Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

in dandingma •  7 years ago 

Recent mothers are not calm, micro-channel group, circle of friends have been a variety of flu epidemic. Every year this season, pediatrics will be full, first of all, we do not worry, do not "children do not like how their first scared not."

Be a "calm mother", you can learn the comments in the article.

Since the autumn and winter of this year, the influenza epidemic has peaked, and pediatric clinics in various areas have been fully exploded. The news media has swiped the flu epidemic:

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

"Yangzhou First Hospital pediatric overwhelmed, helpless to inform the patient pleading shunt other hospitals", and some time ago, "Hong Kong flu outbreak" ......

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

National Center for Disease Control issued a warning: China's northern and southern have entered the peak season of influenza, the proportion of cases reached the highest in nearly 4 years, many local paramedic pediatric emergency paralysis, major hospital pediatric emergency crowded.

Mom group is a moan sigh:

"My baby was hospitalized with bronchial inflammation for 4 months, and my whole family was even moving around. My dad and I had been in bed for 3 days."

"Today I Yaomei blood, crying but has been endured, motionless, I see I'm so distressed ... ..."

"My eldest brother is also sick. My mother wants my sister back to my hometown. I started to refuse it. But I saw my elder brother coughing all night long. Oh, I'm really afraid to have my sister infected.

"I cried when I saw what you said ... I was over tired in two months after I had six children in my family. My three-year-old baby was suffering from Mycoplasma pneumonia and 1 year old Erbao bronchitis. Two children took turns to go to the hospital. I was so tired."

This winter, a flu, how many babies suffer, how many mothers looked at suffering baby distressed tears ... But I would like to remind mothers, do not be too anxious, flu knowledge, be a "calm" mother.

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

Flu dangerous, what to do?
Autumn and winter, when the baby in addition to sneezing, runny nose, but also the following three symptoms, it is likely to have got the flu:

Burn fast, high fever, body temperature above 38.5 ℃, even eat antipyretics is hard to fever;

Patients with poor health, often feel a headache, body aches, fatigue, apathetic or abnormal baby irritability, there may be vomiting and other symptoms of diarrhea;

Suspected flu patients among other family members or kindergarten companions.

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

Moms can control the above criteria, make their own basic judgments. However, even if the baby really had a flu, mothers do not be too nervous, there are several common errors must be avoided:

► Go to the hospital once the flu is found

Even if the baby is really a flu, Mom and Dad also do not hesitate to run to the hospital with a baby, the hospital surging crowd, pediatric parents and children queuing long queue, see the doctor before the parents themselves put themselves Frightened.

In fact, the early flu was totally nursing at home. A temperature increase to see the children go out to see a doctor, found a baby cough anxious to find a doctor prescribing, in fact, the condition is detrimental.

Many people in the hospital, the virus and more frequently to bring the baby blindly to the hospital but will increase the chances of other virus infections.

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

► Take your medicine immediately as your temperature rises

Only when the baby's body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees, they need to take anti-fever drugs.

Currently widely used in all countries in the world, the WHO recommended anti-fever drugs are mainly two kinds: acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Clinicians usually recommend using acetaminophen for more than 3 months and taking ibuprofen for more than 6 months. In accordance with the drug instructions, according to the baby's weight in accordance with the dose and time interval on it. General body temperature will be reduced within an hour.

As long as the body temperature is reduced to below 38.5 on it, do not blindly seek to reduce to 36.5 degrees, can not be mixed with several anti-fever drugs. As long as the baby took the antipyretic good spirit, you do not need to go to the hospital.

In addition, parents do not according to their own experience free to use antibiotics to the baby, because antibiotics do not have the function of antipyretic, can not cure the flu.

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

► old method to give the baby fever ×

Some parents worry that drugs have an impact on their children and would rather believe some old traditions, covering their sweat, ginger soup, and alcohol scrubs. These methods are actually very undesirable.

Young baby's sweat gland development is not yet complete, not only can not cover the heat encountered fever, but also need to pay attention to heat, do not wear too much clothing, do not cover too thick quilt to prevent the baby because of body temperature caused by fainting .

Flu is usually accompanied by throat discomfort, spicy ginger soup will have a stimulating effect, to alleviate the condition is not much help, drink plenty of fluids to pay attention to add body fluids on the line.

If you do not want to take medicine temporarily, you can consider physical cooling method, but only with water or warm water bath. The alcohol easily absorbed by the baby by the skin, resulting in alcoholism, may not be able to play a very good cooling effect.

The current market ibuprofen and other anti-fever drugs as long as strictly in accordance with medical advice to take, will not bring any harm to the baby.

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

Note that the following situations do not need to go to the hospital:

If the baby is in good health, she can cry;

Normal appetite or slightly diminished normal stool;

Antipyretics take 1 hour to reduce body temperature.

Mom and Dad at this time can choose to take care of your baby at home. Baby in a familiar environment, comfortable space more relaxed, conducive to the relief of flu conditions.

This situation to the hospital for the first time:

If the baby taking anti-fever drugs such as ibuprofen are still high fever, and apathetic, lethargy, convulsions, etc., should be the first time to the hospital.

to sum up:

Baby does not need to go to the hospital early in the flu, can be at home care, monitoring at any time.

If you have a fever, you can use physical methods at home or antipyretic drugs to cool down, do not superstition, the old tradition to sweat the baby.

If the baby is good spirit, good appetite, normal stool do not need to go to the hospital, such as course of a week after the natural end just fine.

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

How to prevent flu?
Instead of getting a flu goofy, mothers are even more concerned about holding up an umbrella for their baby in advance and refusing the flu at home. Well, the mothers group widely circulated a small coup, "eat more vitamin C can prevent the flu", "room vinegar anti-virus", "Banlangen prevent influenza" a "garlic" fly it?

Unfortunately, these are all wrong.

Long-term eating vitamin C may shorten the course of a cold, but can not prevent the flu.

Smoked vinegar on the flu is invalid. If the family has respiratory allergies, asthma history of children and the elderly, vinegar is also likely to induce respiratory diseases.

There is no evidence that radix islaria can prevent flu and flu, nor is it recommended to the baby easily.

Garlic has a bactericidal effect, but it has no effect on the flu virus.

To date, there are no drugs that really prevent the flu virus.

However, in daily life, we can still improve the baby's immunity and reduce the impact of the influenza virus by cultivating good habits of the baby.

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

Influenza high season, do the following steps, you can greatly reduce the risk of the baby trick:
Try to avoid crowded places and keep indoor ventilation regularly.

Exercise outdoors for half an hour every day to enhance physical fitness.

Teach the children how to wash their hands properly. After rubbing hands, rub the hands with soap for 15-20 seconds to ensure that the nails, palm, back of the hand and fingertips are well scrubbed. Then rinse both hands thoroughly with running water.

Not only to wash hands before and after the initiative, the first thing after returning home should be the first to wash their hands.

Scientific research shows that when the family hygiene is good, families who wash their hands 10 times or more per day on average can significantly reduce the chance of getting flu by more than 30%.

Avoid bringing your baby to a flu patient's home and wear a mask if you must go.

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

How to vaccinate flu?
At present, flu vaccination is the most effective way to proactively prevent influenza virus.

Flu is not a cold, but the short name of influenza, is caused by the flu virus respiratory disease.

The influenza virus is a variable gene that can easily and repeatedly spread in the human population. Because of the unique nature of the influenza virus, influenza vaccine is the only vaccine that requires annual vaccination.

Therefore, there are influenza vaccines among the two vaccines most preferentially given to children recommended by the WHO World Health Organization.

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

Because influenza vaccines are developed against the latest influenza virus of the year, influenza vaccine is marketed from September to October every year, just in time for vaccination in autumn and winter to effectively prevent influenza in autumn and winter.

According to the recommendations of the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, children aged 6 months to 4 years should receive a flu vaccine every year. Mothers bring their baby and vaccine to community health centers and can be vaccinated if there is not any physical discomfort.

Doctors generally recommend that children under 8 years of age receive 2 doses at the first inoculation and 1 dose at intervals of 1 month. Such preventive effect is better than that of 1-time vaccination. Vaccination needs to be observed in the community hospital 30 minutes before leaving, and a class of vaccines vaccination process is consistent.

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

Influenza vaccine is a second-class vaccine at its own expense, not included in the free vaccine system. At present, each price is about 60 yuan, before going to ask whether the arrival, and can inoculate the time.

In addition, not only the baby should be vaccinated, it is recommended that the baby's primary caregiver also need annual vaccination. If an old man fell ill, it really worse, became the last straw on the back of a camel.

It should be noted that the influenza vaccination takes 2-4 weeks to play a protective effect, therefore, after injection of flu vaccine is not a taboo, but also to avoid contact with flu patients, less to people more dense areas, go out to wear a mask is best . After meals and after going out home, wash your hands with flowing water.

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

It should be noted that the flu vaccine does not prevent the flu 100%, but the flu after injection can greatly reduce the probability.

In case of unfortunate "trick", vaccination can effectively reduce the symptoms of flu-induced complications, the sooner the vaccination, the sooner the protection, the child a layer of protection, mom more peace of mind.

to sum up:

Influenza is a self-healing virus that normally heals naturally within a week and can be treated at home and need to go to a hospital when necessary. Doing a good job in preventing influenza, in addition to traditional washing hands, ventilation and exercise, the most effective prevention method is vaccination in autumn and winter every year.

Children, older people with poor immunity, and adults working in densely populated areas are all able to effectively prevent the flu by inoculating 2 flu doses at a cost of around 120 yuan.

After reading the above, dear mom is not so anxious friends? Flu is not so scary, just like science. In the unlikely event that a child is caught, the impact on each family is enormous. Therefore, prevention is a wise move for every mother.

Hope that our baby, can grow healthy and happy.

Flu epidemic emergency, most children move! Do not worry, be a "calm mother"

Author: Chen Dake, love science Baoma, anti-chicken soup, Kam slag male, fancy-law regulating conflicts, circle of friends rumor mill. Nini, two treasure mom, the most beautiful voice scholar, children's private education "Hush! Tell you a secret "author.

Reference: "Cui Yutao graphic family parenting" 2015 first edition first chapter "children common symptoms and diseases" children's flu chapter.

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