Daily Nature Fix: Your DNF Blog is BACK! A 360° View of "The Burren", Co. Clare, Ireland. (Original Photos)

in dailynaturefix •  7 years ago 

   The Daily Nature Fix is back!  A quick background story of the DNF, for those new to Steemit.  I started doing this  nature-themed series back when I joined Steemit in August of 2016.  Every day I would post a "Daily Nature Fix" using only photographs and stories from our own world travels. It would be a little nugget of information based on something from the natural world.  These daily posts continued each and every day for some 6 months and seemed pretty well received by the community.

   This begs the question, "Why did it stop"??   Well, some unfortunate life events got in the way.  The main one being that I had lost my dream job in a rather grande fashion.  I worked there for 6 years, designing and building museum exhibits and zoo habitats.  The day I was fired (beat up my asshole boss for slapping me), I went 100% full-on into building my own business.  All of my time and resources went into this project.  I wasn't on Steemit, in any capacity, for a good 4 months.  Things have calmed down now though, and I've been back to doing some Steem authoring.  Even after my return, though, I decided to stop The Daily Nature Fix.  I wasn't sure if I'd be able to commit to a DNF every single day with my schedule.... but I've actually been posting more than ever before since my return.  It just seems to make the most sense to get back on the wagon and bring the blog back out of retirement, AND hopefully make it better than ever!  The addition to the 360° Camera will hopefully help to "put you guys into the location" a bit more.

   Without further ado, today's Daily Nature Fix is sharing a bit of media we took at The Burren in Ireland, which comes from he word "Boireann" that means "great rock".  The Burren was quite the sight to behold.  It could have just as easily been called "The Barren" as there is nothing but crackled stone for as far as the eye can see:

CLICK HERE for the 360° Photograph!

  While the VR photo in the link above may be the best way to get an idea of what the place feels like, this photo also gives you a pretty good idea of the entire landscape's make up:

  Stretching to the horizon, the ground is dominated by miles of limestone.  Seriously too.... the exposed stone here covers an area of around 250 square kilometers.  What's even more impressing, to me, is what you CAN'T see in the photographs. And that is the fact that this layer of limestone is around 1,600 feet thick!  That's taller than the Empire State Building!  And it's all covered with these criss-crossing cracks known as "grikes".

^^^It's hard to tell, but the crackled stone extends way off into the distance, well beyond the hill in the background.

  The Burren is definitely a worthy stop to make, if you're traveling around western Ireland.  Actually, it's hard to miss as the Wild Atlantic Way route runs right through it.  The Burren reaches nearly from the Cliffs of Moher all the way up the Atlantic coast to Galway Bay.  I've seen natural areas that are slightly similar in composition, but nothing quite as expansive as this.  Beautiful in its own right.

    Thanks for reading! I post a nature-themed Daily Nature Fix blog every day. Please upvote if you enjoyed it and be sure to follow me @customnature so you'll never miss one!  See you tomorrow.  - Adam

***Daily Nature Fix is a daily blog showcasing the natural world.  It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels.***

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Awesome! Love that there is more to your post then just the pics. Thanks for the background. Welcome back! Following and upvoted. Looking forward to future posts. Please feel free to check me out and follow back.

Très bon article. Pouvez vous me soutenir en upvote ou me follow please

This is new for me as I joined after you stopped. Always wanted to go to Ireland, and this looks like an interesting location, although I would still first go to the Guinness factory :) Looking forward to more of these. Cheers

That's one place we didn't get to. Well, there are a ton places worthy of seeing, I'm sure. Guess I'll just have to go back!

Great post !

That's awesome!✌😀😃