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Monday, July 9, 2018.
Tribulations for the Kingdom of God
Acts 14: 1-18
Qs. 2. See Questions HERE.
At Iconium, Paul and his team had great success as great numbers of Jews and Gentiles believed (v.1). How did God confirm their call and ministry (v.3)? Note that miracles followed their bold preaching of the word. They did not use the miracles as bate to attract people to their preaching.
As always, opposition arises from unbelief and results in division and poisoned minds. Paul and others escaped the violence plotted against them, not as cowards, but that gave them the opportunity to continue preaching the Gospel (vs. 5-7).
The man crippled from birth at Lystra had faith and seeing his faith, Paul helped him to act on it, leading to his healing (vs. 9, 10). The people's response to this miracle reveals a spiritual and cultural belief similar to many African tribes. They completely misunderstood what God was doing among them so they set out to worship Paul and Barnabas, the vessels rather than the source of power. Note how Paul and Barnabas corrected this prevailing worldview? Read vs. 14-18. They turned every circumstance to an occasion to proclaim Christ's message.
So what?
Miracles may happen through man, it is God that actually does them. If God does miracles through you, stay humble.
God anoint us to advance your kingdom and destroy the powers of darkness around us. Use us in mighty ways to do great exploits for you.
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