Dear @Dtube #35 // You Free or Spare Time has a Cost and it’s Probably Already an Expense we can’t Match.

in daily-vlog •  7 years ago 

Taking time out to relax should not cost right?

At least in the conventional sense taking ‘time out’ or using your ‘spare time’ out to recharge is very much a human need when it comes to our bodies, they need to recharge, we need sleep, we need to take time out from working to keep at peak efficiency.

As I’ve worked along the blockchain of steem in the last year and sent bits of litecoin, dash, ether and bitcoin I’ve come to realise that in the world of blockchain, not being around, not ‘proving you brain’ on a ledger that needs your data to prove your out there in the world I’ve realised that our free time is actually probably costing us more than we thought.

And for me it’s both healthy and unhealthy to look at from different angles — on one side I have to consider than taking time out to recharge and rebalance myself from the barrage that is the information technology world I have to accept that the time I’m taking off has a cost.

I think in life where we living on a planet with every expanding living costs I think it’s healthy to have a clued in eye that taking too much time out means that your probably gonna have a difficult time sustaining yourself and your family.

On the flip side of that coin by always being plugged into the ledger/blockchain proof of ‘human’ of activity and doing we are probably sacrificing other areas of our lives in the pursuit of the supposed state of being present, engaged, activated enough to get to the goals we have set ourselves in a timely manner.

And here is the rub for me, I’ve actually knowingly saved a bunch of time by being in control of my transactions for instance to make (a) and (b) happen in a time period where no middleman or ‘upsell’ existed — no roadblocks, just my requirement to achieve one task in a timely manner.

So we need the blockchains and the blockchains (especially steem) need us, then we have to layer on top of that the impact of the need for the deterministic nature of the algorithm that needs to run to prove that over a time period those things happened — those things need power, resources again that are pulled out of the ground (often) or chemically kept cool under temperature as we extract the power from it.

In the world of open, public data silo ledgers of blockchains we have a twenty four seven active ever extending caterpillar of information getting bigger like a digital fat berg of computations, that something happened at a moment in time, time as we perceive it at least.

recently life balance for me has been really made me look inwards at the world of living and existing — what that actually means to have our needs met in life, what we really need to be a useful human being to make others active participants on planet earth to be fully compliant to our excesses and ‘time outs’ to be aware that it’s going to take everyone to save us not living on a big choking planet in wall-e style .

Everywhere we look, every moment of everyday is opportunity for us to shift the thinking for not only ourselves but for others, everyone has to come up together, all boats must rise together if this is going to work out to extend what humanity and human life looks like on planet earth.

Maybe we have all ready run out of time and someone will discover our planet and extract the bits from the hard drives of the world and see our humble algorithms and computations and wonder how we even survived as long as we did — who knows, maybe this life projection runs on an ever evolving algorithm running on a far superior method of chain.

Maybe the dns and proteins inside our very bodies is like a blockchain too, always adding experiences and memories to that cerebral cortex chain, open, corruptible, ageing, time is the natural enemy of the bloat of information maybe. Everything slows eventually to a full stop, a state of consciousness where the light is just eternal.

it’s hard to avoid and ignore the wonder that is life sometimes, even if it’s not always as it seems to be — the price of existing is expensive, the cost of living is always free.

We are now using STEEM to have little ‘pots’ or ‘savings’ for our funds together (+ @dayleeo) this way we can transfer and load with zero fees (plus take donations) all open and transparent — for extra protection we put our STEEM in savings and also use steemify to track transfers on the accounts — we save for @upgrades to equipment, our @transition between countries, any money needed for @paperwork (visas etc.. ) and towards buying a teardrop @pullalong stateside

▶️ DTube
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