Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/10/18> let’s talk contagious diseases… and a couple that might be.

in dailydose •  6 years ago 

This sounds scary...

When the term “contagious disease” pops up people tend to pay attention, everyone seems to want to know just what the newest disease is and how likely they might be come down with it. I am of the belief that a lot of these so called “contagious diseases” that could threaten to wipe out entire populations of countries or even continents are over blown by the government agencies that provide us the “information” about them.

Trust the childhood friends...

A childhood friend of the Mrs. happens to work for one such agency over in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. That agency is one of the many federal alphabet soup agencies and goes by the initials CDC. Her friend has a long list of credentials including MD, for medical doctor, and a slew of other initials for her other degrees. She works in research, so while I don’t hear things directly from her, I do hear what she has to say as it comes to me via the Mrs. Papper.

Why is it that we seem to have a slew of animal flues? Another good question is why is it that each one is always touted that it is going to be devastating and we can expect major loss of life when these outbreaks hit? It seems like none of these so called potential major epidemics ever seems to materialize to the “major” level.

More to come...

We have had the swine flu, the bird flu and while I can’t name them all I have been told we have somewhere around eighteen different strains of flu currently and eleven different subtypes of those. So we have a smorgasbord of flu to choose from when it comes to getting ill. I am guessing that by the time the seasonal flu season kicks in that another 3 will be added in one of the two; either strain or sub-types.

My problem with...

I don’t know about you but I have a problem with getting flu shots, it just seems to me that injecting viruses into your body so your body will know how to attack and fight the virus just doesn’t make a whole hell of a lot of sense to me. Yes, I know the vaccines are not live viruses, or do I? I know we are told that no live viruses are used but what better way to reduce some population then by a simple injection that people are willing to roll up their sleeves and pay for to get?

Protect the young and old...

According to what we are told by agencies like the CDC, children and old folks are most vulnerable to these flu outbreaks so they need to get their flu shots. Well, I would think that those same children would or could be more susceptible simply because their immune systems aren’t fully developed yet. The old folks health conditions can surely vary and while their immune system might be in pretty good shape there might just be other parts of their bodies that isn’t and it may just take a toll on those when they get a vaccine or a flu shot.

If your body will know how to attack and fight the dead virus then it should damn sure know how to at least attack and try and defend you against the live virus should you happen to come in contact with it. Having your body practice on dead virus cells seems like a waste of energy and stress of the immune system when half the people who get flu shots still end up with some form of the flu if they come in contact with the flu virus.

Could it be that...

We already established this week how back in 2012 the government changed the rules of what they could do when it comes to propaganda and that the citizens were now subject to the same propaganda that had been being spread abroad. Who is to say that the Ebola scare that happened in September of 2014 wasn’t just another one of these government ploys to instill fear in the public and cause panic in the streets?

Ebola to wipe out...

All perfectly legal, I might add, since it was after the change in 2012 to the Smith – Mundt Act of 1948. If you remember there wasn’t any vaccine for Ebola, and it was going to wipe out the whole southern population of the US once that first case of Ebola was diagnosed in Dallas, Texas.
I checked before writing this, only eleven cases of Ebola in the United States were “confirmed”, that is a far cry from what we were told to expect. Is the CDC really that bad at forecasting? If they are, then what else are they really bad at?

Could the CDC be...

I almost think the CDC is just a marketing arm for the pharmaceutical industry, what better spokes people to have for your business than the government, a government that is trusted by most people. I personally think that is some misplaced trust if there ever were any, but some people will continue to follow lock step with the government suggestion or requirement.

Stupidity and insanity might be...

My gut feeling is that there are a couple of conditions that are becoming more prevalent among us and I have the sneaking suspicion that those are contagious diseases that we are not being told are contagious. Those would be stupidity and insanity, and I might just have a case of them is what you are probably thinking. Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t make it right, it makes it the popular thing to do.

Maybe you should consider...

You don’t have anything to lose by at least considering that what you are going to hear in the next few weeks and months may not be the whole truth and nothing but the truth when it comes to the upcoming flu season and the need to get your flu shots and vaccines.

Just a little food for thought to consider before you roll that sleeve up, who knows it may just save you.

Until next time,

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Stupidity covers everything... We even have insurance for that... Just sign the policy... Ur coverd on ur stupidity... No where else but here!
maybe... :))
Don't wanna sound like an outcast, but today's society makes me wanna swallow my own vomit...But that's just me...

I am working my way to outcast on a regular basis from the mainstream people of the USA, for trying to actually make people understand what is actually taking place, but it is the right thing to do. So I will continue on and take my lumps along the road.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I get a notice in the mail every year from the Veterans Administration that I should get my flu shot. I guess all us Vets receive one.

I almost think the CDC is just a marketing arm for the pharmaceutical industry, what better spokes people to have for your business than the government, a government that is trusted by most people.

I believe most of the people that are the decision makers for our Country start out with good ideas and a wish to shake things up, but once elected learn how the game is played in government circles. Catering to lobbyists and big money is the only way to get anything done. Those who don't play the game don't get very far as a rule, #jimwebb #berniesanders #jillstein.

I have an older sister that works for big pharma and has for many years. She travels around the world with her team discovering new drugs. My sister also makes a great deal of money, then again she has many college degrees. I don't talk to her much about her job as I am adverse to the over-medication of the populace. I can find more interesting stuff to be contrary about, like her love for the current administration and xenophobia.

"Catering to lobbyists and big money is the only way to get anything done." as you mentioned, is more of a guarantee that you will get rich while you are in office, which is getting something done, just not for the people that elected them to do something for the people.
They are surely playing a game up there in Washington, and we only get to finance the game and watch, which is our own fault. We have the power to vote but a very low percentage of us even bother to vote , and even those that do vote seldom actually study or research who they are voting for and just vote along party lines.

Give me a second here, I need to count the number of flu shots I've had in my lifetime. That would be zero.

Not that I am anti-vaccine. I'm not. 4 scourges of my youth have been vaxed into submission. Smallpox, Whooping Cough, Red Measles and Polio. Marvelous advances by modern medicine, to the point where parents today can make a real decision whether to vax for these.

Those 4 success stories spawned an entire world of vaccine studies and doctors. The rush was on to rid humanity of every disease.

The problem being that the evidence that many of these vaccines work is not empirical. There is a huge mistake made when you say "X worked really well in the general population therefore Y will work exactly the same."

I've got a little at stake here. Red Measles just damn near got me when I was 3. I spent the night in the local hospital packed in ice to give me a chance to fight the explosive fever. I am one of the last people in the US to have this disease. I'm glad it's gone.

The chance exists that we might experience another Flu epidemic on the magnitude of the 1918 episode. Can the CDC or anyone prevent it? Maybe. No more chance than maybe.

So. Does the CDC do good? No question. Are they manipulated? Do they manipulate? Yeah.

Past performance is no indication of future actions, but I'd be willing to wager a fair piece of my net wealth that I won't take a flu shot this year, either.

My mother was big on flu shots when we were kids, but as soon as I was old enough to decide for myself I was done with them. I don't recall ever getting sick, sick but it did make me feel a couple times a little under the weather.
I think, just like you mentioned, the vaccines we received as kids were important and for the most part seemed safe. But now that the recommended number is above 30 by the time kids are 18, that is just scary to me.
No flu shots here you can bank on that.

I am so with you on this, and it's interesting that you mention your "gut feeling", because I am very interested in the gut, or microbiome. That's where our "friendly bacteria" live, and I believe they are the best defence in fighting off most infections, if we would only give them a chance instead of killing them off with antibiotics, and probably... vaccines!
I'm not totally anti-vaccine, but there's no way I would get the flu vaccine. An Australian friend of mine had it last year, and over there you have to be quarantined for several weeks after taking it!
And as for children getting the flu vaccine – my sister is a doctor, and takes the "conventional science" view on most things. But when she was bringing up her two children (they are now in their teens and early 20s) she made every effort to ensure that they were exposed to every cold and flu bug going, because she said that this would help them build up their immunity. Her kids are both very healthy today. I haven't asked her what she thinks about last year's drive to immunise school-age children against flu.

Our bodies were designed by who ever created them to be self healing so I have to agree with your sister, let the immune system do the job when it is supposed to and quit bombarding it with vaccines.
I think it is always a pretty good indicator to see how people in the industry actually handle their own affairs in those type situations. It is amazing sometimes just how many don't follow the government dialog when it comes to their own, but continue to speak the government propaganda.

We don't do vaccines. Not all vaccines are made with dead viruses. Some are live! I remember a few years ago my brother got his flu shot because he was at risk (older and diabetic) He was as sick as a dog for a month after! Then we found out that the lab making the vaccine had made a bad batch of the vaccine because of a lack of quality control.

I would have to agree that they are pushing the vaccines because they get a cut of the profits. Here in this country, the minister in charge of health care also owns the labs that not only produces the vaccine but the one that produces the generic drugs to treat said diseases! Conflict of interest much?

Just because some government agency tells you to get a vaccine doesn't mean you should. Use your brain folks. Think before you roll up that sleeve!

I think that I read somewhere that now we are up over 30 different vaccines that kids are supposed to have by the time they are 18 here in the USA. To me that seems like more harm than good being done. It also not uncommon for multiple vaccinations to be given in one injection, and I think that is done so that if there is a bad reaction and outcome they (gov.) can't point a finger at the direct cause of the reaction.
That is pretty convenient as well for protecting big pharma.
There is plenty of conflict of interest here as well in this arena, the head of the FDA and some of these other government agencies always seems to come from the industry as a former executive of some major company prior to being appointed. Then just like magic some government ruling or approval just happens to coincide with that person who is at the helm of the agency is made that would help that director's former company.
Not long after that director resigns and goes back into the private sector and some other company's executive ends up as director of the agency.
It is some very fast turnover in a lot of cases, and pretty obvious as to what is going on if you put the time lines side by side.

When I was a kid I think there were six vaccinations you had to have to go to school. Now they need all sorts of stuff and the latest here is they want everybody to be vaccinated against Yellow Fever! My son and I were approached the other day by the door to door clinic people and we said no through our gate. Not happening anytime soon...

I would damn sure be leery of door to door vaccination folks, even it was somewhat normal for the clinic people to come bye every so often. I can't recall how many vaccinations was needed when I was in school but I know it was nowhere near what is required today.

I'm loving your wakeupamerica series! Just last night I was listening to a YT channel when the author brought up the Smith–Mundt Act and I thought of you! I thought it was weird when almost overnight the msm stopped talking about the Ebola virus. I've never gotten a flu shot as I've seen healthy people get the worst case of flu after getting it. No thanks..I'll take my chances! I sometimes think the CDC likes to play the boogieman and on other concerning things will brush it off!

Yes, it is amazing how one day Ebola is on every news channel 24/7 with non stop coverage and interviews of every doctor and nurse that was even remotely involved in the cases here and then it vanished from sight. To me it was almost like a trial balloon for a future event to gauge how much concern and fear they could elicit from the public.
Just like sending up a weather balloon to check atmospheric conditions that the national weather service uses to check on the weather I think they are doing the same with citizens and throwing stuff at us to see how we react.
We aren't flu shot people either and never intend to be.
I like that the wife has a good life long friend that happens to work there at the CDC, not saying that we get any inside information or anything like that, but it is good to know exactly what things she is doing with regard to her kids health and well being and it isn't always along the lines of the messages that go out to the public.

Stupidity definitely seems to be contagious! I used to get the flu shot religiously when I was younger. My former employer gave it to us for free every fall. I can honestly say that since I stopped getting it I generally feel healthier and don't get the flu any more than I did when I took the vaccination. We have absolutely no clue what we're being injected with when we get those vaccines. Given some of the truth that has surfaced about past government research programs getting the flu would be minor in comparison.

Yes, on the stupidity, but I just realized there maybe antidote for it, I think it comes in a daily dose packet if I am not mistaken.
Where I work they offer free shots as well, I'm not a taker of free shots, be them from a whiskey bottle or a medicine vial.
The flu surely would be minor in comparison to some of those we know about, and just think about all those we don't even know about as well. Just thinking about those could give you flu like symptoms would be my guess.
Thanks for dropping by and for the great comment.