Daily Nature Fix: Cool Jungle Tree Roots. (Original Photos)

in dailynaturefix •  8 years ago 

Hello steemit users and fellow nature buffs.  Your daily nature fix tonight is this cool tree I found in Costa Rica.  This beauty was quite the specimen with it's incredible array of creeping buttress roots.

    Buttress roots come in all types of shapes and sizes.  Some in the Amazon rainforest have been measured at over 60 feet tall and then extended 60 feet below the surface of the forest floor!  These ones weren't quite as massive, but they were just as cool with their creeping arrangement.

      It almost looked like these snake-y looking roots slithered through the forest, congregated into one spot, then tried to climb up one another and formed into a tree.  Imaginative I know, but I'm sure that's the same way the stories of trolls were created in Nordic countries when seeing human-like features in a stone. Almost half of Iceland's population truly believes in trolls and other mythological creatures and I think that's freaking awesome.  

       ^^^In this closer photo, you can see right near the center that there's actually a hole going right through a section of the tree.  There were several of these.  It made "pillars" of wood and bark.  How cool is that?!  The overall diameter of the trunk was approximately 8 feet across, I'd say.  I wish I knew more about the vegetation in the area and could tell you what type of tree it was.  Maybe one of you folks would know??

Thanks for checking out this cool jungle tree! I'll see you tomorrow for another nature posting.  - Adam

***Daily Nature Fix is a daily blog showcasing the natural world.  It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels.***

Be sure to follow me @customnature to get your daily dose of nature!

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Its roots look almost like those of a banyan. Very cool.

Possible ID there! I was wondering if it were some kind of ficus or fig tree.

Love your work @customnature, following! <3

Much obliged! :)

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