at least that’s what it’s gonna start to feel like from this week, this morning it was the 6am start, i totally slept through the alarm but i had really odd sleep, going to bed early evening when it’s warm and still light is always hard to do, maybe i need one of those face masks eh?
i never made the 4:30am slot, but tonight i’m gonna try again but this time get to 4am, that additional two hour block SHOULD enable me to get up and running fast — with the 6am till 10am block ready for more recording and encoding, then the rest of the morning till lunch can be modding and then early afternoon till 8pm i can be prepping for the next days recording.
in the end last night i got 7hrs 40 minutes of sleep - actually falling asleep just before 9pm and waking up at 6:02am — just gotta shift that a little bit more and i think i’ll be in good shape, 1hr of rem is not really enough thou and light sleep can only do so much for me, i’m thankful for the 1:30 hrs of deep sleeping thou, that’s the body recharge part.
right now i’m on track even thou i lost an hour and a half, just means that i’ll be doing a bunch of setup in the early afternoon in the heat — that’s the whole reason for the change to be honest, trying to claw back some quality cool air work time — i’m feeling a little bit like the ‘martian’ in this heatwave.
July certainly has added some wind under the sails i have to say, much needed too, now we are in the second part of the year it’s time to get the momentum going on everything, feel like the first part of the year has been a bit of a scramble so far — not sure why tbh.
maybe it’s all the movement energy of dayle going back and forth, crypto adjustments, maybe wondering what the value of working is, what i’m meant to be doing with my time. blockchain has certainly made me re-evaluate where i spend my time.
that ticking life clock always comes around, making sure it’s presence is known, we gotta get the most out of our time here as possible right? leave something established ideally behind, make the best of our time.
can’t wait to get out early tomorrow and ideally catch the sunrise, something so awakening about seeing the sun rise again, brings about a new renewed sense of self i’ve found — many times i used to drive back from rave clubs back in the day feeling like life was gonna be ok.
the code of the streets i feel for 2018 is adaptation — the way forward is gonna be constantly evolution and adaptation to the ways and means that we work, especially in an always on demand, compute heavy planet when everything is being tracked, augmented, calculated.
presence is the new currency — wherever you are present, taking part, adding value, transition through spaces, involvement in some way in the multiple blockchains will have an overall impact on your digital footprint. you might not seen it yet but it’s certainly already forming.
right, breakfast all done — time to get moving, got videos to post and layouts to build! :)
▶️ DTube
. ... wait. .. that looks like me. ..