Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/12/18> Day One of Year Two… and that book report.

in dailydose •  6 years ago 

It was a destination...

I have often said that goals are a setup for failure and I still stand by that, so making it to day one of year two is an accomplishment for me; it wasn’t a goal, it was a destination. So today marks the start of reaching another destination, September 12, 2019.

Not a problem, Honey...

As I write this on the evening of 9/11 for posting right as the clock turns midnight over on the east coast there are a couple things that you need to know. It wasn’t by accident I showed up here on 9/12/17. I made a Facebook post on 9/11/17 that pissed the Mrs. Papper off and she said that she wished I would find somewhere else to voice my opinions other than Facebook. “Not a problem honey, I’ll do just that.”

She actually called me...

It took me exactly 1:43 minutes to find steemit.com and before the end of the day I had been accepted and my account was open. Everything I have said about wanting the grand kids to be able to read my thoughts and believes is also true. Since the Mrs. also had a problem with me telling the kids that 9/11 didn’t happen for the reasons the government and media have told the American public and the world it did. She actually called me a conspiracy theorist. To me that would be the equivalent of just calling me a guzbucker.

Between a rock and a hard place...

I was stuck between a rock and hard place when it came to being able to tell the kids exactly the way things are in this country and sometimes the truth hurts so much people just don’t want to hear, they need to hear it though. So if my kids couldn’t hear it then how in the hell could my future grand kids hear it from them? So you see, Mrs. Papper was the catalyst for the Daily Dose of Sultnpapper, and Thank you, Honey.

Sealed the deal for...

I don’t know if you want to thank her or throw stones at her for sending me here, but I sincerely do thank her for pushing me to find a place. I could have gone plenty of places to write my thoughts and my stories but the block chain was the part the sealed the deal for me; permanent record that couldn’t be deleted.

Even the dogs...

Let me also say that when I announced to the family that I was starting a blog it was like the funniest thing they had ever heard, even the dogs started barking, because the family was laughing so hard and cutting up when they heard me tell them that.

The family had a bet going that had to do with how long I could do a blog; the shortest time was a five days and the longest was a month. Twelve months later YOU and me have proven all of them wrong and I thank each of YOU for that.

There might be hope...

The funniest part is that over the course of the year the Mrs. has been changing on how she is looking at things. We home school and some other home school parents think like I do when it comes to government and the constitution. There just might be hope for her after all. I guess coming from me it is just crazy talk but coming from them it makes sense. So” thank you” to our kids home school group parents for helping her see the light.

Those evening chats outside in the lawn chairs have some interesting topics and I might even say that some she brings are even a little “over the top” for me.

Conspiracy theorist nut job...

I did a post the other day over on WeKu explaining why “conspiracy theorist” is associated with being a “nut job” person; but the short and skinny of the post is that it comes from news media programming.

If the news media can bad talk something they will and they do it over and over until it resonates with their viewers and listeners. That is not by accident, it is by design, so after many years of hearing “conspiracy theorist” the immediate reaction of the programmed people is not to listen or trust a word from a person they have labeled a conspiracy theorist.

Don't forget the constitution...

I might also mention that they are also working on making sure people are against the constitution. Think about how many times you have heard the media refer to someone as a “right wing constitutionist”, trust me they are making it where wanting to follow the constitution is a bad thing.

There are no...

I love it when people try and tell me about their “constitutional rights”, I know immediately that they don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. The constitution doesn’t give anyone rights; it protects your God given rights.

That is why the constitution is such a dangerous piece of paper; the government can’t take away something they did not give you. People have been so dumb down by the education system though that they will gladly surrender their rights without as much as saying, “Wait a minute”.

If Paul Harvey were...

So now you know how I got here, I have always said why I was here. So as Paul Harvey would say if he were bringing you this story, “Now you know; the rest of the story.”

The promised book review...

I promised you a book review and I am going to deliver that as promised, keeping with the 9/11 time that we are in right now I thought it would be best to review a great piece of fiction written in Washington, DC by a collaboration of authors, The 9/11 Commission Report.

The "authorized edition"...

I have the hard back version of the “authorized edition” and it is 604 pages long. It took me over two months of reading it, on and off, in order to make my way through the entire book. I since have discovered that there is an audio book version of it that if I remember right is about 11 hours in length.

The hard cover version has a price of $19.95 and was first published in August of 2004. I didn’t pay nearly that much for it and I am not sure that it is even still available in book stores.
Like any story, the devil is in the details and a person needs to go no further in this book than the Preface.

The Preface tells all...

In the preface it is stated that there are ten members of the commission, five democrats and five republicans and that they, “have come together to present this report without dissent.” Ask yourself this question, “When have five democrats and five republicans ever agreed on anything?” My answer is never.

Moving further along in the preface, “we have been committed to share as much of our investigation as we can with the American people.” Why is it that they can only share “as much” why not all of the investigation? Let’s keep going in the preface.

In speaking about the US government they had this to say, “We learned of the pervasive problems of managing and sharing information across a large and unwieldy government…”

So what has been done since 9/11 to cut down the size of government? For those of you who may not know the definition of “unwieldy” it mean “hindering progress due to the complexity” and also can mean “hard to manage or deal with”. So they actually did tell some truth in what they were writing. So again I ask, what has been done to cut down and streamline government for efficiency? Not a guzbucking thing is the correct answer.

Wrapping it up...

Then they go on in the preface to thank all the people who helped put this report together and there is a whole slew of every alphabet soup agency and military branch and of course the past presidents and current president at the time of when this bogus report was constructed. Yes, I said bogus.

Check the fiction section...

The report is a book of fiction; so if you go looking for it in a library check the fiction section first, and don’t even waste your money on purchasing this damn thing like I did. The hearings they conducted and the testimonies they heard at those meeting were nothing but a bunch of grandstanding politicians trying to make like they were concerned and wanted to get to the bottom of it.

When all they were really trying to do was make it where the American people wouldn’t have a problem with waging a war on people in other countries in the Middle East.

Complex and lengthy...

Nine Eleven happened for reasons that are too complex and lengthy to go into in this Daily Dose. If you want to know what got me started down this complex maze of rabbit holes then go “Google” search Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth and see what over 1,000 professional registered degreed people have to say about the twin towers and building number seven, all of which ended up collapsing on 9/11/2001. These are the people who design and oversee the construction of buildings like the twin towers and they know what they are talking about when it comes to structural failures.

Those folks will walk you through the actual collapse of the buildings and how their conclusions differ from another government report know as the NIST World Trade Center Disaster Investigation. The A & E for 911 Truth folks aren’t going to speculate on who planned the destruction, but they will tell you that the way the government investigation and the actual handling of the evidence at the site was done was so that it would cover up what really took place. Once a person comes to the realization that the NIST report couldn’t be trusted then it leads you on the hunt for the real truth.

Unless you love a good fiction...

So, I don’t advise you reading the 9/11 Commission Report unless you love a good fiction book, and then I wouldn’t even read it if I were you. I would find it online and listen to someone else read it to you. That way you will have both hands free to hold the trash can while you vomit listening to this garbage. We need to #wakeupamerica .

Thank you so much for a great first year and I hope we can continue on for at least another together.

Until next time,

All photos are the property of Sult N Papper. So leave them alone.

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Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 256 (9/13/18)

Good lord, I love reading you so much, when I finally find a small amount of time to actually read around here.

Insert long comment of huzzahs and agreement here.

Thank you, very much appreciated MrSircork.

I am glad that you proved them wrong and did not quit after a day or a month. It is really nice having you here.
As for the date in question and the thing that happened on that date... I think you are the first American I have come across to be this open-minded about this subject. You see, the way the rest of the world sees America and how America sees itself is not the same. I was always convinced that you people were under some drug influence or something because that level of control of your thoughts did not seem possible. I am not saying that the rest of the world is much better or that you are terrible. I am just saying that I have seen something in Americans that frightens me. It is your intention to do whatever you want with no regard for others and proclaim yourselves as superior. This went on so far that it has started seriously damaging yourself too. I am rambling on... Why did you make me ramble? :D Anyway, it is good to have you here on the platform honey 💚

You don't know how correct you are when you say, "I was always convinced that you people were under some drug influence or something because that level of control of your thoughts did not seem possible." We have a government that has gone to great lengths to make sure that we are constantly bombarded with government propaganda through a compliant and willing accomplice known as the media.
Also the education system is plenty involved in shaping this as well, as people are not taught how to think, but are taught what to think.
Television and the use of subliminal messages in the programming we watch here works very well as Americans have been addicted to television since the early 1950's. I never was big on watching television so I escaped a bunch of the programming and at least have the capacity to think for myself and question things.
If you aren't familiar with Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, then be sure and look them up on the internet and see what they have to say about 911, I think you will find it very enlightening.
I didn't intend to make you ramble. But all of your rambling is sound and coherent.

Happy Anniversary Farmer Alfalfa. I think you are senior enough to get the context of that and we'll let the children go to Google University.

I always have questions. Some might even call me a doubting Tom.

You and I don't agree exactly, cause of my questions. But I just darn near never agree with anyone exactly on any topic more complex than "Where should we go to dinner".

One thing we do agree precisely about is the commission's purpose. To prep the American people for war. Continuous war. Sanitary war where only the people we are pissed off at today really take the beating. It's good to be at war, business is booming. As it were. We are coming up on 16 years in Afghanistan and no end in sight.

I have a couple of copies of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights floating around here. One is in pretty good shape because all I do is read it. The other is printed with big margins and double spaced so I can highlight and write questions (and occasionally answers) right there. I obviously think it's important.

Thanks for a great year. I raise my coffee cup in salute.

Life is good.

I get where you are coming from, and I like the fact that no matter how much we might differ in our thoughts we both know how to communicate and actually respond to each other in a civil manner. Far to many people are to quick to fly off the handle and just start throwing "guzbucks you"'s back and forth at each other when they can't agree on everything.
So to that I raise my coffee cup as well in salute to you. Thanks for putting up with me and being a big part of making it a great year for me here.

Happy Steemiversary! That post deserved one of my newly turbo-charged 100% upvotes, as I believe in this platform so much that I've been investing in it (at bargain prices).
I'm certainly with you on 9/11, and the phrase "conspiracy theorist" was strategically promoted by the CIA following the Kennedy assassination in this document. The document says:

“Our play should point out, as applicable, that the critics are (I) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in, (II) politically interested, (III) financially interested, (IV) hasty and inaccurate in their research, or (V) infatuated with their own theories.”

I didn't realise 9/11 was the trigger that had launched you into the Steemit blogosphere! There are so many questions and anomalies around 9/11 - where do you start?
I think with many people, including myself, it just gets the mind questioning everything, and those who fear stepping outside the comfortable feeling that their government is protecting them try to shut it out. If there's one big hole in the "official narrative" that I could point to, it's the BBC live report on the collapse of Building 7, which was screened 20 minutes before the building collapsed.

The Mrs Papper pulled the trigger that launched me here, 911 was just the fuel that powered the flight.
If you want a place to start, start at Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth and see what they have to say about the actual building collapses.
Once you have that knowledge and realize that the government NIST report is pure fabrication the next logical place to go down is "the money" trail and that will lead you places that may just scare the living hell out of you.

That is the route I took and sometimes I have a little regret for it, life was so much simpler when I was ignorant to what is really going on in this country and why.

I haven't even looked at the Kennedy assassination papers that have been released since most of those people involved in that are dead and gone. The people involved in 911 are still alive and most still involved in what is taking place even today or their direct descendants are or are trying to be elected so they can be involved in things.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Well I started questioning 9/11 the day after it happened, as they'd already blamed Bin Laden by then, and apart from anything else I couldn't see how some gang from Pakistan could have got through US airspace in rush hour. The questioning just went from there. Eventually there were so many competing ideas and theories that I started to switch off, my trust in governments thoroughly shaken. But I've certainly heard about Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 truth, and the idea of explosions certainly seems likely to me.
I've never gone down the Kennedy assassination rabbit hole either, but this particular document reveals how the slur of "conspiracy theories" got started, ie as a deliberate CIA strategy, in their own words. And it was actually released some time ago - it's not part of the latest releases.

If you have never watched this interview of three fire fighters on that morning of 9/11 take four minutes and watch this raw footage interview pay attention to the fire fighter who says about the second plane that hits the south tower being black in color, it was supposedly a United Airlines Plane, the only problem is United Airlines did not have black planes. Strange isn't it?
The fire fighters tell of three explosions on the ground floor level and the one firefighter was hit in the face from the explosion, it isn't a pretty sight but he was okay in the grand scheme of things.
This film though should make your "likely" be confirmed to there were bombs in the buildings.

Governments are all good at covering up their boo-boos. It is always good to question everything. I am glad that you stuck it out and that Mrs. Papper is coming around. The grandkids need to know what a crazy place they are being brought into. There was a reason we homeschooled and were heavily involved with what they were learning. School only serve up plates of garbage...

Yes, the Mrs. is coming around and that is good thing for sure. 9/11 wasn't a boo - boo but it damn sure has been covered up by government. The American people deserve better than this from their government officials.

Interesting origin story, I didn’t realize there was a specific thing that pushed you to join Steemit!

I think this is going to be one of those areas where we just have to agree to disagree. I can’t claim to know the truth of what happened there, and I won’t try to debate you or convince you to change your mind. I can only choose what to believe. I’ve listened to both sides of the argument and I choose to believe that the events of that day unfolded largely as they were officially explained. You chose differently, and that’s ok! As you said, it’s your God-given right.

So why not just keep my opinions to myself and move on without leaving a comment? There are three reasons:

  1. because you said to me on my first post here that this is a free speech zone 🙂
  2. to provide a link to a good resource for people who want to learn more about the arguments from the “mainstream” side. Not for people who have already made up their minds. I’m not here to argue with anybody - just offer resources for the undecided.
  3. to fight what I believe is the number one reason why people hate Facebook: the creation of echo chambers. I just think it’s important for people to know that you can respectfully disagree about things and still get along and be civil. And that you don’t have to be afraid to express your opinion. Sometimes I feel like Steemit is becoming this weird twilight zone where “mainstream” opinions are actually not tolerated.

We surely can agree to disagree in a civil manner and I indeed do live by my word that this is a free speech zone at the Daily Dose, I think plenty of people would confirm that as I have one in particular who tests that all the time.

I also took the time before responding to actually go read every word of that article you linked. I am not familiar with the author, Dave Thomas, nor had I read it before. Being that I am not studied in physics I can't cast doubt on any of his mathematical calculations with regard to the collapse either.

Here is one glaring thing that he did leave out and it is puzzling that while he cited plenty of things about the twin towers and building seven he failed to mention that building seven was being reported as haven already collapsed by a foreign news media reporter who was on camera and building seven was clearing showing standing in the background of the shot as she was saying it had already collapsed.

Surely I would think the Dave Thomas, with as much investigation as he had done in preparing that article would have known that the tape existed and would have addressed that as well.

I might also mention that the NIST Report admittedly did not test for explosives in the debris of the 911 disaster because they had no "reason to believe" that any explosives were involved since the was video of the planes hitting the towers. Yet several fire fighters are on tape and expressly acknowledge encountering explosions on the lower levels of the towers.

Up until 911 there was no where that a high rise steel and concrete building that had ever collapsed due to fire and there had been plenty of fires in such buildings.

I recall that a bank building in Philly burned for 17 hours before it could be extinguished and it did not collapse yet, these two buildings could burn so hot to melt the the massive steel beams in less than two hours is a little out of my comprehension zone. Since the contents of both building would be similar being office buildings.

Then that brings us to the BBC reporting building seven having collapsed while it is clearly standing in the background of Jane Stanley's live report. Here is a link to that video in case you never have seen[it}(

) The video is only about 3 minutes long.

Also I might mention that the owner of the complex is on tape saying they made the decision to"pulled" building seven which means controlled demolition, yet the NIST report for building list the cause as structural failure due to fire. So it doesn't add up in my eyes.

Plus don't forget the Pentagon and the plane that crashed in PA. , never in the history of airplane crashes has a plane crashed that I know that some piece of debris could not be seen or even retrieved from the know crash locations. Yet not one body or bones were retrieved that I am aware of, the plane in PA had a lady and her daughter from Houston on it so I paid attention to the particular crash site hoping that the family would at least have the bodies returned for burial.
Dave Thomas didn't mention those sites and just concentrated on NY so I still am going to have to believe something is fishy, at least with the official reports.
Thanks for commenting and sharing that information but it hasn't moved me for reasons cited.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply! I will go check out the sources you provided and the other things that don’t add up. Most of what I’ve read is regarding the WTC, so I’ll have to study up more.

There are rebuttals and answers for everything out there. It is just a matter of whether or not you trust the sources and accept the narrative that is presented.

Flight 93:


Pentagon wreckage:


Building 7:


But even without any evidence at all, if I just think through the events, a coverup just doesn’t add up to me.

Let’s assume the worst of the worst: 9/11 was everything you say it was and more. The BBC was in on it the whole time. What does that mean? That means that someone tipped off a mainstream media organization in advance of the greatest false flag operation in modern history, and that the news teams were so incompetent that they accidentally leaked the secret news that this was about to happen early. What motivation would anyone have for telling the BBC their plans ahead of time? And if it was a whistleblower, where are they now and why weren’t there others? In my mind, the far simpler explanation was that 9 hours into the most intense news day of all time, as building 7 was burning to the ground, the overworked and exhausted news team halfway around the world misheard initial reports and made a simple mistake.

Just my rationale for what I believe. Not trying to convince you or anyone else, just laying out the reasons for why I’m still not convinced it was much more than we were told.

I’d be willing to concede that the official report might be a little fuzzy, but I chalk that up to bureaucrats trying to save face and hide incompetence and mistakes, not cover up something sinister.

Very interesting read @sultnpapper! Glad to see you are sharing yourself for your grandchildren. My daughter got me involved here for the same reason, so that future generations could know more about me! I think it is fabulous you are here, much smarter than fb certainly! Looking forward to the 2nd year of @sultnpapper posts!

Thank you Birdie, I look forward to being here. Your daughter is a smart cookie.

FOR TSE: I'd like to send Mrs. Papper flowers for guiding you here. And if you're a "conspiracy theorist" -- that makes two of us. The Official Story of what happened on 9/11 is a bunch of guzbucking crap. And you can quote me.

Well I am in good company then. I will let her know that you appreciate her guiding me here.

howdy sir sultnpapper! great job on this post sir, you sure proved them wrong and we have your wife to thank! lol. that is too cool. You got approved in one day? holy moly it took me two weeks to get approved!

Anyway love the purpose you have for doing the blog sir. great job.

Yes, I was surprised as hell because the sign up said it could take a while and it was wham, bam. thank you mam. So that was a shocker to me, I had the keys to the castle and didn't know what to do.

hahaha! you thought you could relax and think about it and then boom you had to act! I joined in Feb but didn't make my first post for nearly 2 months! lol.

I was on a mission, I didn't have that luxury to work with.