RE: #LongLiveBuddhism

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in dalai •  8 years ago 

Here is my story of how I got to actually see the Dalai Llama in person by accident in new york city during teh ONLY time I was ever there and for 1 day!
in 2010 while on a job training trip back east to DC. I took my only opportunity to go and see new york city..i ended up walking around manhatten and brooklyn for 24 hrs straight just seeing as much as i could!

then I remember walking down a street that had the backdoor to radio City Hall, and I saw all these security bouncer types in suits pushing some crowds back and I saw tons of people all excited and waiting, I asked "is there a celebrity or something?" and the Secret Service guy said "Yeah, a celebrity, something like that" and then alll of the sudden a few seconds later a huge motorcade came and parked right in front of us, and i saw a bunch of these buddhist monks emerge from these Cadillacs, and there he was! The Dalai Llama! I couldnt believe it! Some people wait their whole lives to get to see him! Its like seeig the pope but much more rare and I GOTTO SEE HIM! And i didnt even know he was coming! I talked to a couple on the train on way back to DC and they had planned to go there for YEARS and they paid $2000 just to go to the talk, and they told e I was so lucky to get to see him just by chance while I happeed to be walking downthe right street on manhatte onte ONE DAY out of my ENTIRE life that I visited new york city! (besides a few layovers at JFK but i never left teh airport so that doesnt ccount )

SO yeah I just felt so lucky like ias if the Buddha was smiling down on me...encouraging me to actually help fix ALL teh worlds avoidable suffering by feeding the 700 million chronicaly udnrnourished, house the homeless by matching hoemelss up with loneley elderly, AND we match animals in ned liek dogs and cats at risk at kill shelters, and we give hoeelss people a home and basic food groceries and pet food for free as long as they agree to adopt andtake care of a few dogs and cats, depending on how capable the hoeles person is they canlet them adopt just 1 or up to 10 cats or dogs ...ats are easy, u can reallly save alot by matching every hoemels person up with like 4 or five an the cats would be hapy to have a home and they ont kknow if a person if poor or whatever! Cats and dogs shoudl eb matched with homeless who have to adopt and taje care of them inexchnage for a PERMAMENT little microhome or shipping container home refurbishedto be very nice etrc

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@ackza That is awesome you got the see the Dalai Lama (in NYC of all places)! His presence is always a blessing...