Ohhh Yeah ! Let's Dance, Jazz Roots & Swing - Inspired by Glenn Miller/In The Mood

in dance •  8 years ago  (edited)

Watching those people dance, just made my day and I hope you enjoy it as well. Take your woman right now, get up and swing! It got me moving and thinking of my childhood, growing up with this sound in my home. 

 "Swing dance" is a group of dances that developed with the swing style of jazz music in the 1920s-1940s, with the origins of each dance predating the popular "swing era".- Source Wikipedia 

image source 1962

My father always loved swing and also played as a drummer in his own band, taught me how to dance to Glenn Miller, his favourite! I wish I could find a man who is dancing with me again. 

RIP Vati ! Thats for you .....

Jazz roots is a solo dance performed by Afro-Americans at the time. Jazz Roots comes from a mix of African dances and Charleston. Afterwards, various Tap Dance and Lindy Hop steps were added to the existing Jazz Roots movements. Jazz Roots is the ancestor of certain current dances such as Funk and Hip Hop. -  Source 

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The term Jazz Roots appeared for the first time in 2002 to differentiate Jazz dancing of the Swing years from Modern Jazz Dance of the 40’s and that was a mix of classical dance, tapdance and asian dances. It includes Swing Years Dances such as Shim Sham, Big Apple,Tranky Doo and also comprises an important part of Charleston steps.- Source 

So, I found out about this festival and plan to check it out. 

Jazz Roots Festival in Paris April, 13th to April, 17th, 2017

I never heard of this festival before but already dreaming to go to the next one. Its too much political madness going on that we shouldn't forget the little joys in our lives. 

4 days of solo jazz dancing and vintage culture in the heart of Paris. 9h of classes, access to the 3 main parties including the jazz roots show, plus an opening and ending small party on Thursday and Monday.

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Friday Night in Paris, at la Bellevilloise , 2015

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Published on Apr 6, 2015, Sunday Night Party during the Jazz Roots Festival in Paris at the Bellevilloise with the Hot Sugar Band

Jazz Roots 2015 - Teachers battle



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I love the music, but my body has no rhythm for dancing.

Who told you :) try it when you are alone. Get off the computer and just shake out your bootie haha

let's dance - great one!!

Gee , I really would love to swing like in those days....I am waiting for this trend coming back big time. That Festival in Paris is looking super dope. As much as I am into underground techno ...Jazz Roots is so wicked. Wo wohnst Du Uwe ?

I hear you, my body is not made for the swing lol - ich wohne in München und Du?

Ich lebe seit 16 Jahren in Bali aber zur Zeit bin ich zu hause in Wien . Hatte immer eine super Zeit bei meiner besten Freundin . Ich war sogar auf der Wiesen . Na hurrah , Das mache ich sicher nicht oft . haha

Ach schön - leben auf Bali ist ein Traum vieler, ist es auch so traumhaft in der Realität? spannend zu hören wie Du da gelandet bist - vielleicht stöbere ich mal Dein Profil durch

Gypsysouls need the move. Weißt, nach so vielen Jahren auf einer tropischen Insel, sehnt man sich auch wieder auf seine roots. Little here and a little there :)

Da findest ein bissi : www.mammasitta.com


I wish to see youngsters dancing like this again 💃💃💃 Jazz Roots is so much fun !

This music always cheers me up love it :)

I am happy to hear that music cheers you up . Every part of my journey is accompanied by sound in some ways. Check out my other post and watch those kids dancing 💃

Ill take a look,Thank you :)