It's been said that a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich.

in daniel •  3 months ago 


When you look into the testimony to the grand jury in regard to Daniel Penny, a marine drill instructor said that a choke hold, in certain methods, could be deadly force.

That seems to be why Daniel Penny is even facing charges.

The thing is, just about any use of defensive force could be deadly.

You hit a dude with a taser, and he falls wrong, he could die. You hit a dude with pepper spray and he has a respiratory problem, he could die. Punching or shoving somebody could result in death. More people die from fists every year than by AR-15s.

If the city of New York is going to cross this line, in which there's a clear and obvious case of self-defense and defense of others, against a person who was threatening deadly force, and the response was non-lethal for most people, self-defense is officially illegal in New York City.

Have you ever watched as UFC meet? You'll see seventeen choke holds in a couple hours -- nobody dies. Choke holds are standard military training -- it's rare that anybody dies. I'm not the healthiest 39-year-old on earth; still, I'd be willing to bet my life that you could choke hold me like Jordan Neely, and I'd be fine.

The concept of the use of deadly force in self-defense shouldn't be based entirely on outcomes. Daniel Penny was probably morally justified in pulling a gun. He didn't. He had the ability to subdue a deadly force threat with what is generally not a deadly force tactic. Penny should be celebrated. He shouldn't be facing twenty years in prison.

Kyle Rittenhouse going to trial was a miscarriage of justice. This is an abortion of justice.

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