And Now, The Feature Presentation, Sheep No More, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1643b

in daca •  7 years ago 

DC Judge backpedals on his DACA ruling. Judicial Watch says they have more emails against Clinton and the case should be reopened. Mueller is stuck, the officials in the FBI and DOJ are being let go, fired or are quitting. The MSM and deep state are pushing the idea that everyone needs to get an RFID and they are showing how happy people are with them. Ghani offers Taliban ceasefire deal, Pompeo says its time for peace and the Taliban accepts the Russian invitation for talks. North Korea bashes critics and says the peace deal is working. China says the story about troops in Syria is fake news. Q drops more posts and is preparing everyone for the show. And now the feature presentation, sheep no more.

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Stop lying to your audience X-22 Report!

Jeff SESsions is lying, is an enemy of the state and part of the SES crime syndicate!

Jeff Sessions Must Go

Proof: Sessions is Corrupt

SeS Governing Council 500 Exposed

The American SS Exposed

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great work Dave. The Q drops are becoming repetitive, redundant, and increasingly irrelevant. The criminals continue to walk free, their crimes continue to get covered up, and the status quo is full steam ahead while everyone watches "the show."

Q posts are redundant because current Q5 is fake.

See this post here explaining:

Who is Q Anon? Fake Q1 to Q5 Versus Q SOURCE X.

Time will tell. 45 ran on a platform of draining the swamp, rebuilding the economy, locking her up(part of the draining) and most importantly IMO..........non-interventionism. Among other things.
Let's look back in two years and see which holds true. Your scenario playing out as reality would not surprise me in the least. Either way these are some sick people.

We don´t need time to know that Q is fake and an imposter, enemy of we the people...and part of Operation cross-fire Hurricane being run by Rosenstein, Jeff SESsions and Mueller to remove Trump! Jenny, the lady murdered, exposed this!!

There would seem to be a number of people who wish to seek justice applied in a rapid fashion, especially after having been made aware of the scale of corruption afflicting our most critical institutions. Nevertheless, it took many years of systematic efforts for various bad actors to institutionalize their instruments of control and stealth. Therefore time to build an airtight case and timing are essential to bringing the most egregious offenders to justice.

With the above in mind here are a number of factors to consider:

  • Trump signed an Executive Order in December 2017 that will go in effect on Jan 1, 2019 and will seize the assets of those involved in high levels of corruption.

  • Midterm elections results could prove very favorable for Trump, especially if he is able to maintain an approval rating of 45 percent of above.

  • Many potential obstructionist in DOJ, Justice, Congress, and the Courts have left/been removed from office.

  • Trump has exerted constitutional authority over the Federal Reserve and will use the US Treasury to disrupt and dismantle deep state finances.

So in conclusion, I would say exercise a greater degree of patience but remain ever vigilant.

To expect there will be justice if people allow time for their government to gain control politically is what causes the corruption in government in the first place. Once they gain control, they abuse their power and become corrupt, which brings everything right back where it started. The same insanity continues with new names and faces.

You hit a lot of buttons . People are trolling you like mad. People hate to hear the truth. I will die before I get a chip. People should watch logans run.

No trolling, just telling the truth.

You want the truth?


The Qillary spy-op Exposed - The Days of Darkness - Humanity Makes It´s Last Stand!!!


Who is Q? Do we believe this Q thing?


Is it time to hunt down communist yet⁉️