Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 11/23/18> The billion dollar question… how was your Thanksgiving Day?

in dailydose •  6 years ago 

The program can't keep...

So it seems that steem is tanking so badly that the program can’t keep up with just how bad things really are when it comes to the true value of steem, or that is at least what I was able to conclude after reading a couple post just before I started this Daily Dose.

It has something to do with the SBD and being pegged and some other figet, widget and programmer lingo that I don’t even want to pretend I know a damn thing about. So as quickly as that $80 billion came about overnight and has grown by $9 billion on Thursday, it will disappear as quickly as soon as the folks writing the code can get the bug worked out.

So while I was ready...

So while I was ready to give away a few billion on Saturday instead of the shares of SBI, I guess I will have to just stick with the plan. Speaking of SBI, I have to back and correct last Saturday’s SBI post. I intentionally made an error in the header of that Daily Dose by leaving the date out of it.

There was 2 SBI shares for the first person who would let me know I screwed up on my regular format but it just didn’t happen. In fact I even made the disclosure of the error existing in a comment to @braaiboy so that either he or someone else reading the comments might pick up on it and be able to claim those shares but even that didn’t work.

Even the title...

Even the title of that Daily Dose was a clue; it started with the words, “Looky here” , well looky isn’t even a word and I would have even taken that as the mistake, but the actual intended error, besides looky, was that I didn’t put the date and you folks who regularly read the Daily Dose know that is standard procedure when it comes to writing this blog.

I didn’t expect that @braaiboy would catch it since he is new to reading the Daily Dose so putting the clue there was more than fair as most people do read comments on posts. Anyway, it is corrected now.

How was your...

How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was just fine, and thanks for asking.

The smoked turkey did not disappoint and the wife fixed a great meal so the only issue was having to wait a couple hours before I could eat the apple pie for dessert. I would have thought that pumpkin pie would be the most popular Thanksgiving day dessert but according to the Googles girl it doesn’t even rank in the top five.

I didn’t trust that answer so I asked the question again and low and behold pumpkin pie was second that time, right behind the apple pie. The first answer I got had something to do with the New York Times food page and so that might explain something, their number one dessert was apple & cranberry slab pie, whatever that is.

We had pumpkin pie Wednesday evening so thus far we have nailed the top two desserts of this holiday season. I was sure glad to see two cans of whipped cream in the fridge too. I tend to use a lot of whipped cream on pies, it doesn’t matter how good the pie is on its own, it gets a good covering of whipped cream when it gets placed in front of me.

I lay around...

I lay around most of the day, I started to go back and review some stuff about the United States Post Office and fell asleep on the couch. That turkey dinner did me in on keeping my eyes open, I did gather up some of the facts and I will try to put a post together on that subject in the not too distant future.

But you can...

But you can trust that you have never sent anything “in the mail” you have only sent stuff with the mail. Anything sent in an envelope is not considered to be mail. I can distinctly remember in grade school being taught the proper way to address an envelope so that we could mail letters, turns out that the school teacher lied to me. I guess that shouldn’t surprise me, should it?

I also stumbled...

I also stumbled across something even more interesting and that has to do with legal proceedings and how I have missed this one for so long amazes me but I did.

Did you know that all legal documents must be on plain white, 24 pound bond paper with a watermark? I have seen plenty of papers coming from courthouses that are “legal” papers that are on just plain old white copy paper with no watermark. So that might also be something else to look at in the future. Oh, just so you know, that 24 pounds is how much the ream of paper weighs, not each sheet.

You just have to...

You just have to ask yourself, why do they have all the rules and regulations if they aren’t going to follow them? That might also be why the courts never pay any attention to paper work being submitted to the courts by the average Joe who is trying to represent himself in court since more than likely he is just using plain old copy paper for the documents he is submitting. That would be a double standard for sure and I don’t doubt that it is taking place.

I did wake up...

I did wake up in time for the six o clock poker game over at the Steem Poker League and I ended up winning that tournament and also won another small tourney over on another crypto site called scorumpoker.com.

So I did manage to win a couple SBD on Thanksgiving to go along with the $89 billion worth of steem and sbd I already have. So, for right now I am still a billionaire, I just looked, they still haven’t fixed the issue yet.

You all have a great day; it is Black Friday you know.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I saw that looky here and thought the Mr Papper is now talking some kind of Texan slang to us so thought it's best I keep my mouth shut! Yep it's black Friday here as well and that means not going anywhere near a shopping centre today!
I was still a billionaire this morning ;)

It is sort of a Texas slang, at least with uncle Calvin. He started every story and nearly every conversation with looky here. But the missing date was the biggy, also a Calvin word.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

First off, my Thanksgiving was just fine too. Thank you for asking.

I consider myself properly chastised for not checking the beginning of your post the other day. The whole truth of the matter is that I want to get to your content and don't pay much attention to what you call it!

No pie on the agenda for me, not that I didn't think of some. When Mom still lived here in Yuma we'd have a scattered gathering of friends and family and strays that needed a place. One friend always brought Key Lime pie and Mom always made a Lemon Pie, hopefully with lemons from my Aunt's tree. Sometimes we had a pumpkin pie (always store bought) and sometimes an Apple Pie from Julian (that meant good weather the day before. I'd ride the 300 mile round trip to get a pie at "Mom's Pies" in Julian). Now when I ride to Julian I just have a single piece.

I am still near a quarter trillion dollar value. At least it will be nice to 'remember when'. I do see that we are being paid in raw Steem again, even after the recent reset of HF20. Don't have a clue what that means...

I drove a mail truck for a couple of years just before I moved down here. I dropped mail at 8 small post offices on 135 miles outbound then laid around 8 hours before picking up on the way back at night. It was a great gig for me until the contractor's insurance company got pissy with a one eyed driver. Anyway, I got paid for 6.5 hours driving and 6.5 hours stand by per day so could only work three days a week. Monday, Friday and Saturday were my days.

I DID haul some mail. It is in the form of a locked and tabbed canvas bag that goes out to each post office and that each post office sends back in every night. I had to sign for them and sign that I had delivered them every day. That's the mail. Everything else was just stuff. And let me tell you, today will be a big mail day. We sometimes had to add a second truck this time of year, which was really good for the contractor.

AAGGHH this is getting long. I knew about the requirements for paper weight and some other because I got sued twice. By the same woman. Both were dismissed out of hand, but I did have some required paperwork to file and checked the regulations before I did. Some of those are waived in Arizona when dumbasses like me represent themselves. I could use 'commercial grade' (means from Kinkos) for anything that was plainly labeled 'copy' but had to have heavy paper for original documents.

Glad you had a little productive burst between naps. I managed some of each, too.

You are absolutely correct, that canvas bag as it is now is the mail. Back in the old days it was a leather satchel, but that bag or satchel is the mail. If it doesn't travel in that bag it is not in the mail and according to what I have read nothing in that bag includes stamped envelopes, stamped envelopes are considered non-domestic foreign mail if I remember the term correctly. The envelope is the key, for something to actually be mailed it has to have the postage affixed to the piece and be placed in the pouch without an envelope.
I am half tempted to try and actually "mail" something to see if the post office will even accept it without a envelope. My guess is that they wouldn't, all the people that work there probably think an envelope is required.

The only thing that I am absolutely certain of in that bag was certified mail, and only because there was a separate inventory sheet for it. A bag went to each post office every day and one went to the sorting facility every day from each post office. That is all I know.

It was a really good gig for me. I got 39 hours per week (always a little more in 15 minute increments when a post office delayed me for any reason) and worked three days. I had the rest of the time to do whatever, including service and maintain the contractor's trucks which is how I got the job in the first place.

The contractor was close to retirement so had his 'travel trailer' in a park full time at the terminal end (Coulee City, Wa) to lay up for 6.5 hours per day. There was an excellent cheeseburger place for lunch, or I had a CB750 Honda sitting there so I could go for a ride to lunch someplace else. There was a bar about 40 miles away that served extremely good food. It really was a good job.

We smoke our turkey too! Nothing like it, have been doing so for many years. Once you have smoked it's impossible to try any other...don't you think? Didn't know about the apple pie and cranberry...although I did make an apple pie too...I guess I'll need to try some of that cranberry with it. Glad to hear you got a bit of rest, you certainly deserved it, its Black Friday, you'll need your strength! ;)

This was our tenth year with the smoked turkey and there is no going back here, at best it would be a two turkey event if someone else decided that they wanted something else. Prime example of that is the oldest boy, he says he doesn't like turkey at all, so the wife picked him up one of those little rotisserie roasted chickens from the grocery store yesterday morning when she went to get the milk and bread.
He claims that chicken taste better than turkey, I don't see much difference if any, in fact the smoke turkey white meat almost tastes like smoked ham to me. And he loves smoked ham and pork ribs so go figure?
I think it has to do with all the weight he lost, I think some of his brains went with it if you want to know the truth. Somebody has convinced him that the only meat he should eat is chicken, I am just glad they didn't convince him that he should only eat rib eye steak or prime rib.

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 320 (11/23/18)

I didn’t expect that @braaiboy would catch it since he is new to reading the Daily Dose so putting the clue there was more than fair as most people do read comments on posts. Anyway, it is corrected now.

hmmm.... Sneaky Sneaky @SultnPapper. I read the post several times actually looking for mistakes, but didn't find anything (I use "looky here" myself, so forgave that as something purposeful)

I always put the date right after "Daily Dose of Sultnpapper". it is in the US format, today is 11/27/18 . That day I left the date out, I did go back and change it when I revealed the contest so that it would look right in my blog for people in the future.
I am sneaky, and I do these things like that for two reasons.
First, I do make mistakes and I encourage people to help me by pointing them out so I can correct them, people sometimes will just gloss over them and then I look like a complete idiot if they get locked in permanently after the seven days.
Secondly, I want people to read the entire Daily Dose and not just glance over it, so if they know these "pop up " contests exist and they can win a prize they will be more inclined to really read what is written in its entirety.
Not all the mistakes are intentional and not all will get a prize when people point them out, but you never know which are which unless people speak up and point them out. It may just be a person gets a "thank you" or it could be as many as five shares of SBI, which I have done in the past.
I use "looky here" myself sometimes and I used it there since those were the first words right after where the date should have been.
I hope this helps you understand better and you are sure correct about me being sneaky at some things.

Kinda lame. Stranded home 'cause of a typhoon. Girlfriend stuck at her house too.

Just grateful the electricity and water is still on.

Guess I'll check the markets...

Namaste, JaiChai

Well I hope your power holds out and you don't get any flooding. Thanks for checking in today. I don't even care to look at the markets, that would just ruin the start of my day and I haven't even had my first cup of coffee yet as I just put the coffee pot on.

Howdy sir sultnpapper! Hey congratulations on the poker wins, that kinda makes up for last week if I remember right, weren't you down on that last week?

I wouldn't say down, I was mainly out. I was doing a lot of design work that week and didn't have a chance to play.