The REAL Reasons Mexico Is Dangerous, Contributed by @shenanigator

in danger •  7 years ago  (edited)

If you've lived in the United States or Canada, you've probably heard people talk about how dangerous Mexico is. You've probably heard about murders on the news and vacationers who went missing or died. It's almost so prevalent to the point that people think that if they go to Mexico, something terrible is going to happen to them.

Danger and fear sell. News organizations are going to get a lot better ratings by talking about the few bad things that happen rather than talking about all the great things that are happening. People like to sensationalize things and blow them out of proportion. I assure you that if you come to Mexico, you'll be wondering "Where is all this danger at?"

Let me tell you, Mexico is dangerous, but not for the reasons you think.

Disclaimer: In the spirit of sensationalizing, there may be some of that contained in this post.

Falling Coconuts

Palm trees are a common as mosquitos in Mexico and at the top of these tropical-icon trees are gigantic litters of coconuts. A 4.5 pound coconut sitting 75 feet up in the air, just waiting to ripen, so it can free-fall down to earth at rapid speeds and decimate whatever may be lying below.


If a coconut weighing 2 kg falls 25 meters onto a person’s head, the impact velocity is 80 km/hr. The decelerating force on the head will vary depending on whether a direct or glancing blow is received. The distance in which the coconut is decelerated is also an important factor. Thus an infant’s head lying on the ground would receive a much greater force than that received by the head of a standing adult, that dropped as it was struck. For a stopping distance of 5cm and a direct blow, the force would be 1,000 kg.

Hide yo kids. Hide yo wife. Coconuts fallin' on e'ryone 'round here.

Coconuts can be huge and pretty heavy. If one of these things were to fall on your head, you're not going to be having a good day. Next time you lay out that blanket in the shade for a family picnic, consider choosing a tree other than a palm tree.

Crossing Streets

This is about the scariest thing we've faced in Mexico thus far, and let me tell you, it can be seriously terrifying! Mexican drivers do a great job of looking out for obstacles and you're not going to find them on their phones while driving. But, if you step into a street because you thought it was a one-way, and there weren't any cars coming from that one way, you better be sure that it's actually a one-way! Did ya'll follow?

There don't seem to be many rules followed on Mexican roads. What might seem like a one-way street, may actually be a two-way street. When crossing roads on foot, make sure cars are coming from the "wrong way."

Although Mexican drivers are great about swerving and stopping to avoid hitting other cars, I don't know if their driving skills extend to avoiding humans.


Driving At Night

Do not drive at night in Mexico! I'll say it again. Do not drive at night in Mexico! Got it?

There are countless dangers when driving at night here:

  • People will drive at night without working headlights.
  • Animals will walk into the road (including cattle that are often not fenced in).
  • There are topes (Toe-Pays) which are Mexico's version of speed bumps. They're often unmarked, abnormally large, and just waiting there to destroy your car if you don't see them in time.
  • Although most roads are nice, some are littered with potholes. Some potholes are so large that they've actually claimed lives. You need to drive in the daytime to make sure you can see them!
  • Drivers will pass you when totally blind on a winding, skinny mountain road. These people are lunatics on the road! If you happen to be a car driving in the opposite direction, you may find yourself with a car coming directly at you in your lane and nowhere to swerve out of the way.

So there you have it. Watch out for those coconuts and look out for those insane drivers! But mostly just the drivers.


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When I saw dangerous and Mexico, I was looking to read about the fearful things I have heard on the news about robbery, killing, missing persons and all sort. I did smile when I saw the reasons why Mexico is dangerous. Sounds like I can handle that. Now I don't have to be scared about taking a vacation to mexico. Thanks you for sharing this.

Haha...death by fallen coconut. I agree... fear sells. If you watch the news at all, you would never leave your house!

People say the present times are so dangerous with this, that and the other. Truth is, it’s the best time to be alive. Knowledge at your fingertips, rule and regulation, access to clean water..if there’s a better time to do something with your life, now is the time!

Mexico is awesome

Wow, you've got some details here that makes on thirsty for a Mexico trip. As for night driving conditions, we share the same experience with you guys here in Nigeria. Some cars have just one headlight working, most times you mistake them for motorcycles until they've come really close. Mexico sounds like fun, would sure like to be there.

I think I will just avoid diving at night in Mexico. Them I'll be safe right?

Palm tree pictures nice.

Once you avoid coconut fall, road crossing and carefully drive at night. Malaysia won't be dangerous ?

very good post your great information, i am in interesting.👌👌👌👌

Beautifull 😍😍

Like any other place in the world, there are good and bad places, just make sure that you are not going to be on a bad one.

he forgot to say falling avocados to those compression kids all the time S2 Loco I love it