haha 8:27 is so funny that train bouncing to the music, and thats it! untill @papafucktard (Youtuber who made and or uploaded this compilation) starts posting directly to steemit u guys should be watcing this! I dunno if he evven has an account i always pre emptivly write out at @ and just assume they might in the future hahah i dontthik @papafucktard or @succmymemes or @dankmemes is a real account! maybe they are though!
Just had to test to see if I could just start posting on steemit like I normally share to facebook, and its ok if you dont wanna upvote it, this isnt a high quality post, but the video is and theres no simple way to just share like i normally do on facebook so it was a hard decision but I PROMISE to send steem from this post to the person who actually uploaded the video @papafucktard when he joins steemit and realized he can finally monetize these videos he creates and so many more people like @stolenmemesforstolenchildren and the list of dank memes like @grandaay for uploading it originally and of course if someone from one of the funny videos featured INSIDE this video (were getting into meta rewards here) wants to come forth, I will have to send THEM the steem actually! or @papafucktard who uploaded it should have to do ...I am for sure gonna wait and see if someone from the funniest meme in here wants to claim the steem, if i knew who they were I would write in their names in the rewards sharing feature in chainBB haha anyway
If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email zackza@gmail.com or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....
Follow @Ackza

The train gif is awesome. Still a high quality post @ackza. You be surprised how some of this Simple post roll in big bucks in upvotes!
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that what i mean tho, i wanna keeep my "Wall Clean"" as other whales say, but i also wanna use steemit like acebook or instagram like i use those and i use those freely wthot thining about if my wall is "clean" pr not and i realized hey, the money comes in wether u post high or loq wuality, peopel have to use t heor upvotes up everyday or they basicaly get wasted right? u now canuse em all up at once whch is way more helpfup
BUT I also see that if i just post other peoples content too much without saviing it i wont be able to keeep track of it alll HOWEVER those youtubers arent ven gettng PAID on yooutube! they post these kind of complication videos full of copyrighted popular music and remixes and movie tv clips and they cant monetize it cuz youtube fiins like 10000 diffeent copyright claims inside one video cuz its a compilatio video hahaha
and youtube allows there to be ads but U dont get any mony on it but u stil ggetto keep the video up! honestly youtbe does host a lot of video for free an does give a good service, wats messed up is that they act like they have some egalitarian system where anyone canmake money uploading videos but thats not true anymore and now with steemit we can re monetize videos tat cat be monetized oonyoutube
llike a lot of youbers like Grandaay and succmymemes and StolenmemesforStolenChildren create these meme compilation vids anjust upload every day or week and they dont ver get paid becaue they CANT get paid uz yutube wont let em mobetize those videos! the original cretor would have to give em permission and its just impossible so much copyrigghted content
it shows a failure in that whole copyright intelectual property bullshit
my argument has always been if u CAN free pirate the stuff then u SHOULD eause yeah artists should get paid but why should i HAVE to pay theem JUST to listento a fuckin song or use some software which is just CODE tat ANYONE can freely copy and use like a starving student in america who cant afford photoshop but they can pirate it, What they shouldnt pirate it cuz its "wrong?" even tho they could create WORLD changing art that heelps MILLIONS and they coould eventualy eve BUY photoshop legally AFTER they use the pirated copytro make money and change the WORLD but NOOO u have to BY software cuz blah blah blah the prgrarmers need to get ppaid blah blah bkah
always made me mad and now i can tell people how with Stemit and BITMARK u can use blockchain to claim ownership of nw content so before u release a song u can TAG it with Bitmark or whatever new system will replace bitmark if bitmark doesnt work, but bitmark is cool like Watermark Stenographic Tagging of content before u release it, of course it will lead to many people tagging otehr peopls work as their own, but theyl find a way to make sure Bitmark knows to use youtube and other databases to see if some work has ALREADY been ublic for a while
anyway i would love to make steem off youtubers work to paythe once they join steem! i know some people would abuse this system but i believe we should be monetizing memes, if noone else or just YOUTUBE is monetizing them ffuck WE should monetize them! i would LOVE to take some of the homeless peopel whp get featured in some fo these memes or peopel who have mesed up deformities or are super ffat or all the peopel who we all laugh at, id love too help out some of these peopel who end up getting famous from a meme but never makee ay money and are struggling
ya steemit canmonetize emes and creeate a whole memetic entertainment industry!
now the RIHT peopel wil get paid!!!!!
nyutube the WORST peope succeeed usually! very often the WORST types of pepple succceed and get paychecks to basicaly further their bad videos and they create whole shit channels of hot knives cutting shit! or whatever the new fad is
but with steemit GoOD creators get paid
on youtube ii can FAKE views with bots how do u think taylor swift gets billions of views, her FANS use view bots!
and ya youtubers sit there and have whole armiees of people using view bots, anyone can do it, its so easy they have chrome plugins to just sit there and fake vies by refrehsing the page over and over and youtube cant stop it!
al of yputube is a scam this way!!!!!!! theres no BLOCKCHAInverification of each like or view!!!!!!!!!!
think aout how mucch of a SCAM youtube is npow!!!! same with facebook and instagram etc!!!
with steemit u KNOW a REAL steemit account upvoted your story and sent you REAL steem cuz u cant just FAKE a view! yeah we allso have a view count but noone looks at that! it isnt a metric by which we get paid like fuckin youtube and its Bots that ALSO click ads and shit!
we dont eevenHAVE ads and we all get paid morethan redit Which DOES have ads (yeah some peopel make money off reddit like reddit corpoerate staff and ceo etc AND the people whp make money off the ad AND some users monetize reeddit using it to sell stuff but instagram and facebook is moe liike that
but yah u see how if a bot is setup to view a youtube vieo AND click its ads it will fuckin make that person so much money cu its all about how many peope watch teh ads and CLICK them! THATSthe whole metric by which uoutubers get paid and fans of some youtubers are smart enough to actualy watch the videos over anover, click the ads too and even some bbuy the stuff in the ads if they can just to help their fans!
some peopel do that themselves and click their own ads, u sn HURt someone by clicking their ads too
Youtube is one big fraudulent website propped up by ad money AND the federal government NSA Darpa SEIE shit haha InQTel operation (CIA company that creates private startups using government funded reearch and technology dervied from the publlic sector)
dude fuckin youtube is a huge scam and steemit HAS to have verified users actually upvotng giving u money, no bullshit ad and view count scams
steemit IS blockchainwhich is HUGE and its like we dont even KOW how advanced this technology is!!
I feel liek steemit crators didnt even KNOW the full potential of thebllockchain! they just tjought "ell bitcoineems to be working really well why not a social media onthe blocchain" and they jist made sure to runwith it and its working out because they just cchose a winning FOUNDATIOn
its like people who have cve homes! they might not understand why their hoe is so safebut they just knew instintivly to build a home ina acve, they end up saing on heating AND cooling bills AND their safe from earthquakes etc
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Nice post

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