in dad •  8 years ago  (edited)


아버지가 ㅋ 퇴직하고 농부로 전직하셨어요 XD 이번주는 아버지의 복숭아 농장으로 일을 도우러 갑니다~

My father retired and, got a new job the farmer. XD. I'm going to work in father's peach farm this week.

어제 아버지께서 강아지를 분양 받으셨네요 lol 태어난지 6주 밖에 안된 아주 어린 강아지에요 ㅋ 이름을 "행복"이라고 지었네요 ㅎ

Yesterday my father brought a puppy. lol. He was a very young puppy who was born six weeks ago. He named his name "hangbok(Happiness)".

오랜만에 아버지도 뵙고 일도 하고 ㅋㅋ 같이 맥주도 한잔 마시고 좋네요. 다들 오랜만에 아버지 보러 가세요~ 매우매우 좋아 하실거에요~ 모두들 "행복"하시고 좋은 주말 되세요. XD

I worked with my father for a long time, and drunk beer. I had good time in country side. How bout going to see your dad in a long time? He will be very happy on your visit! Everybody "Hangbok haseyo! (Be Happy)" and have a good weekend. XD

Hangbok (Happiness)

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