Daily Dose - Massive Line Of Cirrus Clouds Ahead of The Weather System Result of Chemtrailing - March17th 2018

in dailydose •  7 years ago 


What started as a nice clear blue sky was quickly streaked with white chemtrails. A vapor like aerosol way up in the upper layers of the troposphere and perhaps into the stratosphere and really takes a similar appearance to Cirrus clouds ahead of a warm front, but in such perfect lines?.. These streaks eventually spread out and cover the entire sky.

Today, while I was outside cleaning up more fallen debris from the Winter, and as the sky began to gray, the wind seemed to also pick up in intensity.. and I stopped what I was doing to observe this and listen, and for the life of me, I do not know how to describe the feeling, but as the sky grayed the Sun heat dampened, I kept hearing and sort of feeling shockwaves/pressure waves in the atmosphere sort of like pulsing. A really strange feeling and as the wind picked up too so yea strange...

I understand there is a weather front on its way and rain is actually falling not that far away from here, so cirrus clouds can be expected... but these are not natural cirrus clouds.. after being a life long cloud gazer and going to school for such.. these do not look natural.

I had felt like I hadn't seen as many chemtrails in the recent week.. I do look everyday..

Burnt House and Blue Skies

Spot the chemtrail pointed diagonal to the white Cirrus

Still beautiful, perhaps not all are unnatural

But then there is the chemtrail above the natural









The sky has grayed entirely


The farm and the debris pile of just today

Lots of work still to be done. I spread some more plant feed into the dirt that hasnt been seeded yet... in hopes that the snow storm will saturate and soak the earthen mounds with the plant feed and make it nutritious for the seeds I will eventually plant.

No life from the outside broccoli yet in either the row or the box hockey box.

I wish they would stop polluting the atmosphere for humans AND plants!

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omg. great photos!