Daddy's Little Killer (novel chapter 3)

in daddys-killer •  7 years ago  (edited)

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         Chapter Three

Marcus drove to Phoenix, Arizona. He'd read about life in Arizona, so
liking what he saw, decided to move there. He found a studio
apartment, and after getting situated, went out to look for work. He
found a job working at a paper mill. It was hard work, but paid well.

He'd had other jobs along his travels south, so hard work was
nothing new for him. He'd save enough money each time, to
follow his dream southward, trying to find the perfect place to
call his home. It had taken him two years before finding it.

In his free time, Marcus decided to go to a Tech School, to become a
mechanic. He loved working on cars, so he decided to make it a
career. He hung out at a couple clubs here and there on the
weekends, but couldn't really get into that type of atmosphere.
rarely drank, and none of the women he'd dated had that "click"
for him, so he would call off the relationships within months. He
then wondered if it was just him, or maybe, it just wasn't the
right time to get involved with any relationship. After all, he barely
just turned 22.

Marcus decided to just focus on his future, and complete the
mechanic training, which is a year long course.

He called his parents often, especially to check on mom. Both
parents were doing well. Mom has even started helping at the
store again. Dad said they had hired a young man about two
weeks ago. Business has picked up a bit, and they needed the
help. Caleb is 19, and mom adores him. He reminds her of
Tommy. "At first I thought it was a bad idea, with her adoring
him. But she seems happier," dad said.

"That's great news, dad. I'm glad she is helping out, and
getting out of the house"..."I hope she doesn't think of Caleb
as one of my brothers. It's great that she adores him though.
Mom has always had a big heart. I just hope it doesn't

"Me too son, me too. I think about that all the time. It's good
to hear from you again, and that things are going well."
"Your mom would like to talk before you go. I love you
Marcus"...Marcus replied, "I love you too, dad."

"Hi honey, how are you?".."Hi mom, it's nice to hear your
voice. Dad told me you started working at the store again."

Becky replied, "Oh Marcus, it is so wonderful being in there
again. Keeps me busy too. Did your father tell you we hired
a young man?" Marcus replied, "yes indeed, and said you
adore him."
Becky puts her right hand to her chest. "Oh, he is such a sweet
heart, and so well mannered." "Marcus, that young man gives
me hope."
"I understand mom, but please be careful."

She waves a hand in the air, as if shooing a fly away. I'll be fine
Marcus. You and your father need not worry."

"Lol, ok mom. I will try not to worry too much." ..."Mom, I may not
be able to come visit until Spring. I know I said I'd visit for
Christmas, but I'm in the middle of mechanics class. I won't
be done until Feb next year."

"Marcus, we will miss you not being here, but I'm sure your
father and I can go through one Christmas, not having you
here." " You just take care of that schooling, young man!"

"Yes Ma'am, lol"... "Well," Marcus said, "guess I should let
you go. Give each other a hug for me." .."I love you mom."
"We will talk again soon."

"Love you too Marcus."...They both hung up the phone at
the same time.

The look of worry comes over Marcus's face. "God help her,
if things turn south.".....

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Nice little story here lol Love this post! Keep it up!

Thx, I have not decided how many chapters there will be. The story is just now heating up. Have you read the last two chapters? Btw, I see you like body building. Are you one?

Good work! I'm writing a novel on Steemit too. Awesome platform for this