Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/26/18> Some really good news … and some not really good news.

in dailydose •  6 years ago  (edited)

Christmas Day 2018...

Christmas Day 2018 will go down in the family history books as a great day and now that I know the news I can share it with you folks as well. This news comes from my little sister and it has to do with her husband Rob.

I haven’t mentioned Rob before now so I will have to give the short and skinny version of his story. Rob and my sister have been married now for about twenty two years. Ten years after they were married Rob was diagnosed with Hepatitis C and stage four cirrhosis of the liver. Not the kind of diagnosis anyone would like to get and Hep C is one of the diseases that you seldom hear of anyone being cured of.

The really good news...

According to my sister the latest test results that came back on this past Friday showed Rob as negative for Hep C. This makes the second consecutive test coming back negative in a row and three months apart from each other. His doctors have pronounced him cured of his Hep C.

As best as the doctors could figure Rob had contracted Hep C while he was in the army over 30 years ago. It most likely happened when he was given some immunization shots prior to being sent overseas. I guess the doctors were able to figure that out based on how bad his liver was when he got the initial diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver.

This disease didn’t cure itself; Rob has been a part of several “clinical trials” of medication for Hep C over the years and after several disappointing outcomes at the end of the trial periods it looks like one has finally worked. So, that is some really good news for Rob, my sister and the whole family.

Now for some not really good...

Now for some not really good news and it has to do with the US. Folks we are headed for some bad times I believe here in the US and it is more than likely going to be a rough go here for a while. As we head into the New Year we always have people making predictions around this time of year and while I haven’t done it in the past I am going to go ahead and make a few predictions of my own for 2019.

In January the...

In January the democrats will end up seating enough newly elected folks to congress to take back over the house and that means that no matter what President tRump wants done it will not happen as the democrats are not going to pass any legislation that tRump supports. tRump could go as far as actually proposing stuff that the dems would actually be in favor of but the dems would shoot it down simply because it has the tRump name tied to it.

The stock market is...

The stock market is going to take a major crash and that will be by the design of the banks, just like the stock market crash back in the 1920’s. For the past several years the banks have been driving up the stock markets with their “investment” in it and since tRump keeps mentioning changing things up and putting the government back in charge of the money supply and cutting the Federal Reserve Bank out the banksters are getting nervous.

So look for a major sell off of the stock markets with the banks leading the start of it. All of the retirement investment portfolios will take a big financial hit and when the market falls back to around the 10,000 mark or even lower the banks will jump back in and buy the stocks of the major companies for pennies on the dollar. This is exactly what happened back in the 1920’s and history does repeat itself simply because the bankers know that what worked for them in the past will work again. We the people never learn our lessons.

The border wall will...

The border wall will continue to a major controversy and as I write this the government is currently shut down because of this. It is no coincidence that the government shut down came around the holidays, the people in congress plan this shit well in advance.

Every employee who isn’t working while the government is shut down will end up being paid for the time they have been shut down and unable to work. It happens every time and this time will be no different. The only difference with this time is that they finally got the timing right so the government workers could have an extended vacation for the holidays without having to use vacation time.

tRump will take to...

tRump will take to issuing a bunch of “executive orders” in 2019 to create even more controversy here in the US because that is needed here. We need controversy here and around the world in order to get the people of the US to be willing to give up even more of their rights for government protection. Actually we don’t need more controversy; we no longer have any of those rights that the constitution protects.

How many of you...

How many of you watched the hearings when congress was deciding to approve the appointment of Justice Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court seat he now holds? Most people didn’t have the time to watch or just flat didn’t care enough to watch but there was some very interesting testimony in those hearings and I am going to share with you a short video clip from those hearings that is less than 3 minutes in length but first let me set it up for you and why this is so important.

Are any of you familiar with the body of law known as the “law of armed conflict”? Nobody? Somebody besides me has to be that is reading the Daily Dose; let’s have a show hands. Ah, that’s better; we have a couple folks that have raised their hands from what I can see. There is nothing wrong with knowing and admitting you know about it.

When is the last time you ever talked to family or friends about the law of armed conflict?

For those of you not...

For those of you not familiar with the law of armed conflict you might want to learn about it.

Here in the United States we have been under the law of armed conflict since September 14, 2001 and very few of us even know it. It almost seems amazing that we are eighteen years past that date and not many people have a clue. For those of us living here in the USA it might be a good thing to know, since that is the law you are living under. Don’t believe me? I’ll let you hear it from now Justice Kavanaugh as he testified before congress at his confirmation hearings, take a look now.

The first 40 seconds of that clip are the most important so go back and watch it again and pay close attention to that first 40 seconds. Senator Graham ask clear questions regarding war, law of armed conflict, and basic criminal law and Kavanaugh gives clear concise answers to his questions.

We are at war according to congress and the enemy is “terrorism”, which took effect on September 14, 2001. The thing is; terrorism is an ever changing term and constantly being expanded to include various people and groups. Notice we are now hearing the term, “domestic terrorist”, more often.

After the first...

After the first 40 seconds the questioning goes on and really shows, in my opinion, just how much the Senator Graham and Justice Kavanaugh don’t know.

Graham starts asking questions about constitutional rights and there isn’t such a thing if you read the constitution. The constitution protects your God given rights as a man (human) it doesn’t give you rights. Those basic God given rights are the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

It is important to point out that the Senator and Kavanaugh were discussing two types of law; criminal law and law of armed conflict but the constitution set forth the law to be followed for the country and that law was common law. We no longer have courts of common law and that is one (if not the biggest) change that this country has undergone which has undermined the constitution. Well that, and taking away gold and silver coin as lawful money and replacing it with “legal tender.

People like me...

People like me could even be considered as a domestic terrorist since I actually believe in the constitution that this country was founded with and speak out about it. Speaking out in reality is going against the current government and that isn’t allowed now, even though the constitution tells us we are to take a stand should the government become oppressive. I would say we have a pretty oppressive government and have for quite some time.

The truth of ...

The truth of the matter is we have been under the law of armed conflict and martial law since way back in 1863 when President Lincoln declared martial law on September 15th of that year. It has remained that way ever since then but the conniving bastards in government and education have hidden that fact from the public. So it was important in their (congress) minds to re-up that status in 2001 less they have to admit we have been since 1863. That is why the “terrorist act” was passed in 2001.

Those executive orders...

Those executive orders that I talked about tRump will be issuing are not being issued by him as president but as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, presidential proclamations are used when acting in the capacity of president.

Executive orders have the full force and effect of law because we are under the law of armed conflict and martial law. So the next time you hear of an executive order being issued in the United States just remember it is happening because the constitution has been suspended.

I told you I had some not so good news, but someone has to tell you the truth.

Until next time,


Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose. Be sure to check out this post by @elizacheng as she is starting back up her program where you can win free SBI; https://steemit.com/makemesmile/@elizacheng/makemesmile-season-2-is-back--makemesmile-iw0bne0a
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.

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I really appreciate how you break down things that are being hidden in the political circus. Thanks for speaking out about this. And all my best to you and your family now and as we go into 2019. I hope it gets better here on out and some of your predictions are wrong, but we'll see... ;)

I hope all my predictions are wrong but I don't believe that they are.

What a wonderful Christmas gift for your family Mr Papper, but especially for your sister!
Will be interesting to see which of your predictions come about, this world ( by that I mean the so-called leaders/ guardians of the land) really is floundering all over!

Indeed that was a wonderful gift . The first prediction is a guarantee lock as the bookies would say in sports betting, that is written in the script of congress. The whole bloody mess is an act, even the "work" they produce are called "acts of congress".

Great news about your brother-in-law @sultnpapper. That is a gift you can't match. I hope he continues to thrive and heal. 2019 will certainly be a year to watch...

That was great news about Rob and he is a great person and husband to my little sister. The news brought tears of joy to my eyes, one prayer finally answered.

So. I saw this yesterday when I was involved in something else and mentally put it in the respond to it sooner rather than later category. Obviously, I put another paver brick on the road to hell. Good intentions and all.

First off, that's some great news about your bil. I really like hearing about things like that.

In my view, historically, the US government has worked better when the two houses were split between the parties. Sadly, that is no longer the case. It could convievably be less dangerous to the average citizen but any hope of bi-partisan is mostly out the window.

Which circles around to the most dispicable bit of legislation of the 21st Century: The Patriot act which did have bipartisan support when it was originally passed by Bush the younger and reaffirmed under Obama's watch. That is the bit of legislation that reaffirmed the 'law of armed conflict'. It was so well crafted by the House and Senate in 1863 that neither Woodrow Wilson nor FDR felt the need to reaffirm it. Bush knew dammed well he was on shaky ground so it went through in his Patriot Act. Mission Accomplished indeed.

I did not watch the confirmation hearings at all. Not one moment because the process has gotten so disgusting to me in the last 30 years of so. "The President shall nominate and the Senate shall confirm..." is no longer in service. The most egrious violation was the Repubs not even considering Obama's nomination.

I don't look for a huge crash, at least not right now. I think we'll see some volatility and movement, but not the 'big one'. Not yet anyway, though your reasoning is valid.

I've got to tell you, I was impressed with Senator Graham's questioning. Way more articulate and direct than I would have thought. I can forgive him for saying 'constitutional rights' instead of 'constitutionally guaranteed rights'. It's not a very strong guarantee anymore anyway.

Well, we are almost upon 2019 which should prove to be an interesting year. Thanks for the really thoughtful and well crafted post.


I am very sure your road is short a bunch of paver bricks, so adding one isn't going to make a big difference.
" It's not a very strong guarantee anymore anyway." is a very true statement you made there. I would follow that up with the reason being that the folks in the congress and senate have systematically worked to make sure it isn't a very strong guarantee anymore is the whole problem.
The Patriot Act is a prime example of it, I surely don't like the idea of being able to be "detained" for untold amounts of time without being able to have access to legal representation or the courts. They don't even have to bring charges against a person and can hold them in custody for years.
It makes me cringe when people tell me, "well that really doesn't affect me." It may not today, but it may well come a day that they will wish they had paid attention and tried do something about it.
The whole problem in my estimation can be boiled down to the fact that the people who are being elected to government never have taken the time to actually study the true history of the country. The are going off of what they were told in grade school and middle school history class and those books would be best used for starting a trash fire.
I talked to one guy who was running for congress this last election cycle and asked him what his thoughts on bringing back lawful money were. He looked at me like I was some kind of alien from another planet.
I took ten minutes of his time and explained it to him about money and his response was "you are joking?" He had no clue about the Fed or lawful money. He never put a thought to the fact we carry Federal reserve "notes".
He didn't get elected but it just shows that even the folks who are running and being elected don't have a clue.

  ·  6 years ago 

Thanks for the shoutout for the Come Back of MakeMeSmile Season 2. And I am sure your sister, brother in law and family are really really happy with the good news. And I wish you all abundance of health, wealth, love and SMILE for the year 2019! 😁😁😁💞💞💞

Posted using Partiko Android

The SBI is a good program and I have some readers that think the same way too so I couldn't keep from showing them another place to possibly earn some. I am having to stop my SBI weekly give away after 35 straight weeks this Saturday.
So you are most welcome on the shout out. The whole family is ecstatic over the news about Rob. Also the same wishes for you in 2019.

  ·  6 years ago 

Yes. I totally agree with you that SBI is indeed an awesome program. @tattoodjay is also giving out some SBI to his WednesdayWalk participants and @mariannewest @freewritehouse also give SBI to freewrite's challenges. You can share this with your readers too. 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

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Thank you, it was very informative. I always suspected that what was shown on TV was a cover for the main events. Hush up the main thing.

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Howdy sir sultnpapper! That is some very good news indeed about your brother in law, wow!
Yeah the other news is informative and educational and people need to know what the situation is.

We are just over joyed with that news about Rob. He is really a great guy, unlike my other brother in law who is a piece of crap.
I try and share both the good and the bad information because people need to at least be aware of what the truth is, even though most won't take the time to even look into it let alone try and be a part of holding people accountable for what is going on.

Yes sir, what a blessing about Rob. I agree, people are so caught up in their own little world that they don't care about anything unless if affects them directly.