Dao De Jing (道德經)perface(序言)

in dao •  last month 




  • 道的本體
  • 道的特性
  • 道的用處







The Tao Te Ching includes Lao Tzu's self-preface, as well as what is the Tao, in which the discussion of the Tao includes the ontology of the Tao, the characteristics of the Tao, the usefulness of the Tao, and the discussion of virtue depends on the mood before deciding whether to continue writing.

  1. Taoism
  • The essence of the Tao
  • The characteristics of the Tao
  • The usefulness of the Word


In the eyes of the ancient Chinese sages, the emergence and development of everything and the result were controlled by a pair of hands, and his name Lao Tzu called it Tao. The creation of new things will likewise lead to the creation of newer things, just as the appearance of the steam engine will bring about the appearance of automobiles. If we learn how to build a car, it doesn't mean that we can build a steam engine, but we can build a steam engine, we will build a car, there is a cause and effect relationship, but if everyone else is building a car, but you learn to build a steam engine, then you will fall behind. That is, we know how to make a steam engine, but we have to focus on making cars.

Yin: refers to the hidden side of everything, and also refers to the side that we cannot see directly.
Yang: It refers to the obvious manifestation of things, which corresponds to yin.

Yin contains Yang: It means that things are hidden, and there are also places that are easy for people to discover.
Yang contains Yin: It means that there is also a hidden side of things on the other side of the obvious representation.

Mother and Child: Mother gives birth to a child, just as a thing gives birth to a result. It can be understood as cause and effect.
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What a saint pursues is the cause of all things, and in order to achieve the wonderful world he wants to create, his heart is pure and wise, his actions conform to the laws of the Tao, he can solve people's suffering, and he can use education to make sentient beings understand the meaning of life.

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