There is also a possibility to verify your identity, but that is not fully rolled out feature yet, because for this to work at large scale, I will need some 3rd party verifies. Exchanges are great candidates for this, as some of them like coinbase already require your id and verify your identity.
The contract is currently in the testing phase deployed to the ropsten test network. The frontend is hosted on heroku and you can check it out right here: www.ethtags.space.
You can also check out the development on github.com
I would like to get some feedback from as many people as possible before I deploy the contract to the ethereum main network. I do not want to fund this contract through an ico. There are currently voluntary donations when you set up the contract. Do you think this is a viable business strategy to keep the dapp running? There are some alternative like setting up a small scale ico and selling some shares like a publicly traded company and then paying out dividends to the shareholders, but that would likely mean a fee for verification or setup of a dogtag and I do not want that.
I am looking forward to your feedback.