Daily Inpirational/Motivational Quotes - #1 Inspiring/Encouraging Quote from Dalai Lama - Happiness!

in dailyquotes •  7 years ago  (edited)

Daily Inpirational/Motivational Quotes - #1
Inspiring/Encouraging Quote from Dalai Lama
Daily InpirationalMotivational Quotes InspiringEncouraging Quotes.jpg

This is the first post in a series I will be doing daily.

First, I want to let you know why I am doing this. The last 4 years for me have been nearly hell. Any of you that know me personally know why. For those that don't I may share that story at a later date when I am finally comfortable with the world knowing it.

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Suffice it to say that life had been quite hard.

During that time I had signed up for something that I never used but it was leaving me quotes much like this one in my inbox every day.

Each and every time I would read them they would hit home in some way. Maybe I was having a bad day and the quote would somehow relate to my current day. Maybe I was having an alright day and it would just get me pumped for the rest of my day. At first it was something i would see when I checked my email then somewhere along the line I found myself waking up and checking my email right away just to see what the quote would be that day!


Either way, this type of thing has helped me for about 2 years now and I want to share it and allow it to help others in the same way. All I was receiving was the quote itself. I plan to add to that by sharing a small discussion about the quote. Possible meanings and so forth.

This way it gets you thinking even more.

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I tried going to other sites that give free quotes in your email daily and signed up for a few of them and really, they didn't match up quite the same. Over time I started to realize the type of quotes that were actually inspiring vs. those that were not. Once I understood this, I knew what I had to do. It's these truly inspiring quotes that I will be sharing with you.

The truth is, I love to see another person get inspired. I love seeing the reaction in a person from experiencing something inspiring or encouraging. I just love it!

When someone reads or sees something inspirational or motivational like a quote or anything else, it changes their entire demeanor for the better. They gain energy, they feel pumped and they normally take action toward something! They spring forth into bright and beautiful things and I just can't get enough of it!!

woman springs forth from joy and inspiration.jpgSource

This is what I like to see and this is what I hope to inspire in you as well.

Without further ado:

The inspirational quote I'd like to start this series, is one from the Dalai Lama about happiness:

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes
from your own actions."

How true this is huh?

Often we find ourselves searching for that thing, place or person that will "make us happy". The truth is, nothing from any outside source can "make you happy". There are many pleasing things that can influence you with a positive vibration, though none actually create this feeling inside of you.

It's you that creates the feeling!

It's you that makes the decision to be happy!

Ever noticed that one day something will "make you happy" but the next it just doesn't have the same effect?

This is because it is not that thing making you happy.

That simply cannot happen!

It's really you!

You are doing that!

That power is yours and only yours!

Hopefully this quote will inspire you to create this feeling inside of yourself!

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I hope you have gotten some inspiration from this post.

If you have please join me tomorrow for another motivational and inspirational quote to get you pumped and stay pumped!

Thanks for reading and remember:

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes
from your own actions."
-The Dalai Lama

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Nice post


Nice! Thank you.

Thank you and you're welcome!

Correct and agree! @alexcool

Thanks @alexcool! Liked your one about staying motivated as a work at home freelancer as well.

Thank you, a great evening!

Mindset mastery is a beautiful thing and it is really funny how something as simple as an uplifting phrase can change ones mindset to a better place, I have been practicing this weird habit of daily inspiration and will continue for as long as i get to see another bright day! thank you.

Wonderful response, thank you! It's truly amazing when we realize that we are actually in the drivers seat isnt it? Continue to be inspired daily!

Great ! good content, keep it up!

Thanks simolab!

Much better than I thought it was going to be. Good on ya :)

Thanks bro! After seeing whats usually out there, i get you. I'll keep them good. No worries.

Your post is really inspirational. Nice!

Thanks so much @rahesi! I just read one of yours about a most beautiful place in Peru! Wonderful!

This post received a 4.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @michaeldavid! For more information, click here!

thanks @randowhale! Love it!

a selfie!