Baby 1 writes her first story: Story of the mice party and the cranky cat!

in dadanddaughter •  8 years ago 

The following is brought to you by my first-one daughter. She's under 10 and older than 5. She wants the handle dreesa, but I'm not ready to give a little one her own profile. This place is awesome, but the internet has a lot of creeps. Ok, so with that backdrop I give you her first story.

The cat was standing by the river and saw a mouse jump over.
The cat then tried to jump across, but then fell in, and he got wet and cranky.
Then the cat saw on the other side tons and tons of mice.

They were having a party to celebrate the escape of their friend from the naughty kitty! And the cat got to shore and tried to get back to the partying mice by jumping over the river, but kept falling in over and over.


Be nice peeps!

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Get her an account. Just keep it packaged up for a long time. Maybe when she turns 21 you can give it to her as a gift :-)

Now ask her to describe the personality of each character so she can name them. Are they all friends or related? Do they have jobs or are they students? Do they drive? Etc etc etc. Get her thinking on details. This is how you get her to think in terms of relationships and story arcs. It's never too early! Tell her great story!

You're great! That's great advice.

Gotta love a kids imagination! This is just the start for her I'm sure.

So much potential in her to do great things in this community. When shes of age, do get her an account.
Youre a lucky dad @aggroed.
Steem on!

What do you think is an appropriate age?

Errrm....IMO, i think maturity should determine it over age.
You know her better than anyone, so i think you should be able to determine when you feel she's mature enough to handle the internet

She is gonna give you a run for your money in the future. Awesome job.

My favorite is the cat in the sombrero!

She is a good storyteller. My son around that ages come also very often with his own stories. :)

Gotta love kids imaginations!

That's great haha stuff kids some up with, my son tells / says the funnest stuff like were did you learn that lol they grow up so fast!

yeah, it's amazing and sad at the same time.

adorbs ;0)

This has the potential to be a whole series. Make it a regular? She's a smart nut, that kid.

We'll see. I feel a little at ease putting her work or her out here when she's so little.

@aggroed you'll be pretty safe following her lead regarding publication frequency. You are wise to not plan a series. My kids seldom had a singular focus for a long period of time. Mmm how to put this. Okay. She may have a reoccurring desire to see her work follow your work but not at a consistent rate and probably not always about cats ... unless she is singularly focused on cats :)

I should probably also tell you that my 30-something daughter still has very fond memories of her first experience dictating a story that she watched me write out. It was inspired by a picture book. We never finished it but she recently found it tucked away in her papers ... and she said it was difficult to not sit down and start writing immediately.

So. Long live the story tellers !!

Enjoy have fun!

Not much time... but this was awesome to read. <3

You also get a follow for this! Very sweet.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the input. Parents need all the confirmations they can get in these days. It's a hard and harsh new world if you ask me. I don't envy my children their parenting jobs.

Yes, totally understand.