Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 11/22/18> Thanksgiving morning and what is this, my account value is over $80 billion US in value on steemit.com?

in dailydose •  6 years ago  (edited)

I know I have...

I know I have a lot to be thankful for in my life but big amounts of money has never been one of those things. Evidently steem took a big run up over night or the US dollar has dropped off the face of the earth in other countries seeing that my account on here is now valued at over $80 billion in USD.

Of course there...

Of course there could also be another logical explanation and it could be that it is a glitch in the code and all those witnesses that watch over things on here and make sure that their machines agree on the transactions are asleep at the wheel. That is the most logical of the three scenarios or is it?

We, the people...

We, the people, here in the US are really out of touch with our reality when it comes to money and the world. What I mean by that is that we just go along in our daily lives and as long as the store accepts that plastic card in exchange for what the store is selling everything is hunky dory (good).

None of us...

None of us, I shouldn’t say “none”, not many of us ever really stop to consider just what will happen when the folks holding the over $20 trillion in US debt decide they want to be paid. It isn’t going to be a pretty sight here in the US. All those problems we see in countries like Venezuela or Nicaragua are a very likely reality here as well.

I have said...

I have said on here plenty of times that we have no lawful money as outlined in the constitution that formed this country, only gold and silver coin are lawful money and can be real US dollars. Just stop and think for a moment, what if those countries holding our debt instruments actually demand payment is real US dollars of gold or silver? Do we actually have the gold and silver to back over $20 trillion in outstanding debt?

The answer to...

The answer to that question is pretty obvious in my opinion… hell no we don’t. If we actually had that kind of money we wouldn’t have been borrowing money in the first place and we would still be using gold and silver as our currency and not some pieces of paper that make no mention of being redeemable for gold or silver like back in the days before you and I were alive.

I joked with...

I joked with @moderndragon that the wife has to pick up some milk and bread this morning and the price will probably $2 million for these two items. He was the one who pointed out to me that massive number that my account is valued at as of this moment.

I can remember stories from years ago over in parts of Africa where bread was around 10,000 of their currency for a loaf of bread. I also keep hearing rumors from some folks I know who are well connected that the US dollar is going to be re-valued, it may just be that it is happening and our news here isn’t reporting it yet.

When that day...

When that day happens we just might be that third world country our elected leaders have been driving us to become. We spend way too much on fighting senseless wars in places we have no business being involved in to begin with. Iraq would be a prime example of that or would it?

Iraq, and that war...

Iraq, and that war, we were told had to do with 911 and the war on “terror”. We were sold a pig in a poke with that one; it was a war terror but not the terror we were told about. The real terror had to do with Sadam Hussien starting to back the Iraq Dinar with physical gold. That is what the terror was about, the US paper fiat currency was about to be blown up because people could actually get a real valuable substance in exchange for that paper dinar currency.

This $80 billion...

This $80 billion valuation of my account just may be an error in the conversion code or it just might be like 911 was; if you listen to our government leaders and this is a terrorist attack too. It may be our “money” has now been attacked and it has no value anywhere in the world but the US. I think “hyper inflation” is the term used to describe this type of situation.

Could it happening on Thanksgiving Day here in the US, right before the biggest shopping day of the year, be more fitting if the other countries of the world decided to call in our debt?

So today I...

So today I am thankful for two things in my life. My thanks are for my wife and four wonderful children. I have been blessed for sure in having them in my life.
Sure, there are other things but they don’t hold a candle to what is really important and that is family. I guess that I should expand that number to include my siblings or just change the number of things I am thankful for to one. I will change it to “one”, and family it is. That is where my thanks is and what I am thankful for on this day and every day.

I won't even...

I won’t even ask what you are thankful for, I know most of you pretty well, and you and I are pretty similar so there isn’t any need to ask.

Enjoy Thanksgiving Day if you are in the USA and for those of you in other countries and not celebrating an “official” thanksgiving day, make today and every day a day of thanks. We should all make every day a day of thanks.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.

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What better day than Thanksgiving? I mean it's basically one of three days every year that the vast majority have off. If you are going to make a huge change this would be a pretty good day to pick.

No business open, no banks or trading houses.

20 Trillion. It wouldn't take too many of us good citizens of Steemit to knock a huge chunk out of that with our new found wealth. I'd be happy to give half of mine, sell 10% and live large the rest of my days.

Who am I kidding? I live large now :) But there is room for upward expansion. I went and looked at the Mercedes 6x6 camper/RV. Sam would look good farting on red leather....

I won't talk about the actual state of money in the US because I tend to get excited and start dropping guzbuck bombs and other things.

I will talk about Thanksgiving. I have way more than my fair share of things to be thankful for. Family of course, but friends go to the top of the list. Long as you understand that Sam receives full family status here...

Happy Thanksgiving my friend. Long may you run!

Yes, I would give half of mine too, but seeing how the government already feels they are entitled to that much, if not more, I think they will have to come after me to get their share. Speaking of government, they always say we have too many "entitlement programs" well the income tax seems to be an "entitlement" program as best I can tell, except it is the government getting the entitlement. How come that is? I say we do away with all entitlement programs including income tax. If more people had more of what they earn there would be plenty of charities receiving massive donations from kind hearted (and more wealthy) people.
People are good nature to begin with and will take care of each other and the government sucks at it, so maybe a big change needs to happen with regard to entitlement programs.
Sam is most definitely family and he would probably look good on any color leather seats, since he is a neutral color to begin with being a beige or brown.
Yes, the state of money in the US is a topic that can generate guzbuck's in fact, guzbucks are probably worth more than dollars. People have spent plenty of dollars looking to get one good guzbuck from some pretty young thing I am told.
I wrote this post without the full benefit of being awake and fueled by the morning coffee so I did overlook friends so those I am thankful for too. So rather than go back and change the number back to two and do an edit, I will just let that correction be known here in this reply. I do stand corrected and I am with you on friends being on that list for sure.
Thanks friend. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Sam as well.

Happy Thanksgiving @sultnpapper! We are all truly blessed to have family and friends. So nice to have gained new friends within Steemit community! I have to say, I noticed how valuable my Steemit wallet was this morning and had to giggle...can you just imagine if that were true? Wow! I hope have a wonderful, peaceful day today!

One thing is for sure, it is a good thing the banks are closed today. If this were real there would be bankers jumping out every window of all the tallest buildings in every town across the USA and every other country as well. That actually might be a good thing when I think about that...not that I like to see people commit suicide but those same people have driven others to commit suicide in the past for sure.
You have a peaceful and wonderful day too, thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Yes I nearly fell off my chair when I saw that figure. But when my brain managed to compute the actual number of digits I realised it was more than the GDP of many countries so it was obvious that the computer had just gone bonkers. (Though I did have a quick look at Poloniex, just in case...)
It shows that money really is just numbers on a screen - backed up with an army of course.

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Wow! Wouldn’t that be crazy. People are always talking about the dollar going out the window, and no doubt it’s going to happen, but we keep living life like it’s not. Hopefully it’s just a glitch. My account too, is way up there!

Either way, glitch or no glitch, things are definitely screwed up for sure. It is just a matter of determining the source for right now. We do have a USD correction that will have to happen at some point and the things I pointed out are true, so it will be a rude awakening at some point here in the USA.

Very true, we need to see just how much we have to be thankful for:)

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howdy sir sultnpapper! you are so right sir, the politicians have destroyed our financial system and it's going to be ugly if the system collapses. Very interesting post sir!

I am glad that you found it interesting and I hope others have as well. It surely won't be pretty when the collapse happens.
Thanks for the support.

howdy again sir sultnpapper! well sir, are you guys going to be ok it a collapse does indeed happen? I don't know if I would want to be that close to a major city in that scenario.

That would remain to be seen, don't know the answer to that question.