computer or Trust wallet using your mobile phone in case you do not have a computer. The Eth earned is a dividend from the amount of Eth the platform makes in these two weeks. The freezing of DAA token will further reduce the circulation amount and call for more demands therefore leading to an increase in token value.


I am trying to explain to you that on DABANKING Decentralized platform everyone is a winner, as a Developer you won’t have any stress developing your Decentralized game using DABANKING DApp.
Are you good at referring people to a platform? Then DABANKING is for you, this is because as you refer people to buy the tickers and play FOMOGAMES, you earn a lot of Eth or DAA tokens. As those you refer keep buying the tickets and also referring their friends too you continue earning upto 10 levels.

Let me not bore you with a long article, time wouldn’t let me to continue narrating all the outstanding features and mouth watering benefits of participating in FOMOGAMES or being a user of DABANKING platform, but Please do well to get a comprehensive information from DABANKING website and the self explanatory white paper. Then login as soon as the site is opened, buy the ticket and start earning Eth as much as you can.


Website: https://dabanking.io/
Whitepaper: http://dabanking.io/static/whitepaper.pdf
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/uqfMjYV
Telegram: https://t.me/DABANKINGOFFICIAL
Youtube: http://bit.ly/2VYtVOV
Medium: https://medium.com/@dabanking.io
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dabanking.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dabanking_io
Author’s bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1760015;sa=summarya8
Name: nesbee2

images on this article is obtianed form dabanking website

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