Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/14/18> And I thought I was having a bad day…nothing like hers

in dailydose •  6 years ago 

It hit me...

Making my way back north on Hwy 77 out of Corpus Christi on Thursday where I had spent the last couple days on business it hit me that the 15th is like staring me in the face and I hadn’t secured a BBQ restaurant for the “Will Eat BBQ 4 U” Texas BBQ review I do each 15th of the month.

Then it me again...

Then it hit me that I owed a picture to someone who had made a comment on last month’s BBQ review from the Mustang Creek BBQ review. If you remember, inside Mustang Creek there was a full size metal piece of art replica of a horned bull. I told someone that there are BBQ smokers with that design and the back opened up and served as the fire box and cooking area, the neat part is the smoke comes out the bull’s nostrils. Well all that slipped my mind and here we are a month later and I never delivered a picture of it.

Kill three with one stone...

Luckily for me there are a few little towns along Hwy 77 that I know pretty dang well and about 30 miles up the road from where those thoughts hit me I would be able to kill three birds with one stone and get both some good BBQ, pictures of a nice little town to share, with a story to tell and pictures of the bull smoker BBQ cooker. That is pretty damn efficient for being basically in the middle of nowhere wouldn’t you say?

The Station, my first destination...

That little town is Refugio, Texas and it wasn’t but twenty minutes after the thought had come to mind I was at my first destination. The Station is the name of the place and they sell those BBQ cookers, along with a whole bunch of metal art work for outdoor decorating.

The business survived...

The Station is a survivor of Hurricane Harvey, the business survived but the original building didn’t make it through the storm. The original building was an old gas station and Hurricane Harvey was too much for it as the old cinder block walls gave way to the category five winds of the storm. It caved in the whole walls that faced to the east and south and there was no repairing it so it had to be completely demolished. That is why there is just a little portable wooden office now located on the old slab of the former building.

The Bull BBQ cooker...

While I was photographing the bull BBQ cooker I happened to look across the street and noticed a Texas Department of Public Safety and a Refugio County Sheriff’s vehicle on the corner of the side street with their flashing lights just all lighted up. In front of those was a motorcycle and on the ground behind the bike were a couple of travel bags or gym bags.

One thing lead to...

The “highway robbers” as like to call them had stopped the motorcyclist evidently for a traffic stop and I guess one thing lead to another and the next thing you know this pretty young lady with long jet black hair down to her backside was handcuffed and being escorted to the Sheriff’s vehicle to be hauled off to jail.

By the time I...

I tried to get a picture of her with her hands cuffed behind her back but I wasn’t quick enough and by the time I realized just what was taking place the deputy already had her around to the driver’s side of the vehicle and was about to place her in the back seat when I finally clicked off a shot.

Her bad day...

I have no idea what this young lady did to get herself pulled over, it could have been speeding or she might have run the traffic light in town or just may have had an expired license plate. Whatever it was though that allowed the highway robbers to throw on their lights and pull her over was surely just the start of her bad day.

Traffic stops are "tools"...

Small towns in Texas are famous for pulling people over and “finding” things that people shouldn’t have. I am pretty certain in my mind that the search they conducted of her bags was done without a search warrant and most likely she had consented to it. I have had more than one law enforcement official tell me that traffic stops are the tool they use to solve crimes; if they can pull someone over then they can come up with a reason to search you and your vehicle.

Do you mind if...

The standard line the robbers use is “do you mind if I look inside your vehicle?” If you tell them “no” then it is presumed you are in possession of something you shouldn’t have and then they will tie you up time wise on the side of the road while they proceed to call into the local court house to get a search warrant signed by a justice of the peace or the local judge and then have it brought out to them.

In the blazing sun...

In some cases I know people who have been handcuffed and sat out on the sidewalk or curb for more than two hours in the blazing Texas sun while the cop sits in his air conditioned vehicle waiting on that search warrant.

Who is to say...

If you are by yourself you are even at a bigger risk, like this young lady, because if let’s say it is a drug charge, who is to say that the cop didn’t plant the drugs in her bag? Now some of you might say that is unlikely and it might be; but we have something known as the good old boy system in this state and small towns and small counties our notorious for things like that, so it isn’t out of the realm of possibility.

Worse than mine...

Regardless though, her day was much worse was than mine. She got hauled off to the county jail and her bike was impounded.

Henry's BBQ had closed...

My day was way better than that despite finding out that Henry’s BBQ had closed up for good, it didn’t survive Hurricane Harvey. Henry’s was located in a strip shopping center on Main Street and while the building looked fine and other business like the newspaper and the tax office were still open the financial impact on Henry’s was too much and Henry was to old to continue on according to the fella at Jugs N Jiggers Liquor store on Purisima Street.

He said the town was without power for over three weeks after the storm and he guessed that Henry just decided to throw in the towel and retire. I am going to miss that place as Henry’s was a good place for BBQ chicken, always moist.

I did at least get...

So I did at least get the pictures of the BBQ Bull and I have to tell you that on close examination of it I surely wouldn’t spend my money on buying one from this place, $600 for the ones I got pictures of. Before you could even cook on it you’d have to take a hole saw to it and cut a hole in it for air to get to the fire box. You can’t have a fire box that doesn’t have a draft on it and I sure as hell didn’t see one. I am going to have to take a look at my buddy’s one that is similar to these and see if his was like that; it is crazy that it doesn’t have it.

Saturday is also the 15th...

I am happy to report that there will be a BBQ review on the 15th and looking at my calendar it is also a Saturday so that means it is also SBI Saturday, I don’t believe we have come across this situation yet so it will be a first. You might say it will be a double Daily Dose of Sultnpapper.

You want fries with that order?

Until next time,

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I am not good on acronyms, so I don't have a clue of what BTASKITP means. Barely, I do know, so what ever I did I damn near didn't is all I get from this reply you were so nice to leave.

I spent a little time trying to ID the bike that the highway robbers took possession of, and couldn't be sure. Maybe a 1st Generation Bandit. I owned three of the things, they're just a fun hooligan bike that will pick the front wheel through 4 gears. They were always a ticket generator for me, so I moved up to the more sedate touring machines :)

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that's my kind of girl.

The closest I have come to getting 'highway robbed' is I had my .380 checked because I had it in my tank bag. It's fully legal, but I always tell the officer if I am carrying. No misunderstandings that way.

You already know how much that behavior irritates me. I automatically make them get a search warrant. And in Arizona they have to let you sit in the patrol car with them if you are cuffed. But I've never been cuffed here. Because to put the cuffs to you they have to provide the crime you are under suspicion of. If they are just fishing they can't do it. So I've set and waited a time or two, but not beside the road with cuffs on. That's nasty.

One more thing. I hate seeing the asshats putting that bike on a rollback. You can bet your butt that they aren't going to roll it on, they'll tow it on. There's going to be damage to that bike and nothing she can do about it. If it's what I think it is (an old Bandit) it won't be worth the impound fee and damage so they'll make a few more bucks when the tow company sells it for salvage. Sigh

That's a funky looking BBQ. It'd make good lawn art, but it's all about the cooking for me.

Looking forward to tomorrow and your BBQ review. Always look forward to your Q review.

I am not a bike guy so I don't know what it is but I refer to that style of bike as a crotch rocket. It looked fast and sleek just setting still and the young lady was a looker as well in her shorts and tank top with a golden tanned skin tone.
I didn't watch them load the bike, after I took that shot I never looked back over at it so I can't say how they did it. It would be a shame if they messed it up for her, she was already having a bad day at that point and I would hate if their handling of her bike would make it even worse for her.
I'll be here with BBQ, see you then.

Wow, @sultnpapper! Your travels are just as interesting s mine! We try to avoid the guys in blue as well as the ones in black. Both are bad news and will trump up charges, plant evidence and generally provoke to say you were being a problem.

I am looking forward to the BBQ post. I like the idea of a bull BBQ but I don't think I am will to pay that much for one that may look pretty but doesn't function as it should!

I can't say I blame Henry for hanging up his apron. If you are older and need to put up with that kind of worry and problem it is just as easy to walk away.

Glad to hear the men in blue were otherwise occupied when you came to town occupied...too bad for the girl on the bike.

My travels pale in comparison of your exciting supply runs where you are risking life and limb in order to survive, but nice try on making me think so.
I felt sorry for the girl with the bike, what ever caused her to get pulled over surely wasn't the reason she ended up going to jail is my believe, I know how these small town, small county Texas law folks operate and even some of the big cities as well.
I guess that there is something about putting on a badge that makes you believe that you are the "king" and you can do as you please when you please. I am not saying all cops are bad, don't get me wrong, but I do see and talk to as many as I can when I travel just to get a "feel" for the different areas I cover and so I do know a little bit about the subject.
I also know where all the speed traps are so it is nice when I see someone fly by me at 20 over the limit knowing there is a cop up ahead around the bend. Gives me a chance to smile and wave as I go by them as they are pulled over on the side off the road with the flashing blue lights of the cop car sitting behind them blinking

We call those that pass us meat shields! 🤣

Haha! What a crazy looking BBQ. Pretty sure that thing is more for novelty than for efficient cooking, but hey, if someone has $600 to burn.. why not?

The do look pretty cool when they are cooking and the smoke coming out the nose of the bull.

some people have good days, some not so good, but no matter what we just need to move on. didnt know texans face road officers who likes to exercise their authority, over our area they just go straight to give u a ticket, or worst, hint u to give (what we call) "coffee money " and then, they will let u go

I don't know of any who will take "coffee money" but I do know that tickets is nothing more than to give them an opportunity to find something that will result in an arrest. Some have told me that point blank, even if they don't find anything they will at least give you a ticket so the courts and department get something in the way of revenue from the stop.

The traffic police are the same all over it seems - if only they focused more on preventing road accidents rather than catching people out, but then there'd be very little money made. Here we often hear of bribery so some of them are hard at work lining there own pockets!
What a way to start one's day!
Look forward to your BBQ review mr Papper, always interesting!
Enjoy the weekend :)

I can guess that it is the same all over because of what type of people that are hired into law enforcement, it seems to be the same types no matter where it is.
You take care and enjoy the weekend.

howdy sir sultnpapper! wow I haven't heard much about the highway "robbers' down there but it sounds like bad news, a shake down operation, is that strictly a money making strategy with all the fines and such?

Everybody gets paid. The wrecker driver, the bail bondsman, the storage lot, and if it is major charge an attorney will more than likely be involved. Then of course there will be fines and court costs thrown in there for good measure as well.
But like I said, I don't know what she was stopped for, I only got to see the end result, and it wasn't pretty for her.