Bringing Sexy Back: The Dad Bod

in dadbod •  9 years ago 

Get that abs and six pack out of here! Gross- nobody wants to see that. What the world wants is 

The Dad Bod!

Oh Yeah, Its back

It’s Hot

And the women are going crazy like its 1885!

Whether your 15 or 85, this is the One thing you need, if you want ladies crawling your body.

-Dad Bod Defined

Just because it has the name "dad" involved, doesn't necessarily mean you need to be supporting a baby. No - Not at all. It's not in the specifications. But let’s at look at some examples of the perfect body

Damn! That’s Hot!

As you can see, you obviously can't have that greased 6pack abs. On the other hand, you can’t have rolls or that massive beer belly either. 

You need just the right amount of "Gut" to appear 

Naturally sexy

Something not caused by obsessive drinking. 

This great appearance gives you the look as if you "might" work out but can't promote the necessary time to obtain the rock solid stomach.

Now it’s not just the "gut" factor that draws the women, Lets zoom in for reference

Yeah, that’s where it’s at. You got to have the man boob to officially have a bod like a real man. Hard pecs are out, sorry bros-

-How to get the Perfect bod-

There are many ways to successfully approach this problem... After surveying many men, it comes down to basically 3 paths you can take.


Unfortunately, the same creature you want to attract is typically the same reason you get this way.

 Naturally, a wife causes men to hemorrhage there testosterone essentially losing there metabolic drive. 

That didn't mean much to me, but it definitely works.


The main reason it's called a dad bod- Having children. 

Yup, those little humans suck the life from you. You can barely move and will spend hours on the couch feeding them while drinking beer. You will see those abs disappear in no time because your too exhausted to wake up and do gym time. 

Combining Wife and Baby will almost always get you in the best position to obtain the perfect dad bod.


If your unable to score a wife or baby. No worries!

Alcohol has plenty of calories to add to your bod. Just a few beers a day and you will see results in no time. But don't go too overboard or you will end up with the dreaded 

Beer Belly

And nothing is more un-attractive than this.

-Why women love the Dad Bod

It comes down to unconscious cues linked to Darwin theories and survival of the fittest. Having this feature provides the appearance of 

Alpha male

It shows you can supply food for a family, and can obviously last long periods in time of famine. You probably weigh more than the average man so you can also defend the family if needed.

Not only does the alpha male feature provide enough Ying for her Yang

But it also is taking over the beach look. Celebrities everywhere are sporting it, and girls love to follow Hollywood.  It's becoming popular and what’s better than to actually looking cool without having to do much

It's amazing; it’s sweeping the nations of the world... It's time for you

To get your

Dad bod.

Thank you for reading. You can follow me @generation.easy

All photos are not mine. Found on, or, or, but all are found on google search.

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Loved it! Really fun read.

I for one like the ridiculous and somewhat implausible muscles; I ain't baby-rearin' minded.

Definitely lot of women droppin' an egg at the sight of those dad bods.

Hey, I ain't knocking it. I would not kick a dad bod out of bed for eating crackers.

Lol, dropping eggs on a dad bod. Im going to use that one. Glad you agree!

Haha there's also a study that says dad-bod guys are better in bed... just saying... not because I have a dad bod and am biased or anything.......................

Yup, pretty sure thats a fact too

I think you hit it on the head. Ain't doing push ups and sit ups tonight!!!

Thats the attitude! Grab a cold 6pack and relax

i guess if it's popular now to be soft and show that you have no will of your own. you are probably right. women like men who are easily manipulated. strength is a sign of dominance. in today's world, what woman wants that?

I never can say ill understand them. I think it comes down to confidence or around that realm. You have some good points, women are being overpowered these days, they probably will rule the world in the near future.

gods help us all

WHaaaaaaaat? Lots of women.

According to "The Internet". Women either want doormats or Alpha Males. Nothing in between. Well some science says that men are more likely to tend towards extremisms

being alpha is being criminalized so i guess that means Zardoz here we come. was like 'where'd I hear that before...oh!"

Haha, who wouldnt want to look like zardos!